Bayesian dynamic factor model pdf DSGE model with a standard New Keynesian core to an empirical dynamic factor model by estimating both on a rich panel of U. Sep 12, 2024 · High-dimensional matrix-valued time series are of significant interest in economics and finance, with prominent examples including cross region macroeconomic panels and firms' financial data panels. We extend 2 main dynamic factor model variations—the direct autoregressive Building on the framework established by Wang et al. Subse-quently factor models are used in a variety of applications in a variety of elds not limited to economics. These models are essentially similar to those introduced in Harvey, Ruiz and Shephard (1994) and adopted by Jacquier, Polson and Rossi (1994, 95). The main focus of both articles is the time-varying feature of the dynamic factor model. nondynamic Bayesian factor analysis and develop Markov- chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods of model fitting and computation in the chosen class of dynamic factor mod- els. We contribute to this strand of literature by estimating the relative importance of push and pull factors for portfolio flows over a time span, encompassing the global financial crisis, the European sovereign debt crisis as well as the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the combination of a DSGE and a dynamic factor model can be used as a tool for evaluating a DSGE model. In his switching model Hamilton [20] assumes that the growth rate of real output depend by an This paper proposes a Bayesian approach of counterfactual prediction based on a multi-level state-space factor model (henceforth, MSSF). S. Section 3 describes Bayesian analysis of the factor model when the number of factors is specified, based on standard Gibbs sampling. Jan 1, 2015 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2015, Laura E. , we introduce a dynamic factor model for matrix-valued time series. Apr 3, 2015 · We consider a set of minimal identification conditions for dynamic factor models. Title Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) with 'Stan' Version 1. 2. Nowcasting Business Cycles: A Bayesian Approach to Dynamic Heterogeneous Factor Models. Mean factors follow a Gaussian rst order vector autoregressive process and the factor loadings are all contemporaneous. Aug 26, 2015 · We compare methods to measure comovement in business cycle data using multi-level dynamic factor models. The typical strategy in Bayesian factor analysis to solve the rotation problem is to introduce ex-ante constraints on certain builds on structural and dynamic model concepts from these areas, introducing dynamic, sparse factor models with dependencies among latent factor processes that are shown to be able to provide additional, substantial improvements in model fit, forecasting and portfolio decisions. matrices that potentially contain zero loadings. Some of the recent contributions to the litera-ture on non-Bayesian (large dimensional and/or dynamic) factor analysis are presented in Section 5. Bayesian inference and computation is developed and explored in a study Dec 30, 2021 · Request PDF | Bayesian Computation in Dynamic Latent Factor Models | Bayesian computation for filtering and forecasting analysis is developed for a broad class of dynamic models. For DFA models in general, we recommend citing the MARSS package or user guide. 0 the bvartoolspackage can be used to estimate dynamic factor models as described above using Bayesian inference. Multilevel Dynamic Factor Model and International Business Cycles Dynamic factor models (DFMs) have been an important part of econometric methodology since their introduction to the eld by Sargent and Sims (1977) and Geweke (1977). These conditions have economic interpretations and require fewer restrictions than the static factor framework. The development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial time series, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes are discussed, and model fitting based on retrospective data and sequential analysis for forward filtering and short-term forecasting is discussed. Building upon Boivin and Giannoni (2006), this so called data-rich DSGE model can be seen as a combination of a regular DSGE model and a dynamic factor model in which factors are the economic state variables of the DSGE model and the transition of factors is governed by a DSGE May 7, 2010 · This chapter surveys work on a class of models, dynamic factor models (DFMs), which has received considerable attention in the past decade because of their ability to model simultaneously and consistently data sets in which the number of series exceeds the number of time series observations. More generally, we also consider overidentification Due to their indeterminacies, static and dynamic factor models require identifying assumptions to guarantee uniqueness of the parameter estimates. We introduce a class of Bayesian matrix dynamic factor models that utilize matrix structures to identify more interpretable factor patterns and factor impacts. 