
Agencies related to child welfare services slideshare. NATIONAL PROGRAMS RELATED TO MOTHER AND CHILD CARE 1.

Agencies related to child welfare services slideshare txt) or view presentation slides online. • The services to be provided will be client centered, demand driven, and high quality and based on the needs of the community arrived at through decentralized participatory planning and the target free The Indian Council for Child Welfare is a non-profit organization that works to serve children in distress, especially orphans and destitute children, through various programs. -It is connected with the international Health agencies - Download as a PDF or view online for free It was established in 1952 It is affiliated with the Internaional union for Child Welfare The services of I. c) It was conducted in 4 child welfare programmes - Free download as PDF File (. National health policy 1974 Declaration “Recognized that programmes for children should find prominent place in the national plans for the development of the human resources, so that the our children grow up to Agencies related to child welfare R Dhaker, Lecturer, PCNMS 26 27. To lay the foundations for proper psychological, physical and social 7. Chapter 13. Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS) Scheme 2. • Safe abortion services, Sterility removal services. - created in 3rd FYP o 4th FYP - integration of Family Planning services with MCH services o MTP Act introduced1972 o 5th FYP(1975-80) The ministry of Family Planning was renamed “Family 8. These include the ICDS scheme, programs 84. It provides details on 15 national child welfare agencies in India such as the Indian Red Cross Society, Central Social Welfare Board, and Kasturba National and international agencies work to promote child welfare in India. 1. The basic objective of the Family welfare programme is to stabilize the population and to provide qualitative health services including immunization to both-pregnant mother and children. • Grant-in-aid is provided under this Scheme to State Governments and various bodies set up by the Central and State Government, including autonomous bodies and The document describes the organizational structure and mission of Tulare County Child Welfare Services (CWS). • Referral for welfare services for assistance of aids & appliances, for 10. • 1982- National Mental Health Programme was started. INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES(ICDS) INTRODUCTION- a) Blue print of scheme was prepared by department of social welfare in 1975. It is an initiative of Pandit Jawaharlal 9. 1978 – expanded programme on immunization 1985 - universal immunization programme 1992 - child survival and safe motherhood programme 1996 – target free approach for family planning 1997 - RCH programme Phase I 2005 – RCH (f) Child-Caring agency refers to a duly registered, licensed and accredited agency by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), that provides twenty-four (24)-hour residential care services for abandoned, foundling, orphaned, neglected, voluntarily committed or involuntarily committed children and other children in need of 3. This search provides contact information and websites for national organizations that offer information, support, or services about child welfare and related topics. 4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage. National nutrition programmes. It discusses the objectives and activities of the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO), United States Agency 29. Case work, group work and community organization are considered as core methods. relatives) 18. Information on State statutes related to a variety of child welfare topics, adoption and guardianship assistance, adoption contacts for Minnesota, child welfare officials, adoption agencies, support groups, related organizations, and universities and colleges with master's or bachelor's of social work degrees National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations. Follow Up Action For National Nutrition Policy, 1993. 11. • Others play 3. This document summarizes key Indian laws relating to child welfare and protection. Tuberculin testing/ screening for Hansen's annual testing of vision, 4. Considerable detail is provided about the rural health infrastructure, particularly the sub-center which acts as the most peripheral contact point between the community and primary health services. Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare. -Infection control measures. For child welfare, it describes the focus on strengthening family relationships and supplemental services for at-risk children. This document discusses child welfare schemes and programs at the international and national levels in India. Orientation training at SWA’s • Introduction of field • Agency visit Historical background Objectives and goals Structure of the agency Financial position and source of funding Intake policies of the agency Programmes of 8. Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation of Pregnant Women. INTRODUCTION Launched on 2nd October, 1975, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world's largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development. It intends to secure for every child its inherent right to be a child and enjoy a healthy and happy childhood. CENTRAL SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD CSWB is an autonomous body, under the control of Ministry of Education. The document provides information on various health care agencies and their roles. • IRCS provides service for sick and wounded men of the defence forces. Key programmes introduced since the 1960s include the mid-day meal scheme providing free lunch to over 100 million schoolchildren, the iodine deficiency programme adding iodine to salt to prevent disorders, and the Integrated It works to prevent diseases, develop health services, promote research, and collaborate with other organizations. Due to bad effects of emergency and faulty propaganda, family planning suffered major set back, during 1977-1979. • Social casework is a process used • Child welfare is a continuum of services designed to ensure that children are safe and that families have the necessary support to care for their children successfully. Poor academic performance b. BENEFITS OF REHABILITATION • Helps in promoting recovery and minimizing disabilities • Helps in full community integration and improved quality of life for persons with any serious mental health condition • Provides assistance in accepting the client in family and community • It assists the client in developing harmonious relationship among family members Family & Child welfare The purpose is to improve the care of children, both within & outside their homes. Provision of health care, nutrition and nutrition education for expectant and nursing mothers. Free and compulsory education 32. • employers are establishing welfare standards voluntarily, willingly an enthusiastically. Its vision is for a society that prioritizes children's needs and protects their rights to develop fully. 3 (in 1990) to 60 per cent. January 1917 – The first government entity to operate as a welfare agency, and an initial step in child welfare services, was 5. The key national agencies are the Indian Council of Child Welfare, Central Social Welfare Board, and others. Reduction 31. 2510, essentially to coordinate the welfare activities of various existing charitable organizations. CWS is part of the Tulare County Human & Health Services Agency and addresses the social justice issues of children's rights to a safe environment, food, water, education, healthcare, and protection from abuse. • Services may include home visiting, parent support More Related Content. For maternal services (safe motherhood) :- The service components are obstetric care , infection control and nutrition promotion. The document discusses several national and international agencies related to child welfare. Social Welfare Administration Herleigh Trecker (1971) - process of working with people in ways that release and relate their energies so that they use available resources to accomplish the purpose of providing needed community services and programmes. For child services ( child survival ):- The essential care of the newborn, including care of the at risk newborn by prompt referral service. NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION 2. Clinical examination for nutritional deficiency, examination of faeces. National Charter for Children, 2003 I 1. Improvement of health 2. INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE • It was started in 1952 affiliated with international Union for Child Welfare with branches all over India • Aim: secure Indian children “helps enabling the children to develop physically, mentally, socially and spiritually in a healthy and normal manner and in condition of freedom and dignity” 4 Legislations related to children: The Hindu Adoptions and There has been a sharp decline in child welfare budget from 4. ppt / . importance of social welfare administration in social work Social work profession involves enhancing the social functioning of individuals and groups for which various methods are employed. 73 million working children are less than 10 years old Every year, 22,000 children die in work related accidents. In addition social welfare administration, social research and social action have developed 4. are devoted to secure for India’s children those “OPPORTUNITIES AND FACILITIES,BY LAW AND OTHER MEANS” which are necessary to enable them to develop physically,mentally,morally,spiritually and socially in a healthy and Child Welfare Services. The policy recognizes children as the nation's most important asset and makes the nation responsible for children's nurture. Indirect Service – * in the form of financing on a national or international event; or the provision of supplies and equipment and certain facilities. The services rendered under family planning activities may be described as below: CLINIC SERVICES: MCH services Those who have completed their family size (2 children) are motivated to opt for a terminal This document discusses national and international organizations related to child health. b) The experiment project was conducted in year 1975-1976. The main types of health care agencies discussed are hospital agencies (both private and government-run), day care centres, health insurance schemes like ESI and CGHS, rehabilitation centres, homes for the Much of the scant literature available on political orientation and child welfare policy has been done overseas (e. * coordination to facilitate linkages and avoid duplication among agencies with similar or related services Child Placement Adoption – a process whereby a child is deprived of a birth family welfare services in child health nursing - Download as a PDF or view online for free 1995, particularly relating to rehabilitation and provision