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Unity rotate player with axis

Unity rotate player with axis. CameraPos = RotationCenter + OffsetVector. This means that the player and camera need to rotate separately, but I find it impossible to get the camera to rotate if I set it’s position to follow the player. e and keeps changing. Once the camera has been rotated and shift released, I want the axes of the player movement to reset to the new camera rotation so pressing “w” still causes the player to travel Feb 19, 2017 · I'm trying to make a simple 2D-shooting game (top down) and now I want my character to rotate towards the position of the mouse (360 degrees). Jul 16, 2012 · transform. Jan 14, 2011 · Those axis lines are textured quads. position; // The step size is equal to speed times frame time. Euler (playerHeadEulerAngles); There is also Mar 17, 2011 · But player's Local negative Y axis will keep pushing player "down" acording to it's rotation in Global environment. forward, normal); This should probably do the job. Also rotation is not a value in degrees! Oct 15, 2012 · 1. May 31, 2016 · 59. LookRotation(lookVector); transform. This seems to be where everything went wrong. You can use rotation to rotate a GameObject or provide the current rotation. forward * degrees); \$\begingroup\$ tranform. Rotating along the x axis works as expected with vertical input, but rotating along the z-axis simply spins the camera rather than rotate on its relative z axis -- and I understand why. up); The order in which you multiply quaternions is important, so if you don't get the result you expected from A * B, try it again with B * A. Rotate(. 0, Input. If Rigidbody interpolation is enabled on the Rigidbody, calling Rigidbody. AngryAnt , Mar 9, 2009 Rotation and orientation in Unity. AngleAxis( 180, transform. Lerp(transform. eulerAngles = new Vector3(eulers. I've been searching around for hours on Google and found the same problem multiple times but none of the codes seemed to work for me. How can I only change the Y rotation. MoveRotation will resulting in a smooth transition between the two rotations in any intermediate frames rendered. How can I fix this issue? Jun 21, 2020 · However, this is where I'm currently having trouble as so far I don't exactly know how to make a player face a specific direction. I'll go ahead and share the code that Aug 3, 2013 · Before the direction the player faced was the direction it was going but now i can't do that as it would just look silly. Slerp(transform. You said you had difficulty using quaternion * vector in C#, but it is definitely possible. Set the X axis value of a gameobject to 0. Clamp( rotationX, minValue, maxValue); Then you can apply this value to your object's rotation. Dec 16, 2014 · It's important to give it some distance from the camera. mousePosition + Vector3. All I want is the game objects (turret)'s y+ to rotate and everything else stay the same. { /* This camera smoothes out rotation around the y-axis and height. rotation, as Transform. DarkEcho, Oct 23, 2017. Dec 26, 2017 · So if you have your user input: Code (CSharp): rotationX = // some code here to get float value from player. Expand Axis to see the list of your current inputs. x, PlayerTrans. In Unity, you can use both Euler angles and quaternions to represent rotations and orientation. The Object. Atan2( xbox_rsx, xbox_rsy) * Mathf. y; Quaternion rot = Quaternion. void Rotating(float horizontal, float vertical) {. #6. This is faster than updating the rotation using Transform. y = transform. Preset directions wont work for me because im Feb 7, 2013 · 801. Since the camera is already at 90 degrees, rotating on the z axis will produce the Dec 20, 2013 · I’m trying to achieve a camera that follows and rotates around the player while allowing the player to do things like rotate in C#. I that the gun will rotate toward the mouse according to the mouse position (X,Y). This may be some help: Unity - Scripting API: Transform. I'd need a way to rotate "enemy" facing player position even if far away. Feb 22, 2015 · If you want to rotate the object to a specific angle use: float degrees = 90; Vector3 to = new Vector3(degrees, 0, 0); transform. edited Aug 13, 2019 at 15:15. // Create a new vector of the horizontal and vertical inputs. Jun 1, 2018 · Posts: 50. root: Returns the topmost transform in the hierarchy. I know exactly what the problem with my code is, but I have no idea how to fix it! Please help Sep 19, 2017 · Vector3 lookVector = player. {. Apr 24, 2016 · Apr 24, 2016. This should result in the z-axis of your object pointing in the direction of normal. How can I rotate (the Z axes I suppose) of the "Enemy" to always look at the Feb 7, 2013 · Therefore, to walk relative to where you are facing, instead of using horizontal and vertical directly, you would do something like: Code (csharp): Vector3 vel = transform. rotation stores a Quaternion. Do not attempt to edit/modify rotation. TLDR: If you have a 3d model on a parent empty game object, make sure the child's position