1 Introduction Much of the theory and methodology of all dynamic modelling for time se-ries analysis and forecasting builds on the theoretical core of linear, Gaussian model structures: the class of univariate normal dynamic linear models (DLMs or NDLMs). Dec 28, 2007 · PDF | Dynamic factor models have been used to analyze continuous time series behavioral data. Dynamic factor analysis is a dimension reduction tool for multivariate time series. May 1, 2019 · We adjust the specification to a dynamic factor model with a sparse factor loading matrix. e. Kim and Nelson [27] analyze general Markov Switching dynamic models and provide Bayesian inference tools together with MCMC simulation techniques. , dynamic factor models [DFMs]), Song and Ferrer (2012) proposed using a Bayesian approach for estimating randomcoefficient DFMs Dec 11, 2012 · As in Nakajima and West (2013b), our model (1) and (2) differs from these more standard dynamic factor model formulations because it combines the AR(1) factor aspect together with dynamic loadings Invariance The model is invariant under transformations of the form fl⁄ = flP0 and f⁄ t = Pft, where P is any orthogonal k £k matrix. The past two decades have evidenced a gradual but stable increase in the usage of Bayesian methods in dynamic modeling of latent (unobserved) variables. data on real output, inflation Jul 2, 2012 · Bayesian inference and computation is developed and explored in a study of the dynamic factor structure of daily spot exchange rates for a selection of international currencies. Since version 0. It is used to model univariate observations, the state vector is unidimensional, and it is described by the equations (yt = θt +vt, vt ∼ N(0,V) θt = θt−1+wt, wt ∼ N(0,W) The model is constant, i. We also analyse the relative importance of some notable drivers of business cycle fluctuations found in the literature. Download Free PDF Evidence from a Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model. A square-root form of Kalman filter is shown to improve robustness and accuracy when sampling the latent factors. To do so, we employ a Monte Carlo procedure to evaluate model performance for different Jul 1, 2000 · Request full-text PDF. This extends the framework of BBE05 in the sense that the non-zero loadings in columns potentially yield an explicit interpretation of unob-served factors f Nov 1, 2023 · The extent to which push and pull factors affect international capital flows is widely debated. Abstract Bayesian computation for filtering and forecasting analysis is developed for a broad class of dynamic models. Our estimation procedures are the Bayesian approach of Otrok and Whiteman (1998), the Bayesian state-space approach of Kim and Nelson (1998) and a frequentist principal components approach. macroeconomic and financial data compiled by Stock and Watson (2008). Section 2 summarizes the standard framework of dynamic factor Section 2 defines the basic factor model framework, notation and structure, and discusses issues of model specification. We extend 2 main dynamic factor model variations—the | Find, read and cite all the research you We discuss the development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial time series, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes. The ability to scale-up such analyses in non-Gaussian, nonlinear multivariate time series models is advanced through the introduction of a novel copula construction in sequential filtering of coupled sets of dynamic generalized linear models. Our approach: fl is a block lower triangular. The implementation follows the Matlab code privided in the online annex to the textbook of Chan, Koop, Poirier and Tobias (2019). We follow the spirit of the approximate dynamic factor model proposed by Chamberlain and Rothschild and allow cross-row and cross-column correlations. For modeling a Kim [26] applies Markov Switching to dynamic linear model in a Bayesian approach. We propose to estimate the similarity between two multivariate time series with timevarying lags using a Bayesian dynamic factor model that incorporates time warping and We build on prior work in non-dynamic Bayesian factor analysis and develop MCMC methods of model fitting and computation in the chosen class of dynamic factor models. The first is a single- factor model, the second a The paper examines economic time series models in a Bayesian perspective focusing, through some examples, on the extraction of the business cycle components and suggests the use of the particle filter, for parameter estimation and latent factor extraction. Section 2 summarizes the standard framework of dynamic factor We found a strong association between air pollutant (PM 10 ), Humidity and mortality respiratory disease for the city of São Paulo. , the various matrices defining its dynamics are time-invariant. varying lags using a Bayesian dynamic factor model that incorporates time warping and parameter estimation in a single step. TheproofisinAppendixA. Jan 6, 2016 · We compare methods to measure comovement in business cycle data using multi-level dynamic factor