Safari focus outline not working. Take a look at this page for more info.

Safari focus outline not working I simplified so much the case to find the problem. This problem may be specific to MacOS with Chrome. Jun 23, 2024 · I'm using htaccess to redirect my url from mydomaincom/index. People may use external inputs (i. Oct 5, 2011 · The box-shadow is displayed but as soon as the element gets focus the shadow vanishes completely. custom-radio:focus + label:before { outline: 1px solid black; outline: 1px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; } The outline:0 1px solid black; gives a default outline when the label is clicked. The weird thing is that both shadow-outline and Dec 21, 2023 · The<a> tag doesn't seem to get the :focus pseudo-class applied when clicked on Safari. It is working file in Firefox and Chrome but not in Safari. My mobile-menu is supposed to wrap or unwrap based on the click on "hamburger" icon. However, if I click "Submit" it will show "This field is mandatory". The draw back of this approach is that a user is not getting a Nov 21, 2017 · As it was suggested above, pseudo elements don't work well with inputs, however, it would be a good idea to wrap the checkbox inside the label - it is w3c valid, so that it works as intended, and you don't have to use the for tag for the label, nor use id for the input checkbox. I've added a couple of screenshots for reference. 4 days ago · However, the border outline in IE Edge is outside the box, not being able to see the white outline since it matches the white background. 0. Why jQuery . css file of the skin I'm using; The main CSS file of the actual page Jan 12, 2022 · I'm still encountering this issue on an iPad running iOS 15. focus() in web for iPhone. 5). a { &:focus { outline-color: red; } } when I do this. I am using the latest version of chrome, firefox, and safari to test this out. Can't enable focus selector with anchors in css in Safari. This includes hover and focus states for mouse and keyboard as well as touch states. 162 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. I expect this in the Safari and iOS phones same as Chrome: But get this result: My codes: Nov 8, 2024 · Here, the button will only show a blue outline when focused through keyboard navigation or another input method that usually requires visible focus indicators. For it to work, instead of outline-none as base we need to focus-visible:outline. It's important to note I do have the accessibility feature turned on in Safari to allow focus on each item when tabbed through, and it DID display the outline on all appropriate items not more than a week ago. 3 ":focus" pseudoclass is not working in Chrome. Tried other browsers they all behave differently. Thread Starter florianw7 (@florianw7) 2 Jan 12, 2025 · Works in FF, not in Chrome or Safari. Apr 15, 2014 · If you want the border-radius on the browser default focus outline you can do it only on firefox with -moz-outline-border:5px;, but this will only work on FF, however the request to implement a similar feature in WebKit was Nov 6, 2017 · css focus not working in safari and chrome. border) when focusing interactive elements. php to mydomaincom/ and found that my nav didn't work in Safari since my href addresses where index. Jun 3, 2010 · Try this this works for firefox,ie some truble with padding but works with background image. Please see my question regarding focus outline for links with divs inside for examples: Custom focus outline for links with div inside Dec 11, 2024 · I found a workaround that might work for you. The field is not getting focused and the keyboard is not shown on my iPhone. For testing purposes and to show you guys the problem I Mar 22, 2011 · I just found a great solution for this, and after looking at all the responses so far, I haven't seen it posted yet. And it works fine on div[tabindex] element, but don't work on button or input:button element. If you remove the (typically by default provided) outline, make sure to set an alternative style (e. focus(); This works just fine on every Desktop whatsoever. But adding other properties like font-size would trigger a repaint, with all transitions Oct 24, 2011 · Other posters have already explained why the :focus pseudo class is insufficient, but finally there is a CSS-based standard solution. Sep 22, 2021 · I want to apply styling to my element when I'm focus it using my keyboard or when focused programatically using HTMLElement. Mar 20, 2018 · We use a third-party styling library that removes focus styles from all focus-able elements, like this::focus { outline: 0; } This is shitty for accessibility, but we're not in any position to remove or fork the library. Try to use the actual DOM methods like document. Does anyone knows how stop this from happening? Thanks, Jorge Lainfiesta Sep 22, 2009 · Before you do that, keep in mind that the focus outline is an accessibility and usability feature; it clues the user into what element is currently focused, and a lot of users depend on it. a { &:focus { outline: red solid 2px; } } the color of the outline will change but I loose all the other styling (rounded corners and the fade), I have tried different options with outline, outline-color, outline-style. – Feb 12, 2013 · I am trying to use the outline since it is supposed to not alter the size of the element (ie. But, no outline appears. Jan 17, 2025 · . How can I target IE edge to give the border outline a black color, only for IE edge. It works fine in all other browsers, but for some reason items with a background color will not display the outline when keyboard tabbed to. In your codepen you set the outline: none so nothing happens when you click into it. On Macs -webkit-focus-ring-color is blue rgb(94, 158, 214) (or #5E9ED6), but on Windows and Linux it’s gold rgb(229, 151, 0) (or #E59700) (). Another one is to attach click event on document as here Dec 6, 2024 · This will work fine. The developers dutifully submitted bugs against Webkit and were waiting for help. 156 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. focusout() with the same results. Apr 26, 2024 · When using Safari, Setting an outline in CSS causes issues for selectable elements where the outline dynamically changes. 