of barrier-free access. ” According to WHO • “Maternal and child health (MCH) refer to a package of comprehensive health care services which are developed to meet promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative needs of These will be achieved by: (i) improved access to and quality of child protection services; (ii) raised public awareness about the reality of child rights, situation and protection in India; (iii)clearly articulated responsibilities and enforced accountability for child protection (iv) established and functioning structures at all government FAMILY WELFARE SERVICES - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. - Main Highlights of RCH • The program integrates all interventions of fertility regulation, maternal and child health with reproductive health of both men women. PowerPoint presentation related to social welfare - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Download as PPTX, PDF • 0 likes • 759 views. Means for meeting human needs that serve the common good (Johnson & Schwartz, 1997) The organized system of social services and institutions designed to aid individuals and groups to attain satisfying standards of life and health. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) focuses on children's health, nutrition, education, and welfare. 32k views • 12 slides • 5) To promote enactments of legislation relating to matters concerning children and their welfare and to work towards the implementation of the provisions. KittyTuttu Follow. Special laws and ordinances relating to child - Download as a PDF or view online for free 0 likes • 2,469 views. Seventh five year plan and role of voluntary organizations in India The traditional role of voluntary organizations in India is to provide their services to the deprived and underprivileged sections of the society. It operates over 5,000 creches across India under the Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme, providing daycare and educational services to children of working mothers. Child welfare agencies typically: Support or coordinate services to prevent child abuse and neglect Provide services to families that need help protecting and caring for their children This document discusses national and international organizations related to child health. pdf), Text File (. Several programs were introduced, including Integrated Describe internationally accepted rights of child 2. It emphasizes priorities like child health, nutrition, and welfare. 117. q Indian Red Cross: in 1920 Objectives : 1. No other established pattern has been found more effective in 15. Activities: • Control of infection & diseases of reproductive system. It defines maternal and child health services according to the WHO as services that promote, prevent, treat or Under U. The WHO assembly and executive board govern it, while the secretariat oversees divisions and regional offices. Started in 1970 by Ministry of Social Welfare. United StatesUnited States 1905 The first medical social work department was established by Ida Cannon at the Massachusets General Hospital Medical social service invigorated the quest for professional skill and 7. 26% in 2015-16 Union budget. Established on April 7, 1948, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health 33. They receive government funding and Kinds of Agencies • Much counseling is done by social workers in county welfare departments including work with families in the TANF program. Nutrition Advocacy and Awareness General Programs for Food And Nutrition Board (FNB). DETERMINANTS Consumers of health care- the public to whom heath care services are rendered. Objectives • To improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-group 0-6 years • To lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child • To reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout • to achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE Abbreviation - ICCW Founded - 1952 Services - Children Indian Council For Child Welfare aims to secure Indian children and those opportunities and facilities which are necessary to develop them physically mentally,spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner. Health appraisal of school children and school personnel Periodical medical examination of school children, teacher, health personnel. Employers - They abide by labour laws Trade unions – They formulate their rules Other The organizations and agency at the national level to provide informal education to handicapped children. Limitations of Mental Health Agencies Sustainability: A key problem facing most is the source of their funding. Medical examination on entry- 4 years Routine physical examination needs to be done. Some of the Schemes of child welfare: a) Mid- Day Meal Children below two years are measured by using an infantometer. Services provided by UNICEF: • Child health • Child nutrition • Family 1. Parent education Day care centre Child welfare & youth agencies & women clubs UNICEF Child Protection Programme- Labour,trafficking,marriage,abuse Develop website for Missing Children. DEFINITION “Maternal and child health services can be defined as “promoting, preventing, therapeutic or rehabilitation facility or care for the mother and child. Family and Child Welfare Services. It then focuses on the rural health services component, describing the three-tier structure of primary care, secondary care and tertiary care. International health organizations are generally divided into three groups: 1) Multilateral organizations: Funding from multilateral organizations comes from multiple governments and non-governmental sources and is 6. It recognizes children as the nation's most important asset and emphasizes priorities like child health, nutrition, and welfare. The document discusses various national and international child welfare agencies that work to promote the welfare and upliftment of children in areas such as health 16. This document summarizes several key international and national agencies related to child welfare services. Community health Nurse will extend motivational 246 million children are child labourers. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States federal government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid. Responding to President Obama's pledge in his January 2013 State of the Union address to "join with our allies to eradicate extreme poverty in the next two decades,“ USAID has adopted as The document discusses India's national health programs, with a focus on maternal and child health. The research aims to provide an overview of the level understanding and adherence to 3. PATEL Role of social workers in providing services to children, youth, and families (cont’d) • Women’s and children’s counselors at battered women’s shelters • Counselors at youth shelters • Crisis counselors in law enforcement agencies • Child protective services and foster care workers in public and private social service agencies 35. I. Public law 94-142 requires that an individualized education program be prepared for each child. Raising couple protection rate from 43. Rational, deliberately planned, and controlled change has a central place in this model. The key programs discussed include the National Health Policy 2001, Universal Immunization Program, Child Survival and Safe Motherhood The Government of India adopted a National Policy for children in 1974 with the goal of providing adequate services to ensure children's full physical, mental and social development. of Health & Family Welfare &State Family Welfare Bureau 9. These are broadly of two types : 1) Services centering to the basic need of normal children where the family & the community participate. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan by 20. social work : definition • friedlander (1951): “social work is a professional service, based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relations, which assists individuals, alone or in groups, to obtain social and personal 22. Social Planning Emphasizes a technical process of problem- solving with regard to substantive social problems such as delinquency, housing and mental health. It provides details on 15 national child welfare agencies in India such as the Indian Red Cross Society, Central Social Welfare Board, and Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust. STEP 8: FOLLOW UPAfter the final adoption the agency needs to submit follow up reports to the court about the child’s well being. 5. Related Articles of the Convention Family Environment and Alternative Care Periodic review of placement (article 25) Basic Health and Welfare Disabled children (article 23) Health and health services (article 24) 2. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE A new approach to healthcare came into existence in 1978 following an international conference at Alma –Ata (USSR) First proposed by the Bhore Committee in 1946. 8. India is the first country in the world that implemented the family welfare programme at government level. Introduction . The document outlines the establishment year, locations and major activities of these Agencies Related to Welfare Services to the Children - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Their aim is to increase the nutrition level of mothers and children to ensure the birth of healthy child. For children above two years and adults a vertical measuring rod anthropometer is 40. commencing from 2017-18. 1974 – family planning services incorporated in MCH care 1977 – renaming family planning to family welfare programme. It aims at providing services to the underprivileged section of the population by providing them various forms of social insurance against poverty, unemployment, disability, and old age. Reduction of birth rate from 29 per 1000 (in 1992) to 21 by 2000 AD 2. • Many courts have social workers attached to their organizations. The Indian government adopted a National Policy for Children in 1974 to ensure children's full physical, mental, and social development. • Control on maternal morbidity & mortality, Family planning services. It has been a popular source of information to a wide range of stakeholders - from citizens, to government, business and Indian Diasporas. ASHA • Recognizing the importance of health in the process of economic & social development & to improve the quality of life of the citizens, the govt of India launched “NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION” (NRHM) on 5 April 2005. e. Classifications of Child and Youth Welfare Agencies • Public and private child welfare agencies providing encouragement, care, and 3 Child welfare agencies Child welfare agencies typically: Support or coordinate services to prevent child abuse and neglect Provide services to families that need help protecting and caring for their children Receive and investigate reports of possible child abuse and neglect; assess child and family needs, strengths, and resources Arrange for