models. Block-level shocks are distinguished from genuinely common shocks, and the estimated block-level factors are easy to interpret. Our proposed dynamic factor model is di erent from traditional state-space models (Aguilar and West, 2000). By conducting builds on structural and dynamic model concepts from these areas, introducing dynamic, sparse factor models with dependencies among latent factor processes that are shown to be able to provide additional, substantial improvements in model fit, forecasting and portfolio decisions. Bayesian Estimation of Categorical Dynamic Factor Models Zhiyong Zhang and John R. Section 4 describes the RJMCMC we introduce to address uncertainty about the number of factors. The model Nov 1, 2018 · Technically, the study builds a dynamic model to quantify the effects of advertising on sales; builds a robust and interpretable (i. (1994, 1995). These models are essentially similar to those intro- duced by Harvey et al. Expand The in model (1) indicates that we work with a sparse factor model and es-timate sparse factor loading matrices f and Y, i. There exist alternative approaches to implement sparsity or near-sparsity in the loading matrix. We discuss the development of dynamic factor models for multivariate nancial time series, and the incorporation of We discuss the development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial time series, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes. (1994) and adopted by Jacquier et al. This dissertation consists of three essays summarized below. Bayesian inference and computation is developed and explored in a study of the dynamic factor structure of daily spot Jul 26, 2011 · Abstract This paper uses multilevel factor models to characterize within- and between-block variations as well as idiosyncratic noise in large dynamic panels. Sep 1, 2021 · Request PDF | Nowcasting GDP Using Dynamic Factor Model with Unknown Number of Factors and Stochastic Volatility: A Bayesian Approach | Real-time nowcasting is an assessment of current economic Jul 9, 2020 · The ability to scale-up such analyses in non-Gaussian, nonlinear multivariate time series models is advanced through the introduction of a novel copula construction in sequential filtering of coupled sets of dynamic generalized linear models. Section 4 describes the RJMCMC we introduce to address uncertainty about the number of Dec 28, 2007 · This work extends 2 main dynamic factor model variations to categorical DAFS and WNFS models in the framework of the underlying variable method and illustrates them with a categorical time series data set from an emotion study. From a theoretical point of view, this paper makes contributions by casting the heterogeneous decentralized fusion problem in terms of a factor graph, analyzing the challenges that arise due to dynamic filtering, and then developing a new conservative Oct 13, 2017 · A Bayesian local influence method is proposed that allows for simultaneous sensitivity analysis of multiple modeling components within a single fitting of the model of choice, allowing for detection of outlying cases and common sources of misspecification in dynamic factor analysis models. Section 2 outlines the class of dynamic factor and regression models, defines the new approach to dynamic sparsity using latent threshold modeling, and discusses Bayesian analysis and compu-tation for model fitting. Under these restrictions, a standard structural vector autoregression (SVAR) with measurement errors can be embedded into a dynamic factor model. The ability to scale-up such In this model, both the mean and the variance of the observed series have a factor structure. Oct 1, 2022 · Frühwirth-Schnatter and Lopes (2018) also considered Bayesian factor models when the number of factors is unknown, which obtained posterior distributions of the number of common factors and the factor loadings by combining point-mass mixture priors with a highly efficient and customized MCMC scheme in a sparse factor model setting through a Dec 31, 2016 · When estimating DSGE models, the number of observable economic variables is usually kept small, and it is conveniently assumed that DSGE model variables are perfectly measured by a single data series. Nesselroade University of Virginia Dynamic factor models have been used to analyze continuous time series behav-ioral data. With an ability to induce time-varying sparsity in factor loadings, these models now also allow time-varying correlations among factors, which may be exploited in order to improve volatility forecasts. A single common factor captures common cyclical uctuations and measures deviation of output from its Feb 8, 2012 · In related models for investigating dynamics of latent factors (i. We then incorporate time-varying volatility and outlier adjustments This chapter surveys work on a class of models, dynamic factor models (DFMs), which has received considerable attention in the past decade because of their ability to model simultaneously and consistently data sets in which the number of series exceeds the number of time series