7. How to fix this? May 31, 2018 · :focus { outline: black dotted 1px; } But I've noticed that if I try to customize the focus outline by using CSS, the look of it is changed but so is the behavior in some cases. Not entirely sure, but I think this may be due to those 3 browsers re-issuing a focus event even though the field already has focus thus never allowing you to actually insert the cursor (since you're selecting it again), Aug 20, 2021 · It is true that when you click on a focusable element it gets infocus as well, but your misconception is that the browsers internally apply the following css:. Cons: Requires spamming spans inside all buttons and links on the website, the Jul 28, 2022 · In this example, the outline is set to be a solid red line, which is 2px wide. If I change the outline-style from "auto" to "solid", the outline-offset works just fine. Mar 15, 2017 · I'm using :focus to color the parent page item on my sidebar accordion drop downs. 0 What Aug 17, 2015 · Your problem is likely that you're not appending a DOM object, you're appending explicit HTML to your page -- and I doubt that Safari is updating the DOM behind the scenes. Nov 20, 2018 · I have an input with a border that changes colour on focus. dropdown{ font-size: 20px; background: white; border:none; position: relative; } In chrome they look perfectly fine. Someone had suggested the use of box-shadow: none to resolve it, which I combined with focus: for when the user interacts with the input tag. However I don't want to get rid of it for people who use keyboard. So your outline: none works totally fine. You should search the issue list and report this if it's not there already. I am running it on Windows 8. Dec 16, 2019 · a { &:focus { outline: auto red; } } also . Try to close the Console tab or select the page by left-clicking on the window. Other than the fact you should use a <button> element for accessibility and so you don't have to worry about tabindex="0" you need to change your CSS selector to be . So, here's what I did: I created a CSS Rule for the class and used a pseudo-class of :focus for that rule. It works well if the user clicks on the div but outside the text. Basically because we need to imperatively handle focus in a lot of cases for accessibility reasons, focus-visible styles are triggered by the browser when you might not want them and there's just literally zero we can do to stop the browser Mar 6, 2011 · The outline property works only on Chrome, not on the Android browser. I had to separate out the focus() and setSelectRange() calls, see above fixed code. Encompassing the key aspects of the `focus:outline-none` not working issue with Apr 20, 2022 · I can tab to the buttons and Developer Tools shows that the button has focus. c May 22, 2018 · doesn't work for me. Same effect happens if you don't set anything in :focus. Similarly, clicking on those elements did not fire Dec 2, 2021 · In safari the focus state is shown on mouse click, ideally the outline would only be shown on keyboard navigation. If I click on either zoom or unzoom the same thing occurs. Behavior: Applies to any element that receives focus, regardless of the input method. It disables the highlight on focus as well as on tapping. I am using scss (sass). The code works fine in Firefox (naturally) and in IE (very surprisingly). calvin. While I understand your desire for consistency, users generally only use one browser, and are used to their browser’s default styles. Improve this answer. I do not know what else to try. It looks like I am targeting the wrong thing, as if I do focus:outline-black, I can see a black outline as well as the Feb 15, 2022 · :focus-within activates when an element within your div is focused. Stack Overflow. Apparently IOS/Safari only "accepts" the focus when inside a touch event handler. Regardless of my code though, the bootstrap example should technically show the blueline after a tab click; the element is focused, and the css for that element shows a styling that suggests it would be outlined in blue. About; Bootstrap button outline not working. jquery trigger focus does not work in chrome. By today, it's impossible to open the keyboard after the timeout. Regarding accessibility, if you TAB through area's I want to change the outline-color to black. Any element which supports keyboard input (such as an input element) should always match :focus-visible when Jul 7, 2024 · Some of the answers here suggest using setTimeout to delay the process of focusing on the target element. Jul 16, 2019 · Hi ! I've been testing your great library and I don't know if you noticed but the focus:shadow-outline class doesn't work in Firefox and Safari but does work in Chromium. I styled them with the css:. If it bothers you that the width will increase when you add a border, use: * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* Safari/Chrome, other WebKit */ -moz-box-sizing: border-box; /* Firefox, other Gecko */ box Oct 18, 2013 · The problem is that, while this code work fine in any browser I have test, doesn't work in Safari. Click here to see it. search'). It does work on Desktop-Safari. The border is the the thing you see right there. Of course the alternative has to be accessible, which may or may not be the case for box-shadow (check the contrast, have color blindness in mind, check if it’s May 16, 2016 · The properties that can be set, are (in order): outline-color, outline-style, outline-width. . Jun 8, 2010 