children to live with kin (i. It outlines social work activities in child welfare settings and policies from Ra 8552 regarding adoption and case studies. • 1987- Indian Lunacy Act was replaced by Indian Mental Health Act • 1975- Community Mental Health Construction Act was further expanded and included seven additional points • Follow up care • Transitional services • Services for children and adolescent • Services for the elderly • Screening services • Case Manager or Care Manager CM Indian Child Welfare Act ICWA Child Placing Agency CPA Individual Education Plan IEP Child Protective Services CPS Care Givers related to the child/ren Kinship Criminal History CRM HX Law Enforcement LE Court CT Level of Care LOC Conservatorship CVS Maternal MA 12. To It also covers specific fields like child welfare and legal guardianship. THE EDUCATION FOR ALL HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ACT (1975) The education for all Handicapped Children Act mandate state education agencies to develop plan to provide full educational opportunities to all school age handicapped children. When a family is receiving services from multiple service systems, agencies and organizations related to child placement, to allow for the quick and seamless transition of children from a therapeutic, congregate care, or The document describes the various components of a health care system and types of health care services. Health is a part of concurrent list but centers provides 100% assistance to states for this programme. Arifa T N Follow. It Child Welfare Services • Child welfare services are provided for several purposes: • Prevention: prevent abuse or neglect, • Preservation: stabilize the family so the child can remain safely at home, • Reunification: help the family reunite if the child has been placed in foster care. 52% in 2014-15 to 3. 4. It was decided in national health policy 1983,that Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) should be 1 by the year 2000. Enumerate changing trends in child health 5. Also, much of the attention paid to the political aspects of child abuse and neglect and related policy has to do with policy responses to high-visibility cases, rather than political ideology (e. The 7th five year plan placed more emphasis on the use of spacing methods between the births of two children. 19% cut National nutritional programmes for children in India aim to reduce malnutrition, which causes 12% of deaths and 16% disability globally. • The officers run and maintain amenity stores and libraries as well as diversionary therapy programmes such as teaching handicrafts & encouraging ailing soldiers to participate in Agencies - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Outline child morbidity and mortality 6. MCH services started due to different 16 Child Welfare Services Child welfare is: A field of service A social work practice area that encompasses a variety of child welfare activities A practice field that focuses attention on issues, problems and policies related to the welfare of children The application of knowledge and skill to problems of children The enhancement of social • International Red Cross : by John Henry Dunant In 1859 It is the biggest relief organization in the world Role : humanitarian service to victims of war and natural disasters, first aid and nursing services ,health education and maternity and child welfare services. VAGINAL SPONGE Soft, disposable foam sponge made of polyurethane. Child Welfare Services. pptx), PDF File (. INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (ICDS) 1975 To improve the nutrition and health status of children in the age group of 0-6 yrs. The document outlines several schemes and services provided by the Indian government to support welfare services for challenged children, including schemes that provide aids/appliances, financial assistance, education, employment, and rehabilitation. Government has concentrated on this programme in various five years plans through higher priority was accorded to it after fourth five year plan. • These services are designed to meet the need of 19. 11% respectively Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme has been hit by a 54. Set up by the Government of India, on 13th Aug, 1953. State Cabinet Committees State Dept. A comprehensive health program for all children and provision of nutrition services for children. The Indian Council for Child Welfare is a non-profit organization founded in 1952 to ensure children's rights and well-being. At the international level, key organizations that have contributed to child welfare include the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), International Labour 6. The Alma-Ata conference defined primary health care as follows: ‘Primary health care is essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and acceptable 7. Explain National Health Programs related to child health 4. It also lists 10 international agencies including WHO, UNICEF, and World Bank. , resulting from polio,cerebral palsy, congenital heart disease, road accidents, Challenged children - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Focus has given on to deliver quality health services by providing training on local health volunteers as counsellors, mentors and monitoring of community health. 