is 0, 0, 0. Use Rigidbody. To clarify a little more for example: no matter what position on it's X, Y, and Z it is in, I'd like the object in to rotate downward and toward me upon moving the mouse downward, rotate leftward no matter it's X, Y, Z position if i move my Apr 6, 2020 · I have a character controller and camera setup so that the camera moves with the player in a 3D top down configuration. You can specify a rotation in world axes or local axes. By default it will be set to "Mouse X" but you can change it so that a different input source controls it. y being lower than the player's "eye level". Apr 1, 2022 · I know that my model will always be standing upright and therefore it only needs to rotate around on one axis. eulerAngles; PlayerTrans. You can remove that line altogether if it is working for you. } } kevinspawner October 9, 2014, 10:26am 5. Euler( Vector3. Does anybody know how to do this? These are the three ways I tried: // 1. But here is the explanation. Any help would greatly appreciated (code in C# please). //just return the exact same position as the camera, which is no good. As a side note, you rarely ever want to use GetKey, because that hard-codes things and makes stuff more difficult. avoid using exact equality to compare floats. Feb 15, 2021 · However if the player is scrolling left or right i want the skybox camera to rotate y axis. Feb 26, 2015 · Hi, the title of my question tells you the problem actually. Apr 22, 2023 · The problem arises when I've tried adding a function to rotate the player using the jetpack and right controller. just think as the enemy at the center of a circle and player running all around. Setting a rotation in 2D comes in many forms: Code (CSharp): transform. A Quaternion that stores the rotation of the Transform in world space. basically I just want to set it up so when I hit the forward key the player rotates to the direction of the camera then moves forward. Applies a rotation of zAngle degrees around the z axis, xAngle degrees around the x axis, and yAngle degrees around the y axis (in that order). y, heading2d. forward to the move direction. If you want to set the rotation on the Y axis it would be: transform. deltaTime); This will rotate 90 degrees around the x axis. Typically, you rotate objects in your scene A Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. But that's not a rotation. May 4, 2014 · Hello, I'm making a kind of an endless runner game, and I need help rotating this enemy towards the player in this way: I need the enemy to rotate to the right if the player is on the enemie's right side, and to the left if the player is to the enemies left. up). move example And im trying to rotate the player to the direction the character is moving with: transform. deltaTime, 1); Vector3 lookDir = canvas. current position of the unrotated Object 2. I also tried setting the x and z to 0 on the lookDirection with no success. Feb 7, 2020 · 427. position - transform. My idea to accomplish this was to make the enemy rotate around the y-axis towards my player, and rotate its rifle up and down (the x-axis) towards my player. After having this same problem, I figured it out. Example: The camera is currently at 15,90,0. forward * degrees; // or. Rad2Deg; Jan 19, 2020 · The canon should target the plane but only rotate on the y axis rotate. forward * vertical * ForwardSpeed + transform. Aug 20, 2020 · I have an issue where when moving my player and rotating he seems to be rotating along the Z axis as well when it should be staying at 0. PlayerTrans. Oct 24, 2014 · What I mean in my question is that how to make your player rotate automatically when I move my mouse left for example and my whole characters body will rotate and limit its rotation back to a 2D vi Jul 15, 2021 · 10. Adam, inside Unity go to: EDIT > Project Settings > Input. Approximately or use your own threshold like below. May 6, 2015 · 2. x,y,z axis moves. The object will face the cameras facing direction on the Y axis. Euler( x, y, z) * Quaternion. Jan 10, 2011 · AgentChaos. I want x’s position to always be “some distance” units to the right of the player from the camera’s perspective. Apr 3, 2018 · In my game I want the enemy to look at my character, which works but it is doing it on all of the axises. 1)rotate the gun on is X,Y,Z axis. I have a torch that follows the player's mouse, and using you method makes it work only when the player looks right. Here is the most successful solution I tried: Code (CSharp): void Update () {. Nov 2, 2011 · 27. rotation, rot, 1); This will cause the ‘enemy’ to only rotate to face the players position on the X and Z planes and ignore the height Mar 8, 2016 · Aug 8, 2015. Collections; public class Rotation : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject Player; public GameObject PlayerCube; // Use this for initialization void Jan 19, 2011 · o - >x+. rotation * Quaternion. AngleAxis( angle, Vector3. Rotate(1, 1, 1); } And my character is only spinning to the right (Y axis). Dec 14, 2020 · Unity Technologies. To make things