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. The focus ring is required, as per WCAG, so that sighted keyboard users know where the focus is currently located as they tab through the page. Having no :focus style is bad. focus() inside it. Bootstrap also sets a border around it so if you Oct 16, 2020 · I think the focus ring hiding on click is pretty appropriate as a progressive enhancement, and as such this css would be a good solution even with minimal support. I am trying to show an outline and also change the color of anchor . If one of the values above are missing, e. I can't seem to compartmentalize it in a fiddle. Edit: To improve the answer, onsubmit itself needs to return false, so openPop returning false is not enough. createElement() to append your input to the DOM, as described in a number of places (such as here or here or here), and then see if the Safari Apr 29, 2012 · If anyone has figured out how to remove the outline that Chrome & Safari add on focus to a textarea, specifically in ckeditor, I'd love to hear it. Jul 10, 2024 · Safari's approach to focus is that it will only work within the same event loop. But I’ve seen some designs which actually removed it. It is working, although two focus events are detected each time Safari is Jan 31, 2018 · Yea buddy, that worked! Thanks for the help. Offset Outline with Native Defaults . It will work also on iPad by removing this attribute. if you What version of Tailwind CSS are you using? 2. – DanteVoronoi. This works on chrome, firefox, ie but not on safari. Feb 24, 2015 · An anchor tag without a href attribute can not receive focus (at least in Chrome, but I think it is standard behaviour). The tabindex for the first textbox is 1000, the first button is 1001 and the second button is 1002. How can I target safari to remove the default outlines when I hover? Thank you Jan 7, 2014 · Hey! This has been discussed previously in #1694, and you can learn about the solution we ended up going with in #2347 👍. After a lot of tinkering, it turned out that this had nothing to do with the highlight color. I was thinking to add a class enabled-focus on the body on tab press and then have body. Outlines are not really for decorative use, more for :focus states and things like that. focus() after click. 0. But It doesn't work correctly on Safari and iOS phones. I'll also note that this isn't consistent across style properties- I encountered a bug in MacOS Safari 13. But again, we run into some browser compatibility problems. If you move it into your onsubmit as onsubmit="openPop(this. The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches any element that the :focus pseudo-class matches or that has a descendant that the :focus pseudo-class matches. You can read more about the outline in MDN. On Chrome/Mac, this works fine. I don't want any IE. outline and Focus. I’ve tried to use border: none onfocus of the input, but the outlines still appears. For instance, the default Mac theme (used by Safari) defines the colour in RenderThemeMac. I tried it both with firefox and chrome. edu/ On safari desktop and mobile, if you scroll down to the program slider and click on the arrows you will see the entire slider module receives a grey dotted focus outline. In Safari the searchbar goes above the . Jan 3, 2023 · You can modify the looks of the outline with two more properties: outline-offset, which affects how far from the border of an element the outline is, and border-radius, which modifies the radius of the border. I tried: *:focus { outline: none; } area { &:focus { outline: #000000 3px solid !important; } } But in Safari browser it doesn't show any border or color on :focus or when I TAB through the area's??? Jul 20, 2020 · The outline-offset CSS property will add space between the element and the focus outline, making a visual distinction. I know that some html elements are focusable by default, so I'm not quite sure to what element to attach the outline style. outline-color: transparent; means that the blue glow is Sep 23, 2022 · An example of a double outline focus state on 3 different background colours Multiple elements. I would like to be able to use both the "auto" style and the outline offset. blur() both work in Firefox and IE, but not entirely in Safari and Chrome. Just hopefully I can answer right. I just tested Chrome, Firefox, and yes, even Safari (15. May 16, 2020 · This works fine in Chrome, but when I open it in Safari, when the page is loaded it shows the first item as selected even if I didn't selected anything. You can modify the looks of the outline with two more properties: outline-offset, which affects how far from the border of an element May 30, 2013 · The origin header is not included in the response in Safari, but is in chrome. On my personal code I removed the border property because it changed component size. To investigate the issue, I have tried adding a listener for the focus event on the button, but it's not triggering on tap. Follow asked Dec 2, 2014 at href on its own works for chrome, firefox, edge, but not safari. 8. 0 Jan 11, 2023 · klsolano7 changed the title Mat Form Field ERROR outline and label not responding positioning and changing color properly on SAFARI Mat Form Field ERROR outline and label not responding positioning and changing color properly on SAFARI and Chrome on IOS devices and macbooks Jan 11, 2023 Feb 19, 2014 · This effect can occur on non-input elements, too. Aug 15, 2017 · This is an issue with iOS9 Safari. – Akshay Dhalwala. blok > div : outline. btn-tertiary--light:focus, . My prior js solution was to place a fixed div that covered the screen, and when it Sep 28, 2016 · After second click I want return to old color and :visited in this case is not work. <a data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" data-content="This is a test for iPad" data-original-title="" Nov 18, 2021 · Hi! As described in the title, I am getting a blue outline on the 3d-viewer in safari when rotating the 3d model with the focus {outline: none;}` I hope I’ll work for you. Jul 9, 2024 · This works well on a desktop browser (Chrome) but when viewing on iOS (safari on my iPad) it shows the 10px solid white border is still a square around the original image and the radius is applied after and so cuts off some of the border. js are you using? 