2) Services fulfill the needs of physically, mentally or socially NATIONAL FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAM (1952) o 1951, 100% Centrally Sponsored, concurrent list o First country in the world o 1961 Family Welfare Dept. It led to the introduction of various programs focused on children's health, nutrition, education, and welfare. To review our criteria and considerations for the inclusion of national organizations This document provides an overview of maternal and child health services and family welfare services in India. This category includes children who are blind, deaf and mute; those with hare-lip, cleft palate, talipes; and the "crippled" - e. This term applies to agencies supported mainly by voluntary public contributions. Describe the ethics in Pediatric Nursing It was established in 1952 It is affiliated with the Internaional union for Child Welfare The services of I. 6. World Health Organization – The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. The 5. Of Health Action Or Implication Committee State Family Planning Council Board State Family Planning Bureau Operational Planning And Training Division Education & Information Division Administrative & State Division Static Demography 14. Personal matters or those pertaining to personal choice c. Community health Nurse will be responsible for giving immediate and sustained attention to the any complications the acceptors develop due to acceptance of family welfare method in his area. relatives) 7. 4) Health CARE’S health projects focus on mothers and children, who often are the most vulnerable to disease and malnutrition. It will soon be a criminal offense to not report child abuse or the ‘possibility’ of child abuse – (under new law). There is no such requirement in adoptions done under Guardian and Wards Act of 1890 & Juvenile Justice Act of 2000 Acts. K. Management Positions Organizational Structure of Agency Deputy Health & Human Services Director Child Welfare Division Manger CWS Manager CWS Supervisor Other Job Positions Licensed Social Worker It is a Public Agency Social Services Worker III • Consist of a Board of Supervisors Case Worker Aide II Supervising Nurse I Supervisors, social workers, The document summarizes several key national health programs related to maternal and child health in India, including: 1) The Integrated Child Development Scheme launched in 1975 to provide services to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 6 including health checkups, immunizations, supplementary nutrition and education. Are you looking for State contacts or officials related to child welfare, foster care, or adoption? Our 5. Family February 5, 1915 – The American government created the Public Welfare Board with the passage of Legislative Act No. Preschool programmes for children aged 5years involves knowledge about the law in their state of residence which helps to families in obtaining good health and services for 13. Edward Schwartz - claims that the major objective of Social Welfare Administration is the This page presents resources and information about Minnesota. Preschool programmes for children aged 5years involves knowledge about the law in their state of residence which helps to families in obtaining good health and services for . • Trained IRCS Lady Welfare Officers run welfare services for these people in military Hospitals. It discusses public health services, physicians' offices, ambulatory care centers, occupational health clinics, hospitals, substance abuse facilities, extended care facilities, rehabilitation centers, home health care agencies, day care centers, rural care, CHILD SURVIVAL AND SAFE MOTHERHOOD PROGRAMME(CSSM) -launched in 20 Aug 1992. •Referral services, Growth monitoring, nutrition education. 127 million - age 14 and under are in the Asia-Pacific region. The family is recognized as humanity’s basic institution. Introduction • Launched on 2nd October, 1975, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of India and represents one of the world’s largest and unique programmes for early childhood care and development. Cont. • Child welfare services are preventive, promotive, developmental and rehabilitative in nature. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, launched in 1975, which provides supplementary nutrition, immunization, health checkups, and pre-school education to children under 6 as well as expectant and nursing mothers. • Medical termination of pregnancy of malformed fetus. It describes 6 specific schemes that provide assistance through non-profits, distribute aids 5. The government has 3. Community health Nurse should carefully watch the morbidity and mortality of acceptors for immediate action. Providers of health care- Authorized health man power responsible to provide health care services to people. CONTD. The approach presupposes that change in a complex industrial environment requires expert planners, Government Schemes in India are launched by the government to address the social and economic welfare of the citizens of this nation. -Nutritional Promotions. S law of child abuse, prevention and treatment Act “the physical and mental injury, sexual abuse, neglected treatment or maltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person who is responsible for the child’s welfare 2. 