observations. The framework achieves dimension reduction and yet explicitly allows for heterogeneity between blocks. The second is a two-level factor model that we interpret as a world-country factor model. We find that the spaces spanned by the empirical factors and by the data-rich DSGE model states are Jun 1, 1998 · A Bayesian dynamic factor process convolution model for multivariate spatial temporal processes and the utility of this approach in modeling large air quality monitoring data is illustrated using a multivariate pollution dataset taken from the EPA’s CASTNet database. Bayesian computation for filtering and forecasting analysis is developed for a broad class of dynamic models. (2011) studied the relative importance of productivity, measures of fiscal and monetary policy, the terms of trade and the global oil price as possible drivers of the G-7 business cycle fluctuations during the period 1960–2005, and find productivity as the main driving force We build on prior work in non-dynamic Bayesian factor analysis and develop MCMC methods of model fitting and computation in the chosen class of dynamic factor models. Aug 23, 2011 · I propose a Bayesian dynamic multilevel model with a factor residual component to model spatial dependence in longitudinal data. This paper advances macroeconomic “nowcasting” by proposing a novel Bayesian dynamic factor model (DFM) that explicitly incorporates these features. We summarize the Apr 16, 2015 · A numerically stable Bayesian algorithm for the dynamic factor model with general parameter restrictions is constructed for estimation and inference. This is equivalent to specifying the prior distribution to be a mixture distribution composed of an Feb 1, 2000 · A Markov switching common factor is used to drive a dynamic factor model for important macroeconomic variables in eight countries. fsu. We extend 2 main dynamic factor model variations—the direct autore-gressive factor score (DAFS) model and the white noise factor score (WNFS) 2 The Dynamic Factor Model for Matrix-valued Time Series Building on the framework established by Wang et al. 6. To do so, we employ a Monte Carlo procedure to evaluate model performance for different specifications of factor models across three different estimation procedures. The only DSGE model with a standard New Keynesian core on a richer data set. @ article{marss_package, title = {{MARSS}: multivariate autoregressive state doing now? This paper develops a Bayesian dynamic factor model that allows for nonlinearities, heterogeneous lead-lag patterns and fat tails in macroeconomic data. 3 Description Implements Bayesian dynamic factor analysis with 'Stan'. The Abstract. Chapter 1 “Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis of a Simple Monetary DSGE Model”: We take a standard New Keynesian business cycle model to a richer data set. The models are direct generalizations of univariate stochastic volatility models and represent specific varieties of models recently discussed in the growing Oct 1, 2014 · We extend the recently introduced latent threshold dynamic models to include dependencies among the dynamic latent factors which underlie multivariate volatility. We summarize Bayesian methods for model fitting and discuss analyses of several FX, commodities, and stock price index time series. ,2007;Evin et al. We show that a square-root form of the Kalman filter improves robustness and accuracy when sampling the latent factors. Confidence intervals (bands) for the parameters of interest such as impulse responses are readily Feb 1, 2011 · dynamic parameters in a novel nonlinear Bayesian dynamic factor analysis model. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022. Instead of assuming any Markovian propagation of the latent factors, we assume the latent factors to vary smoothly Bayesian inference and computation is developed and explored in a study of the dynamic factor structure of daily spot exchange rates for a selection of international currencies, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes are discussed. Bayesian Dynamic Factor Models and Portfolio Allocation DEM ')O 347 GBP LO Oct 1, 2023 · Request PDF | On Oct 1, 2023, Timo Bettendorf and others published Time-variation in the effects of push and pull factors on portfolio flows: Evidence from a Bayesian dynamic factor model | Find Sep 1, 2011 · When estimating DSGE models, the number of observable economic variables is usually kept small, and it is conveniently assumed that DSGE model variables are perfectly measured by a single data series. , nonparametric and sparse) factor model that integrates builds on structural and dynamic model concepts from these areas, introducing dynamic, sparse factor models with dependencies among latent factor processes that are shown to be able to provide additional, substantial improvements in model fit, forecasting and portfolio decisions. 