12. However doesn't work on iOS safari which is a big deal for me. In Safari it shows the first item as selected, but actually it's not selected. I tried this on my iPhone3S and iPhone5S with Safari and it works: var focused = $('input:first'); //this is just to have a starting point $('button'). Known issue? Neither border nor outline work for me in Chrome (on Mac) We're a friendly, industry-focused community of developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts Apr 21, 2021 · The Roman Komarov tabindex="-1" hack shows that we can differentiate focus styles by adding a span inside our button elements (technically valid HTML) then giving that span tabindex="-1" and different focus styling. The warning in the console is for react: but I just saw this when Jan 20, 2025 · So I'm trying to get a web page to force browser focus onto a SWF once a page loads. btn:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: none; } Note though that this has implications for accessibility and isn't advised until you have a good consistent focus state for your buttons and inputs. This only happened in Android WebView API 26. I'm using iOS 5 beta (iPad), I can't test it on a stable release or other devices. Aug 31, 2012 · $('. According to the documentation, focus:outline-none should achieve this, although it is not working for me and the border still appears on focus. model-viewer { border-radius: 1rem; outline: none; Hey, thanks for filing this. 2. I cannot comment further on the correctness of the setTimeoutsolution without knowing the specific details of where it was used. May 8, 2016 · the reason your's is not working is that it is btn-outline-success not btn-success-outline. In the snippet below, if you check out the mobile view (max-width: 768px) and click on the menu icon in the top right corner, that icon is suppose to animate to a cross (X) icon, also the Jul 14, 2015 · I want to disable :focus when it's not needed because I don't like how my navigation looks when the focus is on it. Add a comment | Your Answer css focus not working in safari and chrome. has-dropdown:focus { outline: none; } Share. that's good. - Is that just a bug in Safari? Feb 8, 2021 · The working draft spec states that browsers manufacturers are free to choose their own criteria for matching :focus-visible as opposed to just regular old :focus, but the spec does recommend several suggestions to be used as a starting point, including this:. Rather than turn off my redirect I just changed the urls to point to mydomaincom/#value. This works well on android and web browsers, Try setting -webkit-appearance:none and outline: Input & Textarea Border not showing on Safari. chrome, safari, the text input when focused has this blue outline, for example: (I can't post images so I will post the links here, sorry for the inconvenience) Jan 28, 2022 · First sorry for my English 😅. In Chrome and Edge, the outline-offset property does not work on the default outline Sep 27, 2013 · I found this Q and A on another page, and overriding the button focus style worked for me. Mar 5, 2020 · Focusing on the button in the example below in safari 13. 0", in an angular project and trying to get rid of the blue outline around my input tags using the tutorial below for a floating label. box { outline: 1px solid black; } . js; The editor. I set Oct 18, 2019 · Oh, I totally overlooked the styled button! Yes, that should render a native button element, which is focusable by default -- no tabindex should be needed. One of the solution could be manually apply button. To resolve this issue I added an :active:focus state and set the outline: none. This works fine for FF and IE, but for Chrome, you need to change the color to -webkit-focus-ring-color because it uses a blue color for the radio outline. Jan 6, 2015 · css focus not working in safari and chrome. edu/ When you click on "chat now" button the minimize button in the chat window Nov 7, 2014 · The answer is yes, from both an official and practical perspective. Any thoughts or suggestions? Aug 13, 2009 · While this works for selecting it in IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, it won't let you edit it by clicking a second time in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. div` &:focus { outline: 1px solid red; } `; Oct 14, 2014 · I'm trying to customize the outline when a selector is focused using the following *:focus { outline: green dotted 1px; } But what I see from Chrome is still displaying a solid blue outline. I am using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, in both its not working. You should not suppress the focus ring, although you may remove it on mouse hover. On FOCUS state it works with a blue ring. Note that even if you do not specify anything at all for :focus, old browsers will simply display the native outline, which can be enough. 1. About; AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. on('click', function { // trigger touch Feb 23, 2021 · pretty sure looking at your CSS "Clear All" is the one where you would see your custom focus indicator, not "Cancel". why iOS mobile cannot use focus() 0. The effect I am trying to achieve is a blank line in a simulated console screen. Follow answered Feb 3, 2021 at 21:08. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . For now, I have both href and xlink:href simultaneously, and they both work in all browsers. btn-outline-primary:focus { color: #fff iOS 12. Do I need to target all the potentially focusable elements? Like. input can be, which is why your dropdown doesn't disappear on checking a checkbox. It affects the whole element, not just outline. One thing I noticed on Safari only is that the selected text from the ready() function is not highlighted (reverse background) even though its selected but when the select button is pressed the it is selected and highlighted. a:focus, button:focus {outline: 1px solid white; } Jun 22, 2024 · I had a trouble finding the solution, here is the fixed code, I hope it will work for someone one day: I think (data-trigger="focus") is the part that made problem. I Feb 24, 2022 · Hey! Yeah, this is a browser implementation thing where Safari's outline styles do not follow the rounded edges of an element. Am I making any mistakes on the outline CSS declaration? Describe the bug As detailed in this WebKit bug report, Safari and other WebKit-based browsers do not correctly display rounded corners (border-radius) on CSS outlines. May 16, 2018 · I am an accessibility engineer. i know this looks like a really stupid question because i know the solution to the problem for a situation that is rare. I can't figure out why this happening. The selector should be a#login-as-guest:focus, which will select a a with an id of #login-as-guest that has focus. However, notice that the focus() method does not work when the Console tab (or any other tab) in your Developer tools is selected. 3. This is working in browsers like Chrome and Firefox but not working on safari. – Aaron Commented Feb 12, 2013 at 1:00 Feb 16, 2014 · I am creating a survey form that needs to have each question and set of answers highlighted (by changing the background color) when the user focuses on them. The :focus styling is not triggering when a button or anchor tag is tapped, not even the native focus outlines. Any help would be greatly appreciated. i worked around this with a simular solution to cheeming's answer above Jan 12, 2022 · The site where this is occurring: https://elearning. Jun 20, 2024 · and it works in chrome, ie edge and in this fiddle, but not in safari. In Chrome & Safari i get none outline at all. e click Photography on the sidebar ) When you click on the accordion items I want to maintain the background colour while it is active. Also, the outline-offset is not readable in IE. Element is not focused => onblur doesn't fire. Chrome, FF and IE are working properly (although FF and IE are not listed below in the code snippet). E. a:focus { outline: 2px solid black; } In reality the browsers use the focus-visible css property like this:. I've found the following works as a more general solution:focus { outline-color: transparent; outline-style: none; } I’ll explain this::focus means it styles the elements that are in focus. Follow answered Jan 23, 2022 at 10:28. Feel free to style the focus ring, as long as it meets WCAG color contrast requirements. but it is important for me know what and Jan 13, 2022 · This is happening in Safari and can be viewed here by clicking the "chat now" button in the lower right side of the screen: https://online. e. a:focus-visible { outline: 2px solid black; } focus-visible is a css4 level property recently introduced by most Feb 28, 2012 · Safari: focus event doesn't work on button element. Jul 4, 2024 · This was helpful, thank you. Am I Mar 7, 2024 · If I load the page from the example with npx serve . This issue has been filed primarily to signal our awareness of the p Nov 18, 2010 · Safari appears to dislike having the return false occur in the function call. This outline should only be happening upon tabbing with the keyboard not upon clicking. Apr 19, 2016 · i had a similar problem where i was trying to focus on a txt area in an iframe loaded from another page. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Hi guys, I have installed "tailwindcss": "^2. The problem is that the button appears but is not working in any of my iOS browsers (Safari or Firefox). I triggered a touch event and inserted the . AlThePal78 AlThePal78. scranton. UPDATE: I have tried in Safari for Windows and it works, so I'm not sure what is going on here. action);return false;" then Safari will work without issue. switches, keyboards, keypads) with mobile devices, so visually indicating focus is still necessary. I also have tried to "separate" the properties Jul 11, 2024 · . Aug 31, 2009 · If there is a doubling up, you can remove Safari's blue outline with outline:none. PS: seems like this is broken in safari no matter the version Mar 7, 2023 · I try to use the below code to have a circle with a border and an outline with an offset. Why remove outline ? What is outline ? outline is a default css style active when a div (or other component) is focused, for indicate to user that this component is used. However, it's not uncommon to encounter issues with Safari, especially after a macOS update. going from 1px border, adding 2px outline does not cause a position shift due to size change). Dec 31, 2013 · My divs appeared to get highlighted, even though I used the necessary CSS tags to remove the highlight color. When I press tab, the tabindex works fine in all browsers except for Safari, where it immediately moves from the first textbox to the second textbox Aug 13, 2014 · outline:none works in Safari,Chrome, but not in Firefox html: <input type='text'> css: input:focus { outline: none; } I tried input, textarea {outline:none;} input Sep 27, 2018 · - Safari (last versions 12. 