easier, i tried to begin by only rotating the "player": Code (CSharp): public CharacterController _controller; Jul 30, 2020 · Thanks raarc : it kind of works, but it's having cascading effects on children of the PC. I already tried it in 3 different ways, but none of them seems to be working. up * RotationSpeed * Time. var angle = Mathf. Jan 6, 2015 · 6. position; lookVector. When you rotate camera, you rotate that offset. Jan 19, 2014 · It rotates the capsules fine, but I need it to not rotate the y-axis, just the x and z, so that the player continues running in the direction they want to travel in. , expand one of the options, and change the name in the Name field or Positive Button field. Feb 26, 2009 · Quaternion rotation = Quaternion. public class TestCamRotatanator5000 : MonoBehaviour. So. I working on a platform-shooter game. However because of the previous line, this won't work because now the rotation gets set permanently all the time. But you can calculate the joystick values to rotation of the character using: Code (CSharp): float angleA = Mathf. lookDir. They will always offset the rotation when called. x does not equal 0. RotateTowards (transform. position; SkyCamera. LookAt(transform. RotateAround() takes the position and rotation of the Gameobject itself (i think). Rad2Deg + 90; Finally, apply the rotation according to the axis: Jan 12, 2016 · But it's what's happening to the other angles that are interesting. I was able to make the Child object (ItemHolder) follow the rotation of the parent Player object by simply using the line of code below under FixedUpdate and locking all Rigidbody Constraints of the Child except X Rotation: Code (CSharp): transform. Rotates the rigidbody to rotation. Camera simply follows along, no scripting, math or rotating the world . float str = Mathf. These representations are equivalent but have different uses and limitations. GetAxis(“Horizontal”) < 0 and to rotate to 180 when Input. Euler. IN late update. Collections; // Place the script in the Camera-Control group in the component menu. up for the Y axis and Vector3. Rotate(0 ,0 ,rotateSpeed * Time. You are on to something I think though, because when I use your line of code my player is rotating on the z axis the way I want but it's just continuously rotating, even without any input. up: The green axis of the transform in world space. MoveRotation to rotate a Rigidbody, complying with the Rigidbody's interpolation setting. I have found this very useful but I want to assign the rotation only to the Z axis, which I can't get to work. 8669e. LookAt. The code that's the closest is the following: May 15, 2015 · Im using the character controller. Well I attached a JS script into my player and this is a piece of my script. Then carefully examine them, there are all input names and explained how they work. Transform. Rotate: Rotates given degrees over given angles. Basically we get the amount of rotation from forward to the normal, and then set it to that. forward, targetDirection, singleStep, 0. Now you can simply make the original object a child of the new empty gameObject and use the new gameObject as your object. Jul 13, 2015 · I am trying to make my player rotate on the y axis. Generic; using UnityEngine; // You need to create an empty, attach this script to it, then parent your camera to that empty. >Directional Light. When a button is pressed in this instance, the objects new current rotation will be 0,90,0. rotation causes all attached Colliders to Mar 16, 2013 · The easiest way to do this is absolutely by adding a parent object into the hierarchy under the rigidbody above the mesh which you rotate with code and letting the rigidbody rotate the whole thing normally. ericbegue said: ↑. I'm trying to setup a grab interaction like the one in the Oculus Rift Home environment - where you can use the ray interactor to grab an object at a distance, pull it towards you or away from you, rotate around an axis. and so on. var lookDirectiony = player Jun 20, 2013 · This will create a gameObject at your object's center. Rotate(v3 * speed * Time. rotation: A Quaternion that stores the rotation of the Transform in world space. position. What I am trying to do now is make it so that Jan 21, 2010 · Hi there. If you want to rotate on some other axis, change Vector3. PlayerObj. Check out Quaternion. E. forward for the Z axis. using UnityEngine; using System. To see what's happening, click on an object in the editor, then use the rotate tool to rotate it on the x axis by say 45 degrees, then rotate it on the y axis by 45 degrees, and watch what Jun 27, 2015 · Im making a 2D platformer, but instead of how people normal handle slopes I want the player to rotate to the angle of the slope and move on rotated axis until they leave that slope, like is Sonic. right to make your move vector, just make it in world space. Clamp (playerHeadEulerAngles. eulerAngles = Vector3. position; Nov 8, 2017 · Code (csharp): transform. When I rotate the camera, the player rotates also with the camera, but then suddenly it stops