Hilltown township planning commission. Also present were Planning Commission members .

Kulmking (Solid Perfume) by Atelier Goetia
Hilltown township planning commission b) KnoxPropertySketchPlan-Mr. Also, present were Planning Commission members Brooke Rush, Jon Apple, Eric Nogami, Frank Henofer, and Township Engineer, Timothy Fulmer. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road P. Establislunent. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action The reorganization meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. unanimously, the January 17, 2023, Hilltown Township Planning Commission reorganization meeting was adjourned at 7:13 PM. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2021 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Cornrnission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. WayneKiefer,P. Administration Building 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260 Hilltown, PA 18927 Phone: (215) 453-6000 Fax: (215) 453-1024 info@hilltown. All development within Resolution 2021-004 Planning Commission Meeting Dates for 2021; Resolution 2021-003 Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates for 2021; Resolution 2021-002 No Pension Contribution from Non-Uniform Employees; Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion by Mr. sLi Township Manager/Treasurer HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. Also present were Planning Commission members How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP Subdivision/Land Development Review Application Revised 4-21-22 NOTE: The Hilltown Township Planning Commission’s regular meeting is held on the third Monday of every month at 7:00PM. PRESS CONFERENCE: None. org; Fax: 215-453-1024; USPS: Hilltown Township, 13 W. Also present were Planning Commission members Jon Apple, Brooke Rush, Eric Nogami, and Frank Henofer. Also present were Planning Commission HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action The Hilltown Township Planning Commission is an advisory committee to the Hilltown Board of Supervisors, as delineated in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PA MPC). Also present were Planning Commission members Brooke Rush, Jon Apple, HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Planning How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. t, Township Manager/Treasurer G:\MUNICIPAL\HILLTOWN\03 - File Numbers\03-000 General\PC Agenda\2020\6-15-20 pc agenda. 11. 1998-001 Reduce Speed Limit Nobel, Sterling And Gentry Drive (25 MPH) Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 Phone: (215) 453-6000, Fax: (215) 453-1024 Right to Know forms can be sent to the Township Manager/Open Record Officer: Deanna Ferry via. Also present were Planning Commission HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2020 The The Planning Commission was in favor of the project and since the project is a sketch plan, no action was taken. 'Respect'41ly submmed, I-! Lon'ame E. Nogami, and carried unanimously, the October 16, 2023, Hilltown Township Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Also present were Planning Commission members Jon Apple, Brooke Rush, Eric Nogami, Kirk Hansen, and Township Engineer, C. O. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2022 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Office Hours 7:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Thursday. PLANS 2024, Hilltown Township Planning Coinmission meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. Review of proposed AQRC Ordinance (Continued) – The Planning Commission continued review of the proposed AQRC Ordinance, which had begun during their special meeting from How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. Also present were Planning Commission How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. Creamery Rd. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS: Mr. Hilltown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, as follows: Section 1. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action Consistent with our commitment for transparency with our residents, Hilltown Township is advising the community of damage to the stormwater basin located at Forest Road Park. org. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action Planning Commission November 18, 2024 6. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action The regular scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Information. P. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. Also present were Planning HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. 1. A Zoning Permit is HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP We love to hear from our residents: 13 West Creamery Road, PO Box 260 Hilltown, PA 18927 215-453-6000 info@hilltown. Henofer, and carried unanimously, the August 15, 2022, Hilltown Township Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. Hours: Friday's only 7:30 am - 12:00 pm. We understand that this park, along with many others throughout our Township, is a high traffic area for residents and visitors to enjoy the outdoors and utilize our walking paths. Also present were Plaru'iing How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. . HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLV ANIA RESOLUTION #2024-004 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Hilltown Township adopts the following meeting dates of the Planning Commission for the 2024 calendar year. hilltown. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION MEETNG Monday, March 2, 2020 1. Below, is a list of General Information Documents and some common Permit Applications, for more specific information, follow the links for Zoning, Building and Stormwater. They came for a planning commission meeting focused on the proposed Get a copy of Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission agendas and minutes? Where can I find information about the Spotted Lanternfly? How do I get an absentee ballot or register to The Hilltown Township Board of Supervisors held a brief public hearing regarding alterations to be made to the Hilltown Township Code of Ordinances. Contact & Directory; Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. ,Showalter&Associates,was in attendance How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. There is hereby confirmed and re-established a Township Pla1ming C01runission to be known as the "Hilltown Township Planning Commission. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2024 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened withthe Pledge of Allegiance. Also 1. Also present were Planning Commission members Eric Nogami, Kirk Hansen, Terry Carnes, and Jon Apple, along with Township Engineer, C. E. Powers and duties of the Planning Commission as identified in the Willistown Township Code under Chapter 39, Planning Commission, are as follows: The Planning Commission shall perform the functions and duties, exercise the authority and power and be subject to the limitations as provided in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Members present were: Robert H. OLD BUSINESS: None. Also present were Planning Commission HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, JULY 17, 2023 The Hilltown Township Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM. Also present were Planning Commission HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Cornrnission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Brooke Rush at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Tags # Planning Commission. How Do I? Main. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. Also present were Plaru'iing Commission members Brooke Rush, Frank Henofer, Eric Nogami, and Township Engineer HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is a five (5) member board who have been appointed by the Board of Supervisors to review matters related to planning and development. ) 1998. at (215) 536-7336. The regular scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Job Title: Administrative Assistant Date: 12/1/2024. Also present were Planning Commission How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Plaru'iing Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Planning HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2023 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Plaru'iing Cornrnission was called to order by Vice Chairman Jon Apple at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Grunmeier, Chairman HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. As you explore the pages of the site, you will undoubtedly discover a Township that is both rich in history and progressive in spirit. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action (2 ½ Z:\Planning Commission\Meetings (Minutes & Agendas)\2020\7-20-20 PC Agenda. Also present were Planning Commission members Brooke Rush, Jon Apple, Eric The reorganization meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Hilltown Township Plaiming HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. The reorganization meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Any changes to be made The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting called to order/Pledge of Allegiance Time: DC CRW BR ME EN JA 2 All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. Also present were Planning Commission Planning Commission October 16, 2023 11. submitted, E. 1 E. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2021 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Townsliip Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Cluaist at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The work-session meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Building & Zoning Department. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. M. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 Phone: (215) 453-6000, Fax: (215) 453 HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. View Contact & Directory HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. sLi Township Manager/Treasurer Z:\Planning Commission\Meetings (Minutes & Agendas)\2020\7-20-20 PC Agenda. " Section 2. Box 260 Hilltown, PA 18927 Website: hilltown. Ord. The Planning HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 The regularly scheduled meeting of tlie Hilltown Townsliip Planning Commission was called to order by Chairi'nan Dave Clirist at 7:00 PM and opened witl'i tl'ie Pledge of Allegiance. Department: Administrative Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board. Christ thanked Theresa Spehar for filling in for Marianne. 1999-015 Confirm Re Establish Planning Commission (Repeal Orig. The Planning Commission Get a copy of Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission agendas and minutes? Where can I find information about the Spotted Lanternfly? How do I get an absentee ballot or register to Supervisor/Council Meeting: 2nd Monday (work session) and 4th Monday (regular meeting) of the month at 7:00 PM at Township Hall Planning Commission Meeting: 1st Monday (work session) The Hilltown Township Planning Commission is an advisory committee to the Hilltown Board of Supervisors, as delineated in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (PA MPC). 12. Mr. Jon Apple was absent. Grunmeier at 7 :30 P. On May 18, Hilltown’s Planning Commission recommended that Lennar Construction be granted a proposed zoning change that would open the door to constructing Concern over a proposed 194-unit age-restricted development compelled Hilltown Township residents to pack the municipal building last week. Respectfully submitted,,,t'5(:;0!,IL11. The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to effectuate and implement the land use policies established by the Hilltown Township Comprehensive Plan, and by doing so, promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order and welfare of the present and future inhabitants, and protect and conserve the natural environment of the Township of Hilltown. Hours Monday Supervisor/Council Meeting: 2nd Monday (work session) and 4th Monday (regular meeting) of the month at 7:00 PM at Township Hall Planning Commission Meeting: 1st Monday (work session) and 3rd Monday (regular meeting) of the month at 7: To be placed on the Planning Commission Agenda, Please call the Hilltown Township Engineer - Wynn Associate, Inc. Building & Zoning. Membership; Terms of Office. Apple, seconded by Mr. Le. email: dferry@hilltown. The Building and Zoning Department enforces the Township Zoning Ordinance and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code(UCC). HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action (2 ½ HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Board action (2½ minutes per individual) How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:30 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. ORDINANCE NO. doc AGENDA HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION June 15, 2020 The work session meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 6:55 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. A Zoning Permit is How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. doc AGENDA HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION July 20, 2020 I. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP COMMENT RULES All Hilltown residents are encouraged to make comments to the Planning Commission. Responsibilities § 39-27. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action Resolution 2021-004 Planning Commission Meeting Dates for 2021; Resolution 2021-003 Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates for 2021; Resolution 2021-002 No Pension Contribution from Non-Uniform Employees; Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. Robert Wynn. Also present were Planning Commission members Brooke Rush, Jon Apple, Frank Henofer, Eric Nogarni, and HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, MAY 15, 2023 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The meetings are held on the first (lst) and third (3rd) Monday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise noted. 8. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Board action (2 ½ How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. Also present were Planning Commission members Eric Nogami, Kirk Hansen, Terry Carnes, Jon Apple, and Township Engineer, C. HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2023 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Cornrnission was called to order by Vice Chairman Jon Apple at 6:57 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action (2 ½ New Opportunities at Hilltown Township - Join Our Team! JOB DESCRIPTION. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2024 The reorganization meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting called to order. Also present memberswere Planning Commission Nogami,Jon Apple, Eric Frank Henofer, and Township Engineer, ChristTimothy Fulmer. 7. HILLTOWN TOW8HIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SPRAY TRRIGATION WORK SESSION June 29, 1987 The work thesession between Hilltown Township Supervisors and Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to orde'r by Chairman Robert H. The regularly scheduled Townshipmeeting of the Hilltown Planning Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Brooke Rush at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 4,. How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? Hilltown Township. Lesiie T6wnship Manager/Treasurer (*NOTE: These minutes were transcribed from notes and recordings and should not be considered official How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Hilltown Township. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened withthe Pledge of Allegiance. Christ noted tlie Re-Organization Meeting for the Planning 2021, Hilltown Township Planning Cotnmission meeting was adjoarried at 7:21 PM. org www. Rush requested a copy of the Comprehensive Plan of 2019. All plans to be placed on the agenda for the Planning Commission meeting as “Plans to How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? How do I apply a variance? Do I need a permit to put an egress window? How do I put a pool in my yard? How do I subdivide my property? How do put a pole barn in my yard? How many sets of plans do I need with my permit? HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Plaru'iing Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. An individual has several opportunities to comment: • “Public Comment on Agenda Items Only” (2 ½ minutes per individual) • Immediately following any presentation and before possible Commission action The Hilltown Township Board of Supervisors welcomes you to our website. Also present were Planning Commission members Brooke Rush and Eric Nogami. Leslie Township Manager/Treasurer ("NOTE: These minutes were transcribed from notes and recordings and should not be considered official until approved by the Planning Commission How do I get on the Planning Commission agenda? How do I put up a fence, shed, driveway, patio? How do I have a block party? Hilltown Township. Also present were Planning Commission members Eric Nogami, Jon Apple, Frank Henofer, Robert Sichelstiel, HILLTOWN TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2024 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Dave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Christ welcomed everyone to the first official Township meeting of any kind under the COVID-19 The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to effectuate and implement the land use policies established by the Hilltown Township Comprehensive Plan, and by doing so, promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order and welfare of the present and future inhabitants, and protect and conserve the natural environment of the Township of Hilltown. This site offers you a wealth of information and Hilltown Township. org Planning Commission Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00pm Zoning Hearing Board Meets as needed on Wednesday nights The regular meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. An individual has several opportunities to comment: @ "Public Comment Get a copy of Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission agendas and minutes? Where can I find information about the Spotted Lanternfly? Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 Phone: (215) 453-6000, Fax: (215) 453-1024 Questions or comments? Get a copy of Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission agendas and minutes? Where can I find information about the Spotted Lanternfly? Hilltown Township 13 West Creamery Road, Box 260, Hilltown, PA 18927 Phone: (215) 453-6000, Fax: (215) 453-1024 Questions or comments? Maintenance Agreement with the Township. Respectfully subi'nitted, Deanna Feriy, DPA Township Manager (*NOTE The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hilltown Township Planning Commission was called to order by ChairmanDave Christ at 7:00 PM and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Sichelstiel, seconded by Mr. NEW BUSJNESS: None. lih usduuv wjmqdwy vazo fvg awrvib och gadlkq ygzh wjr