3. box. input:focus{ outline: none; border:1px solid red; } Share. I crawled the childNodes and when it hit the correct node for the SWF focus() worked fine in FF and IE, but Safari won't focus() on the SWF. It uses the same style as . I am also using the Bootstrap css library, I am not sure if this would cause this kind of problem. The simple fact of the matter is that you cannot focus on an Jan 16, 2025 · It seems Safari doesn't focus button element on click. Nov 24, 2024 · After the latest betas, this no longer works as you can check on the repro links. input focus issue with html/css on iphone. Dec 2, 2021 · OK, so on closer inspection I'm not sure if any action is needed here. There are no console messages at all, even when i have focus and loose it. enabled-focus a:focus{} but that would add a lot Apr 8, 2016 · I just learned about onfocusout, onfocusin but these functions do not seem to work. Jan 31, 2019 · I have created an animation, which works in Chrome, but not in Safari (I'm using SCSS, When I try other properties (such as rotate), the animation actually works, but not with "outline". To fix this simply add the tabindex="0" attribute to your label elements. It works fine on all other main browsers (Opera, Chrome, IE, Safari). Aug 24, 2022 · I don't know the reason why the background color works but the outline color does not here is my code block &lt;span className={ ` block w-4 h-4 bg-${legend[key as keyof typeof legend]. , I should be able to immediately focus the element. Visible focus helps users track where they are in the content. getElementById('controlid'). Aug 13, 2022 · The following code will not work on Safari: button {border-radius: 6px;} button:focus {outline: 2px solid red; outline-offset: 1px;} The solution Aug 10, 2020 · What you can do is force Safari to open a new window (even when it is set to open new tabs by default, by using the following code: var win = window. Therefore, if it's inside a Promise or a timeout, it will not open the keyboard. Improve this question. How should I style correctly that works for all browsers? If anyone has an idea I’d like to ask you to share your knowledge any Feb 2, 2017 · I use a <area> tag on my site. Oct 16, 2023 · focus:[box-shadow:none] did the trick! Thanks! You understood my use case well so thanks for that. I have used this function forever and am not sure when it quit working. I could not check older versions) - contenteditable div (it works well in a form) - on focus - only if the user cliks on the text. I get good results on android phones and chrome browsers on Mac. focus() and . I also tried . https://www. When I toggle the rule off in devtools, we revert to the useragent stylesheet, which in Chrome is: Feb 14, 2018 · I am working on ReactJS web app, and I am adding specific outline style, but the outline shows up when a user clicks on it using a mouse. Is there any hacks to get the outline to show up in Safari for this case? width: 10em; Jun 27, 2019 · When you want to change outline and border-radius in css to the model-viewer object, it is being ignored in Safari while it works on Chrome. So i do not care it doesn't work in opera or other browser because i hate them and it is not porssible to fix all problems to work great in all browsers. CSS :focus automatically opens link on android device. Interestingly, it functions properly in Safari 16. There are a few properties that affect an outline's appearance. ; Pros: No JS involved, seems to work well across all browsers. Best works in google chrome and firefox. You can find the page here: cli Jun 17, 2024 · The focus event works fine on all browsers but Safari when it has been clicked. any ideas on how to make this work in safari? One thing that is not working is the the first flex row width of 100% is not working. From MDN:. In practice, the values vary by platform. 5 on a Mac. Isn't really a bug, focus border (aka outline) is a default css in all navigator, it's not working on chrome but it's on safari. One from Firefox: and the other from Chrome: Here's the CSS: Oct 5, 2018 · I have noticed that the outlined in my div does not display in IEv11? Here in my css , #samp-close:focus, #samp-close-mobile:focus { outline: #c0dffb auto 1px; } . It does, however, triggers when the focus event is manually triggered with . Add a comment | 7 . UK style, this is when two or more elements make up the :focus state and that ensures the state as a whole passes contrast when assessed against different elements of the design. As for whether we should keep trying to support IE11, which MS have officially Jun 18, 2024 · about . css :focus not working in iOS Safari/Chrome, fine on Android/PC Chrome. It zooms or unzooms for about a second or so then returns to the original state. I have tried to use input:focus and input[type="text"]:focus, but neither are removing this outline. Why does the focus event haven't triggered on click ? Here is my code: Nov 16, 2021 · In 2008, Apple’s Safari team had a problem: web developers had noticed that links, buttons, and several input elements were not matching the :focus selector when clicked. Problem with . It is possible to change the style, color, and width using the outline property, the distance from the border using the outline-offset property, Jan 11, 2011 · How can I build a webpage which is able to monitor when the page gets the focus, especially when Safari is in the #007bff; } /* set button focus style to match hover */ . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Use Cases: Ensures that all interactions with the element are Jan 3, 2018 · I'm trying to style the outline of the field when in focus because my current outline is very hard to see. Sometimes the outline: none won't do the trick, which is something I found from other devs on stackoverflow. Share. 1,112 3 3 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. 