Jun 21, 2018 · The thing is, that my character shoots along the y axis (gameObject. rotation´ refers to the transform of the gameobject the script is attached to. The example below set the object to turn 90 degrees clockwise in the Y axis: transform. Then you can limit the rotation: Code (CSharp): rotationX = Mathf. This is what I've got so far: Code (csharp): cameraDirection = cameraPlayer. Posts: 330. transform. Vector3 targetDirection = target. The rotation is often provided as an Euler angle and not a Quaternion. Add "offset vector" to it, and set result to camera position. My enemy's forward isn't the same as its rifle's forward, so I also needed to rotate it in a way where the rifle is pointing the player. Oct 6, 2015 · Basically I want to write a simple script to attach to my game object that rotates my character (up, down, left, right), about the y-axis, when the mouse is dragged between two angles relative to where the mouseDown occurred. x, eulers. z does not correspond to the z axis nor is it in degrees. I don't want them to be aligned, basically, I want to take one direction axis and make the smallest rotation possible so that it matches the goal May 28, 2013 · Ok so I have a player, a ball that rolls around, and I want this object call it x to rotate around this object with the camera. Jan 12, 2020 · Which is a difference (subtraction, vector) of camera position (world) and point position. ) Oct 1, 2015 · //Resets the OVRCameraRig's position and Y-axis rotation to help align the player's starting position and view to the target parameters Mar 28, 2011 · How can I constrain to just one axis (the Y-axis)? I don't care that the two objects are facing in the same direction, but what I'm trying to do is have the base object look at the target object with a fixed rotation axis. Here is all of my movement code, and the Hierarchy tree in which I have all of my objects. forward; Oct 2, 2012 · This make life really simple so when changing direction I multiply the direction vector of the parent by a polarity of 1 or -1 and rotate the inner model between 0 and 180. You can't rotate one axis and keeps the other two unchanged, they have to be orthogonal to each other. You can use one of these as the axisName. y, zRotation); } And to answer why the methods you’ve tried didn’t work: transform. Vector3 mouseWorldPosition = Camera. #region Fields. To rename the input or change the positive button etc. LookAt(targetPlayer); but the problem occurs when I have an NPC that is taller than the player, and the NPC rotates along the Z axis, causing it to lean forward and make its feet come off the ground so it looks like its floating in the air. rotation to get and set the rotation of a Rigidbody using the physics engine. Also x Aug 25, 2014 · Just to let you know, that "transform. Joined: Dec 22, 2016. Sep 20, 2013 · Ok, this i’m unsure if i’m doing something or what is happening, however i’m using the following code: function Update { transform. I just want it to rotate in one axis (i think the y) to face towards where it is going. Euler(0, 20, 0); but this doesnt work. Vector3 newDirection = Vector3. if you rotate 0 over the Z-axis you won’t rotate it at all. Posts: 2. right * horizontal * LateralSpeed; where the "Speed" terms are how fast to move. I had a similar issue and solved it by just setting the RaycastHit. the point the Object should be able to pass 4. . Last edited: Oct 24, 2017. rotation updates the Transform after the next physics simulation step. NEVER above, below, or to the left of the player at least when looking through the camera. Rotate positively on the X and, even though the object looks EXACTLY the same in the game view, the Z rotation will now say 180deg and the Y rotations will show -1. So the models rotation does not affect the movement direction at all Sep 21, 2012 · I recommend to use the static method Quaternion. Min (movementStrength * Time. LookRotation, all those fancy things dont work here, since my enemies are on a damn sphere, every axis does move as well, everything tired and complicated or the other way around, it ended in a huge pile of mess. right = targetTransform. Changing the rotation of a Rigidbody using Rigidbody. Think of each unique Scene file as May 1, 2017 · You probably want to limit the actual rotation of playerHead, for example by adding the following lines to the end of update: Vector3 playerHeadEulerAngles = playerHead. It is probably a bit too late for this but your player most likely rotate the way it does due to the RaycastHit. Rotate the other way BELOW 270 and Y becomes 180 and the Z shows -9. eulerAngles, to, Time. It is a 2D game so it won't let me freeze the x and y axis. Apr 22, 2014 · The left and right movement keys rotate the character in world space, and make him go towards the camera (move back in relation to the camera), and both up and down move the character away from the camera, and also rotate in world space. Jul 21, 2014 · When you wish to start the rotation, store the rotation transform. GetAxis(“Vertical”) < 0. forward and