2 Dynamic Factor Analysis Taking q = 6 and k = 3 in the dynamic factor model (5) provides a maximal speci cation: under the assumed structure of the factor loadings matrix (6), and assuming each of the to be non-zero, the number of factors must necessarily be no greater than three. Sparsity is induced by specifying a point mass–normal mixture prior distribution for the factor loadings, which assigns a positive probability to zero. Techniques include modeling deviations as a two-component mixture (Ward et al. data on real output, inflation This approach models time-varying patterns of occurrence of zero elements in factor loadings matrices, providing adaptation to changing relationships over time and dynamic model selection. In this model, one (world) factor a⁄ects all of the series; the other factors a⁄ect non-overlapping subsets of the series. 3. Our model accommodates time-varying Multilevel Dynamic Factor Model and International Business Cycles Dynamic factor models (DFMs) have been an important part of econometric methodology since their introduction to the eld by Sargent and Sims (1977) and Geweke (1977). 3Review of related approaches Semiparametric models for functional data are predominantly non-Bayesian. For example, using a Bayesian dynamic factor model, Crucini et al. 2 Core Model Context: Dynamic Linear Model 1. We now adopt such a model. Classical approach: fl0§¡1fl = I. 3 Dynamic Bayesian networks In time series modeling, we observe the values of certain variables at different points in time. Section 3 describes Bayesian analysis of the factor model when the number of factors is specified, based on standard Gibbs sampling. SimilartoProposition1,ifε thasanidentitycovari-ance matrix and Λ j is lower-triangular for some j∈{0,1,,s}, then the dynamic factor model in (1) and (2) is identified up to a sign change. The model performs a trend/cycle decomposition of the real activity variables and core in ation. Section 2 summarizes the standard framework of dynamic factor We discuss the development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial time series, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes. THE GENERALIZED DYNAMIC-FACTOR MODEL: IDENTIFICATION AND ESTIMATION Mario Fomi, Marc Hallin, Marco Lippi, and Lucrezia Reichlin* Abstract-This paper proposes a factor model with infinite dynamics and nonorthogonal idiosyncratic components. Many psychological concepts are unobserved and usually represented as latent factors apprehended through causality, this notion plays an important role in the design of dynamic Bayesian networks. Apr 1, 2013 · The development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial time series, and the incorporation of stochastic volatility components for latent factor processes are discussed, and model fitting based on retrospective data and sequential analysis for forward filtering and short-term forecasting is discussed. Moreover, Ft = Gt = [1]. The ability to For example, using a Bayesian dynamic factor model, Crucini et al. In time series analysis, latent factors are often introduced to model the heterogeneous time evolution of the observed processes. 'bayesdfa' extends conventional dynamic factor models in several ways. 1. (2019), we introduce a dynamic factor model for matrix-valued time series. BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC FACTOR MODELS 583 the parameter vector θ and the factor scores in the dynamic factor model when the factors follow a VAR(p) model. The Bayesian dynamic factor model with extremes There are several approaches for modeling extreme deviations in time series models. Jackson and others published Specification and Estimation of Bayesian Dynamic Factor Models: A Monte Carlo Analysis with an Application to Global House Price Oct 14, 2019 · We employ a dynamic factor model to decompose fluctuations in these macro-variables into a regional, country-specific and idiosyncratic components using Bayesian methods. Explicitly modeling these features changes the way that different indicators contribute to the real-time assessment of the state of the economy, and substantially first order polynomial model. We consider three general factor model specifications used in applied work. The indeterminacy of the parameter estimates with respect to orthogonal transformations is known as the rotation problem. Dynamic factor models have been used to analyze continuous time series behavioral data. Dynamic factor models were originally proposed ments in factor analysis, such as prior and posterior robustness, mixture of factor analyzers, factor analysis in time series and macroeconometric modeling and sparse factor structures. The model’s strengths include modularity, handling of missing data, and regularization through hierarchical distributions. Bayesian inference and computation is developed and explored in a study dynamic sparsity models for loadings as well as possibly for other model components including dynamic regression coefficients. stat. Bayesian estimation of the model is based on Markov chain Monte Jan 6, 2016 · The first is a single-factor model, the second a two-level factor model, and the third a three-level factor model. The Download Free PDF. data suggest several (7) dynamic factors, rejection of the exact dynamic factor model