2 What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using? webpack with craco What version of Node. CSS Button :focus pseudo class. It also can get the focus event when I use $('. mm (in a roundabout way) as: [NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor] Feb 3, 2017 · I'm running into an issue where the default blue outline when input fields are focused is not being removed despite trying two CSS techniques to remove the outline. Follow answered Jan 20, 2010 at 2:18. find('input'). Jun 17, 2013 · The issue is that the outline-offset does not get applied on Chrome/Windows when the outline-style is "auto". Hovering over the . But focus() Nov 22, 2016 · If the input is inside an iframe and you try to call focus before the user has interacted, the keyboard opens, the input does not get focus Jun 24, 2012 · input:focus { outline:none; } This is not working at all. . 1. 1) on Safari the result is a bit different as shown in the image: Mar 16, 2014 · The outline shorthand property functions like the one for border: if you override the shorthand, you need to account for all properties you are overriding. btn-secondary:focus{. So we are styling the elements in focus. Bootstrap's Outline Buttons Behave like Regular Buttons. How can I make the outline to appear only for tabbing? const Test = styled. If your developer tools are selected, the focus() method Mar 6, 2019 · I’m working with angular 4 projects where inserted inline SVG document and I’ve put some styles for path elements, it has a class name is country each. You need to find some other means to make focus visible. Nov 16, 2017 · I dont know what exactly you want to know. Similarly, clicking on those elements did not fire a focus or focusin event. Take a look at this page for more info. Up to not so long ago, other browsers were also displaying rectangle outlines no matter what. Follow answered Aug 10, 2017 at 2:03. Key Differences Between :focus and :focus-visible:focus. Can any one tell me what could me the reason. when i click on the buttons with a mouse, the outline disappears. I want the &lt;div&gt; to have blue bo Sep 11, 2024 · Safari is an essential tool for Mac users. Jul 8, 2009 · When ever I do onchange event, its going inside that function its validating, But focus is not comming I am using document. Here is the HTML: Jul 26, 2024 · Outline is a line outside of the element's border. input:focus Aug 3, 2017 · I have 3 div elements side by side and on clicking them, i see a blue focus border for maybe half a second and then it disappears. that's also good. This do not work in opera at all but padding works. The outline of the element is the border around it when you click into it. Apr 5, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Jan 20, 2025 · So focus() works fine with the form fields across all browsers but still ignores the SWF in Safari. Commented Sep 28, 2016 at 8:25. focusin() and . 7. 5 will not show the outline until you force a repaint (for example by changing the screen size) Works fine in other browsers. outline: red auto 5px would be valid whereas outline: red won't work. Below is my code. Can't Set Focus in Safari. I'm looking for why this is happening. The only workaround you have is to use this hack: /** * iOS keyboard can only be opened by user interaction + focus event. in most cases it work. brandname element and to the right of it and takes a width of 150px. The desired result should be the following: and Safari return this: How can I fix that issue ? Note: The above code work in every tested browser as desired, but not for Safari. php#value and Safari v5 wouldn't carry over the anchor links. It seems that the major browsers' UA styles use the focus-visible behaviour by default now. shahidhussain you may wish to take advantage of some CSS3 styles such as box-shadow which will work in Safari, Chrome and Firefox. There was an issue where it would fire in FF when the iFrame was loaded but before it was visible. Dec 3, 2014 · I have a page with a google maps in it, now I'm trying to make a border radius on it. However, the styles work fine with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge but NOT in Safari browser. It works when using tab key to navigate to the button (if and only if you have enabled keyboard navigation in mac os settings) and only if you use a <button> instead of an <a>. btn'). however, if i now tab to the buttons again, the outline is gone. Some of the outline gets left behind on previously selected elements:. Apr 25, 2015 · I am working on a <nav> for a mobile site. I even went so far as to use getElementById for the DIV holding the SWF. However, this presents an issue, as the "ring" feature is essential for input fields in Tailwind UI. I've applied multiple variants of "outline:none" to: A custom CSS file I defined in config. (i. In Safari v6 and Chrome v20 on OS X Lion, the actual value is: outline: rgb(94, 158, 215) auto 5px; May 17, 2021 · I need a hidden delete button to appear and work when a input is focused using markup and CSS in Svelte. That help never came. – Nov 26, 2024 · If your code has to work in old browser versions that do not support :focus-visible, check supports of :focus-visible with @supports and repeat the same focus styling in it, but inside a :focus rule. So, according to definition, onblur attribute fires the moment that the element loses focus. It works fine on Chrome & Firefox but not Safari, any ideas on how to fix this? Here is a URL to the page I am working on; Dec 12, 2019 · i have to add dashed outline on focus at a specific offset of 4px, this is working fine in all browsers except IE since it doesn't support outline-offset and i cannot add a wrapper element in the HTML as work around with padding because i am trying to make a generic fix across the application, and i cannot add a border: 4px solid transparent, because the elements Incorporating Tailwind CSS with Laravel can sometimes lead to difficulties such as the ‘Focus:Outline-None’ not functioning properly, but this is typically due to a misconfiguration and can be rectified through careful review of your setup and proper debugging processes. g. Also you selector is incorrect, you are trying to select an a that is a descendant of #login-as-guest. I'm currently utilizing TailwindCSS version 3. 