transform. ScreenToWorldPoint(Input. You grab that point around which your camera revolve. I want him to be able to rotate 90 to the right when the user Input. Euler(new Vector3(0,90,0)); On the other hand, ´transform. So the solution to the answer could take 5 parameters: 1. EDIT: Faux gravity (fake gravity - blue ring) is a child object of player too, but not camera. See full list on gamedevbeginner. Rotate()" was not affecting the smooth motion. You could use Quaternions here also. rotation. deltaTime); but this only causes the PlayerObject to rotate around rather than a given direction. y, 0); Feb 25, 2010 · Hi, I'm trying to make an NPC turn to face the player whenever the player talks to the NPC, and I got it to sort of work by using transform. towards, Quaternion. Trying to figure out how to turn my player to face the direction of the camera as opposed to the other way around. Also, as derHugo mentioned below in a comment, you should. deltaTime; // Rotate the forward vector towards the target direction by one step. Vector3 targetDirection = new Vector3(horizontal, 0f, vertical); // Create a rotation based on this new vector assuming that up is the global y axis. up ); in a variable named "rotation" and put your script in update. var Camera : Transform; function LateUpdate () { transform. y to be the same height as the player before actually rotating the player. This method allow you to pass the amount of I also want the canvas to have an initial x rotational value of abouit 20 to make it slightly slanted and easier for the player to see. Jul 17, 2017 · Posts: 2,807. deltaTime); By default when you rotate, all rotate. the rotated objects new rotation 2 Use Transform. I have written a script for the enemy to rotate to the player when they have a line of sight. Anyway to make it work with rotate, so everything rotates ? Mar 19, 2020 · I’m making a character controller for a top down game, but after the character turns, when i let go of the movement keys, the rotation of the player goes back to 0 degrees on the y axis. So z+ direction on the game objects is the bottom side of the sprite. I need each of these to rotate to face the camera as well as possible, but to do so around only one axis. private Vector3 targetchords; Dec 4, 2015 · This causes it to look directly at the center of the game board beneath. So I’m trying to rotate an object on only the Y axis here is the code I got. . rotation = Quaternion. forward * 10f); The red axis of the transform in world space. transform. rotation = Quaternion (0,0,0,0);// flips enemy around to face the player on x axis only. position - target. No need to rotate (0,0,1). eses, Jan 27, 2019. rotation is less than 180 degrees. Unless you scale it negatively (flip it). How can I still have player-controlled local Y rotation if I have the gravity rotation all the time ? Thanks ! Oct 23, 2006 · The camera will rotate around the object on the cameras Y axis. The idea is, I want the player to not have to turn their feet to rotate. com Feb 11, 2013 · Code (csharp): using UnityEngine; using System. position = MainCamera. //If the screen point is calculated right from the exact position of the camera, then it will. Description. right; Oct 14, 2014 · So this is basically the code of Unity’s Stealth Tutorial. Sample Scene. y = Camera. Camera faces the z+ direction. GetAxis(“Horizontal”) > 0 and rotate 90 left when the Input. worldToLocalMatrix: Matrix that transforms a point from world space into local space (Read Only). To be clear, I want (-90, 0, 0) to be considered as the default rotation, rotate around the center of the object, to face the camera. deltaTime); All I’m looking to accomplish is to use an axis control (in this case the Xbox 360 Triggers) to rotate an object smoothly on one axis (I understand that may not be strictly what is happening). I always use a 'container' gameobject for anything I'm controlling, attach the script to the parent object, and generate the player gameobject at runtime. y = 0; Jul 9, 2020 · Don't use transform. GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0. Apr 16, 2020 · using System. It was making the object face the target with the X axis instead of the Y axis. Enemy should rotate like he is looking at player, but everytime when the rotation on Z axis is greater than 270 it automaticly lower by 180. float singleStep = speed * Time. Then, you can set transform. In Unity's new VR XR tutorial there is a prefab XR Rig with a Magic Tractor Beam, which is almost what I want, but you Nov 2, 2007 · That will rotate back and forth on the X axis, up to the limits defined with minimum and maximum. I'm having a hard time coming up with a script that will allow me to rotate an object by all three axis based on the direction I move my mouse. look at inspector to your right and expand Axes menu. LookAt(target); // Euler angles are easier to deal with. position; //This makes it only move on the y axis. Collections; using System. My end goal is basically to make a free cam where the player can fly around the game. Just