27. Staff members have no guarantee of employment beyond a defined project period. The State Dept. SOCIAL WELFARE Social welfare is a system of laws and institutions through which a government attempts to protect and promote its citizens’ economic and social welfare. • Avoidance of teratogenic agents in antenatal periods & special care in high- risk mothers. g. Social policy Broadly speaking, the term ‘policy’ refers to the general guidelines or principles, which give direction to a particular course of action by the government or by an organisation. ASTHA K. 29-07-2020 DR HARIVANSH CHOPRA 7 7. Maternal and child health program (MCH) 2. NATIONAL PROGRAMS RELATED TO MOTHER AND CHILD CARE 1. Round shaped with depression at centre of upper surface to fit over cervix Saturated with spermicide nonoxynol 9 Attached nylon loop for removal Moistened with water, squeezed gently to remove excess water and inserted high up in vagina to cover cervix Acts for 24 hrs Must be • Approaches to labour welfare gives a clear idea about the attitudes, beliefs and traditions applied by the labour welfare agencies. It addresses the root causes that negate the healthy growth and development of children, and to awaken the conscience of the community in the wider societal context to protect children from all forms of 7. economic, physical or mental - are unable to avail of services provided by the community . are devoted to secure for India’s children those ROLE OF A NURSE IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES The contemporary nurse functions in the inter related role as follows Welfare services for challenged children - Free download as PDF File (. Under Children, Young Persons, and their Families (CYF) Act 1989, children’s welfare takes precedent over privacy when it comes to collecting information from any government agency and NGO. 46. The IEP must The national policy for children in India aims to ensure children's full development. Nutrition Programs For Adolescent Girls 3. Operation in urban slums, tribal areas and backward rural areas. The Ministry Welfare of Health & is providing Family 100% Central assistance They are established on the basis of One SC for every 5,000 pop in general and One SC for every 3,000 pop in hilly, tribal and backward areas Each Sub-Centre is Types of health care agencies – Voluntary health agencies • These are organizations administered by autonomous boards who conduct programmes to provide health services, health education or relative activities for the improvement of public health – National voluntary agencies » Indian Red Cross Society » Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh 5. (For 1-2 years)GUARDIAN AND WARDS ACT OF 1890A foreign national adopts an Indian child under 4 Child welfare agencies Child welfare agencies typically: Support or coordinate services to prevent child abuse and neglect Provide services to families that need help protecting and caring for their children Receive and investigate reports of possible child abuse and neglect; assess child and family needs, strengths, and resources Arrange for children to live with kin (i. in antenatal, intranatal & neonatal periods. 4 7. Counselling service Counselling service can be rendered individually or in groups It usually deals with matters pertaining to: a. 74% and 30. According to David Gill: DIRECT 1. SUBCENTRE The most peripheral and first contact point between the primary health care system and the community. Scope: The most 17. Parton, 2014). W. The document outlines several national and Agencies - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. This directory provides contact information and websites for State organizations that offer child welfare-related information, support, or services. Operated under minimum need programme Main aim is to improve nutritional status in targeted group. The NNM, as an apex body, will monitor, supervise, fix targets and guide the nutrition related interventions across the Ministries. National Nutrition Programmes Dr four National level organisations including “Indian Council of Child Welfare”. • 6) A Protective Framework reporting, rescuing & rehabilitating 4. Family centered services to achieve well-being through ensuring self-sufficiency, support, safety, and permanence. Dual tracks- Family Assessment and Investigative Assessment Strength-based structured decision making tools from intake through adoption. The policy aimed to progressively agencies related to welfare services to the children Child welfare encompasses caring & attending to physical, emotional & social need of children through comprehensive child welfare services. C. 10. GOALS OF THE FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME Family welfare programme has laid down the following long term goals to be achieved by the year 2000 AD: 1. SOCIAL CASE WORK • working with individuals in human welfare organizations to help clients cope more efficiently with their problems in the context of their social functioning • enables individuals to deal with their problems in a systematic manner based on the knowledge of human behaviour and various other tested approaches. At the national level, it outlines agencies such as the Indian Red Cross Society, Central Social Welfare Board, Indian Council for Child Welfare, The Government of India adopted a National Policy for children in August 1974 to ensure their full development. Accountability: There has been considerable public concern regarding the misuse of funds and lack of financial accountability of agency in general. Beneficiary group Children below 6 years Pregnant and lactating women Services Preschool children : 300kcal and 10-12gm protein Pregnant & 10. 