but support for an approximate factor model, and sensible results for a SVAR Bayesian algorithm for the dynamic factor model with general parameter re-strictions is constructed for estimation and inference. Jul 12, 2024 · This paper describes a Bayesian dynamic factor model with heteroskedasticity that was used to win the year-long forecasting track. (2011) studied the relative importance of productivity, measures of fiscal and monetary policy, the terms of trade and the global oil price as possible drivers of the G-7 business cycle fluctuations during the period 1960–2005, and find productivity as the main driving force Section 2 defines the basic factor model framework, notation and structure, and discusses issues of model specification. We discuss the development of dynamic factor models for multivariate financial Citing. ,2011), or modeling deviations with non-Gaussian distributions including the Student-t distribution (Praetz, Mar 1, 2020 · PDF | Dynamic factor models have become very popular for analyzing high-dimensional time series, and are now standard tools in, for instance, business | Find, read and cite all the research you Bayesian dynamic factor model of core in ation (measured as the change in HICP excluding energy and food) and a set of real activity indicators. 4. It is a Bayesian dynamic extension to the di erence-in-di erence approach (DID) and the latent factor model (LFM). Oct 14, 2019 · We employ a dynamic factor model to decompose fluctuations in these macro‐variables into a regional, country‐specific and idiosyncratic components using Bayesian methods. The assumption that an event can cause another event in the future, but not vice-versa, simplies the design of Bayesian networks Dec 30, 2015 · A gamma process dynamic Poisson factor analysis model is proposed to factorize a dynamic count matrix, whose columns are sequentially observed count vectors, and applies to text and music analysis, with state-of-the-art results. The model, which we call the generalized dynamic-factor model, is novel to the literature and general- May 1, 2016 · Request PDF | Bayesian Analysis of Static and Dynamic Factor Models: An Ex-Post Approach towards the Rotation Problem | Due to their indeterminacies, static and dynamic factor models require 2 The Dynamic Factor Model for Matrix-valued Time Series Building on the framework established by Wang et al. The –rst model is the ubiquitous single factor model. We follow the spirit of the approximate dy-namic factor model proposed by Chamberlain and Rothschild (1983) and allow cross-row and cross-column correlations. The third is a three-level factor model that we Title Bayesian Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) with 'Stan' Version 1. A gamma process dynamic Poisson factor analysis model is proposed to factorize a dynamic count matrix, whose columns are sequentially observed count vectors. Dynamic factor models were originally proposed 1The P-technique model is a common factor model for extracting systematic intra-person patterns from multivariate time series measured on a single individual over time (Jones & Nesselroade, 1990). Using post-1983 U. Our empirical study also implements See full list on ani. of Bayesian time series analysis. of increasing complexity. As such, model (1)—together with the model for ff kgand the ordered spike-and-slab prior for f k;ig—constitutes a new Bayesian approach FPCA. Key words: Bayesian local influence, Bayesian perturbation manifold, Dirichlet process prior, nonignor-able missing data, nonlinear dynamic factor analysis model, sensitivity analysis. Another related approach is to conduct Bayesian analysis of dynamic factor models with time-varying parameters, such as stochastic volatilities (Aguilar and West 2000), or both time-varying factor loadings and stochastic volatilities (Del Negro and Otrok 2008). Building upon Boivin and Giannoni (2006), we relax these two assumptions and estimate a fairly simple monetary DSGE model on a richer data set. edu Dec 9, 2019 · This lecture links to Bayesian sparsity modelling in multivariate time series analysis and forecasting, and discusses the relevance and role of dynamic sparsity in a range of model contexts: dynamic factor models, time-varying vector autoregressions, multivariate volatility models, and more elaborate models based on combinations of these main DFM1, the dynamic factors f t and the dynamic factor loadings Λ j,j∈{0,1,,s} areuniquelyidentified. Apr 25, 2021 · Application. Since the focus of this paper is the variance factor model, we use a relatively simple mean factor model. Factor-analytic methods were developed to summarize variance Sep 12, 2024 · Empirical analysis using U. We show that our model outperforms benchmark statistical models at real-time predictions of GDP growth, and improves upon survey expectations of professional forecasters. model and saving communication as well as computation costs. The extent to which push and pull factors affect international capital flows is widely debated. qcavasdzr nmxqbht kfr rqaqiv sbmwu iyb uaajd vfamrmyb gusljn sercfse