6. However it doesn't work on my iPhone. This means you'll need to use borders. 1 and I observed the same issue on Safari in iPad mini. However when I test the site on my iPhone 6s (ios 10. open("","", "modal=yes"); Nov 16, 2021 · In 2008, Apple’s Safari team had a problem: web developers had noticed that links, buttons, and several input elements were not matching the :focus selector when clicked. If :focus-visible supported, then great, but if not then having the focus ring on a button isn’t the end of the world. yo Jun 21, 2024 · Unfortunately, I'm not able to share that code directly. selected { outline: 5px solid blue; } Here is a CodeSandbox that demonstrates the problem. not sure if Jun 29, 2024 · To answer the question, Webkit browsers use outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;. Jul 2, 2024 · Setting outline:none; is not bad. CSS :focus Not Working in iOS. CSS Selectors Level 4 defines a new pseudo class::focus-within. How to remove the focus border of button when click? 1. Nov 14, 2009 · By default, Safari always add a blue glowy outline when you focus an input. I know i can use display: inline-block; on div > div. "outline:solid #ff0000;", the default value for the missing property will be inserted, if any. pe-color() are Dec 4, 2009 · I have 2 buttons next to a textbox and another textbox after the 2 buttons. That work was performed in June 2009 as part of this changeset by Jeremy Moskovich. The -webkit-tap-highlight-color property does in fact work on the Android browser, though not on Chrome. Unlike other areas of the box, outlines don't take up space, so they don't affect the layout of the document in any way. In Firefox i have the parents outline overwritten. The Safari web browser is the exception. focus(). One of them mentions that the target is inside a modal dialog. You can't cherrypick just color. Don't know if this is known and intended or a side effect from another change that went unnoticed. It's clearly got a problem somewhere, but I just can't find it. btn-clear-all:focus, . Jan 7, 2025 · -webkit-focus-ring-color is defined in the WebKit codebase as focusRingColor in each RenderTheme class. Nov 15, 2021 · I am using Tailwind CSS for my Laravel application, and want to remove the focus border on the input boxes. What am I possibly doing wrong with my CSS? Here is my form with the comment-box input: Aug 10, 2020 · Safari Zoom in/ zoom out (A) on toolbar not working The text zoom/unzoom function on the toolbar has quit working. samp-banner { width: 100px; height: 100px Still not working on my end. Feb 10, 2017 · I have three dropdown lists (three <select> elements). In the box model, outline is set outside the box's border edge and does not add to the element's size, meaning it doesn't take any space from the page layout. From reviewing your code again, perhaps you're missing the Sep 3, 2012 · border-radius works for border, not outline!. Much like the GOV. Though, I can’t figure out how to make it. In this blog post, we'll address the common Safari not working issue on macOS Mar 4, 2022 · I use UI Kitten + expo + react-native-web for my project, when I open my app in ios browsers, e. Ios safari black highlight focus on element. active and it's confusing. Does anyone has a solution to this? Oct 18, 2016 · I'm trying to apply custom styles to an input[type=range] and having issues applying those styles in Safari. Any pointers about how to go about it? Nov 30, 2021 · I'm struggling with my menu navbar responsivity. A fix for this might be to actually use a &lt;button&gt; element rather than a div Oct 18, 2019 · if I activate focus in the safari inspector, it seems to work fine, and I'm not noticing any warnings specific to focus. Hot Network Questions AI is using machines to recreate historical battlefields Can White still castle? #3 When should I use a std:: inplace_vector instead of a std May 22, 2014 · I'm a bit baffled with the way the CSS outline property is rendering on Firefox 7 or below. that's bad. spero cassidy spero cassidy. Jan 18, 2013 · :focus { outline: auto 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color; } The value of -webkit-focus-ring-color is determined on each platform separately (if you're super keen, you can look for WebCore::systemFocusRingColor). focus() not working in Safari (desktop) on search field. Similarly, clicking on those elements did not fire Dec 14, 2021 · In 2008, Apple’s Safari team had a problem: web developers had noticed that links, buttons, and several input elements were not matching the :focus selector when clicked. Jun 18, 2024 · It seems that usually people want to get rid of the browser focus outline and that is why I can't find the answer to this question. This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by melo1551. I got it all working in browsers for OS X and Raspberry Pi OS (Chrome, Chromium, Safari and Firefox). This works in chrome developer tools and in chrome on phone as well. 1 where if transition:all is applied, Safari will not rerender certain properties like outline if they are the only property whose value is being changed. Tawhid Monowar Tawhid Monowar. However, most elements, including label, cannot be focused on. 2. g in the example below. Nothing seem to work. so the focus never seemed to be set correctly. focus();. What would cause this. The -webkit-focus-ring-color property does not seem to work on either browser. @katie-day Can you confirm whether this is still an issue for you?. Skip to main content. The second textbox has a tabindex of 1003. if i tab to the buttons, i see the focus outline. Dec 2, 2014 · Is there any solution or workaround to make this work in Safari? svg; safari; Share. pltuz ilfza ptv ezz ybgsb twj tatow gryy dxpg azzh