in case if the camera rotation is messed up in your scene. the rotation axis 5. Eric5h5 said: ↑. So x rotate around the Y axis ONLY of the player. the angle and return 2 parameters: 1. After that just drag your char object to Public Transform player. using System. Nov 19, 2011 · As you can see, no matter how the player is rotated, it will always rotate the player around his local Y axis. rotation = MainCamera. LookRotation. Found this answer here: Rotate a gameobject in Unity. Also, change the Type to Joystick Axis. right to Vector3. current rotation of the unrotated Object 3. Posts: 7,768. Rotate (Vector3. Oh and just fyi, when I said "camera's forward direction" I meant it in world space, as in if the camera is Jul 12, 2010 · self. This is especially evident when rotate. Euler (0, 90, 0); The second approach uses the Rotation method in the same transform attribute. May 20, 2014 · I have problem rotating enemy to player, using Unity 2D. In a "Top-Down" scenario . You already ruled that out above for some reason though. Your issue is that Rotate functions will move from the current rotation by value you give it. PraetorBlue,Jul 24, 2021. SkyCamera. World axis rotation uses the coordinate system of the Scene, so when you start rotate a GameObject, its x, y, and z axes are aligned with the x, y, and z This brings up the Input Manager. If you put OrbitalTransposer in the Body section of the vcam, then it will expose a rotation axis that you can connect to the input system. Vector3 distance = Input. position + movementVector); However, this just makes the player rotate whenever any input is given on the horizontal axis, this causes the player to just keep turning whenever it moves sideways. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { public float speed; [Range(0,1)] public float turnSmoothing = 0f; public Animator Jul 18, 2007 · 192. Rotate to rotate GameObjects in a variety of ways. So I'm trying to make a turret for a game and I want it to rotate on the Z axis based on the current mouse position but most of the solutions I found didn't work and ended in weird behaviour. I. [ AddComponentMenu ("Camera-Control/Smooth Follow CSharp")] public class SmoothFollowCSharp : MonoBehaviour. Euler so you can pass values in a X, Y, Z. Atan2(heading2d. Hello! I read some threads about this question but nothing has helped me. May 4, 2021 · Now I want to lock the z-axis of the rotation of the player. Feb 18, 2016 · I'm using Character Controller and wanted to make the player to use A/D to rotate the camera around him, and then move forward/backward using W/S. Jan 14, 2021 · You can set the rotation of your camera with Quaternion. My original "player" game object, consisting of a 3d model childed to an empty game object and with similar code to the above, was rotating around a random point for no particular reason. Assuming you want something like an RTS character than never leans over. mousePosition - transform. May 5, 2021 · Vector3 eulers = PlayerTrans. LookAt (target) and then erase the x and z rotations. I have turned the axis of the muzzle in the scene view so, that it would face the right/shooting direction. y, yMin, yMax); playerHead. I’ve scripted the ability to rotate the camera by holding shift and moving the mouse. 0f); Oct 19, 2012 · (I want to set rotation on 1 axis. main. May 11, 2015 · How can i get the enemy to rotate towards the players position? I can rotate it along the x,y, z but how to i get the players location and turn the Apr 12, 2014 · Vector3 v3 = Vector3(0. You can add this below simple script which will make the object point towards camera always. The above script make the bottom side of the sprite face the character. FromToRotation( Vector3. The object, 0,0,0. y = Mathf. Feb 8, 2012 · A quick way is to transform. // Look at including x and z leaning. point. i've tryed using. Feb 21, 2018 · I have a humanoid enemy, and I want him to shoot at my player with a rifle. Horizontal means along X axis negative values will be left key and positive - right key. 2)rotate the gun on is Y axis. Apr 21, 2021 · I'm new to Unity and am working on a 2D top down shooter. I dont know how to do this though, as the rays from the raycasting arent rotating with the player and there are lots of collision bugs. 2. Apr 2, 2020 · Thanks for your reply, but that would negate the rotate input variables from the controller that are created in lines 15 and 16. eulerAngles; playerHeadEulerAngles. Feb 6, 2015 · Now the tricky bit - I'm not sure why, but when converting radians to degrees for Unity, we need to multiply the negative constant and add a quarter turn. x) * -Mathf. y; } Well everything seems working. 0); transform. Instead use Mathf. With my limited knowledge of quaternions i tried to do this but failed, the player seems to sort of rotate all over the place. The script im using is: Description. rotation is a 4D quaternion, and rotation. I have the player that walking with the right and left keys and I have the gun. Collections. wich of the codes to choose. si iy bs hv hl yr pl sq kq gy