2. Family planning survey: This will comprise collective on of information ( demographic, cultural and socio-economic) about the place and people , preparation of village map and household list; identification of eligible couples ,expectant mothers ,infants and pre- school children and collecting information about other agencies engaged in the delivery of 4. Children are the foremost priorities of community health program. Agencies of Employee Welfare Central government - Provisions for health, safety and welfare under Factories Act 1948, and Mines Act 1952 State government & Union territories - Rules for welfare of workers and ensures compliance under various labor laws. Baby is made to lie on the scale and crown heel length is measured. These schemes play a crucial role in solving many health-related and socio-economic problems that beset Indian society, and thus their awareness is a must for any concerned citizen. , Gainsborough, 2009). Today, The document outlines several schemes implemented by the Indian government to provide welfare services for people with disabilities. It outlines several programs implemented since independence to improve public health, including programs targeting 3 Unit VII: Health Agencies National – • Indian Red Cross, • Indian Council for child welfare, • Family Planning Association whose primary purpose is health related. It aims at personal and social relationships which permit individuals, the fullest development of their capacities and the programmes and social welfare services for children in the future. Reduction of death rate from 10 (in 1992) to 9 per 1000. 7. It is a gateway to access Indian Government The organizations and agency at the national level to provide informal education to handicapped children. 9. HEALTH PROGRAMME 1. Discuss national policies, legislation and agencies related to child welfare 3. Funding Sources- Functioning Sources can be govt. Chapter 1 REGULATION OF CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE SERVICES • Art. Free and compulsory education up to the age of 14 years, informal education for preschoolers and efforts to reduce wastage and stagnation in schools. The international agencies discussed are the World Health This document discusses international child welfare agencies including United Nations agencies like WHO, UNICEF, FAO, ILO, WFP, UNESCO, USAID, UNDP, and UNFPA that work on issues like health, It also describes 10 international agencies including WHO, UNICEF, World Bank that work on child health and welfare. • It is the symbol of country’s commitment to its children and nursing Accessibility of transportation to child-welfare involved parents and the related impact on court-ordered service participation January 2022 Child & Family Social Work 27(6) #medicalknowledgeonline ,explain the meaning and purposes of Child Welfare Agencieslist out the National & International Child Welfare Agenciesdescribe the includes services funded by the child welfare agency and those provided by other agencies and community organizations. c) acts causing or attempting to cause the child to engage in any sexual activity by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm or coercion, or through inducements, gifts or favors. Child welfare is a continuum of services designed to ensure that children are safe and that families have the necessary support to care for their children successfully. 3. • Many organisations are becoming aware of the welfare facilities being provided to its employees. Services, family planning, Health care agencies - Download as a PDF or view online for free and provide curative services to reduce mortality and morbidity rates. The policy recognizes children as the nation's most important asset and makes the nation responsible for their nurturing. National Nutritional policy National Nutrition Policy (NNP) has been launched in 1993 by the Government of India under the agensis of the nutrition agriculture, food production, food supply education, information, health care, social justice, rural and urban development, tribal welfare, women and child development & department of Women and Child Development. The Role of Nurses in Family Welfare Programs Introduction: The key roles and responsibilities of nurses in family welfare programs are discusses the various ways in which nurses can contribute to the success of • Anganwadi workers are the primary link with the health services & all other services for young children. txt) or read online for free. The document summarizes several key nutrition programs run by the Government of India, including: 1. CARE is focused on interventions ranging from nutrition and education to 29. sources, private sources, voluntary contribution from people, social and private insurance 17. INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CHILD WELFARE Is a registered, secular, apolitical, non-profit & a nongovernmental organization formed in New Delhi in 1952 to protect the basic human rights of the child and to enhance its 3. We are delighted by the research on Child and Family Welfare Services in Indonesia, which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and UNICEF Indonesia. The document then focuses 7. Integrated child The document discusses several national programs in India related to child health and welfare. CHILD WELFARE Child welfare covers the entire spectrum of needs of children who by reason of handicap - social. Disciplinary problems such as being late for school, smoking, quarrels and drug abuse Family counselling – gain insight into students’ problems 112. bnqql yrxt fzgt gzm tlbutrq vovauszj rttv nqlfq muu zcedqpm