Mumsnet lockdown In fact the Dutch have never had either of those things. . Xx Im pretty sure this has been exacerbated by lockdown as its just the two of us and our house was very quiet and peaceful over lockdown but I think thats made her even more sensitive. Anyone who has been through this, or has the easin. During the first lockdown, she started to gain weight, very rapidly. We had just started going to baby groups when lockdown hit. Another vote for the OP. Whilst Covid itself maybe over the impact of the measures taken against it will be with us for a very very long time: £450 billion of extra Government debt that fuelled inflation and now means there is no money left for nurses or teachers. Whilst lockdown has shown me a slower pace of life is nice, I long to get back to normal and back to work. Sometimes just giving your eyes a break can make a difference too. He does have some sensory overload issues which we are working on, however his behaviour has changed dramatically over the last month. I think it’s different if you’ve had a stressful time during lockdown. I know that if she was at end of life I would be allowed to go and sit with her for the final few hours and would wear protective clothing etc to walk through the building but could take the mask off when in her room. We didn't have recorded lessons either - just PowerPoint and some BBC Bitesize and such videos, plus the worksheets. before the first lockdown, but thinking back it was such an isolating time. com The only drills any of my DC have had are fires drills, definitely no emergency drills. Generally when we’re not in lockdown people don’t send their sick children to school anymore etc and so vulnerable children like him are less likely to catch bugs that make them seriously ill. He gets up at about 2. Get support (and vent!) here. Eating vast quantities just because it’s there and not due to stress isn’t the same thing. I've been getting more text messages/phone calls than Lockdown has a hideous human cost as well, and it may turn out that repeated lockdowns caused more problems than they solved (eg schools not going back in summer last year when rates were very low - but sending them back Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. The social and financial costs of lockdown are tremendous. I'm sure this has been done many times but am struggling. Since having children my interest has been mostly confined to playing them nursery rhymes when they were small, supervising their practice and playing carols at Christmas. We were in a very privileged position: nice house, no money troubles, no health concerns, and at the time I didn’t feel too bad. I don't resent her or other lodgers otherwise I would never have them in the first place! And plenty of people have had a moan about DHs during lockdown. I und I don't think there will be a full lock down for 3 months. Road blocks stopping most motorists from driving through Oxford city centre will divide the city into six "15 minute" neighbourhoods, a county council travel chief has said. Lockdown then meant he had to stay at his digs which is a tiny room, because he is on the minimum maintenance loan. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, Primary school children, and for all I know, secondary too, are having drills on school lockdown. Lots of things have changed, for example, A doctor responds to HMPV lockdown rumours swirling on social media. I feel so worthless. Hi I can’t see another thread on this and I think it’s more Scotland than general CV related. The Dutch "full lockdown" does not include domestic travel restrictions or a household mixing ban. Honestly in the first lockdown we’ve done birthdays in the garden. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share How much support to expect from teacher Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, Under the current lockdown rules, you’re allowed to meet one other person from outside your household (and support bubble) in an outdoor public space in your local area for exercise or for a drink or picnic. Watch thread I know that if lockdown doesnt happen then alot more people will die, and so it is incredibly selfish of me to be so angry, but I am angry. My children are a spread of primary and secondary age and although we were fortunate that we didn’t have any major problems in lockdown and they are doing well academically, I do feel that they are all socially young for their age. My only question seems odd, but while Many will be facing the lockdown with an abuser and I thought a thread where people can post for support, reassurance and help might be useful. By Justine Roberts | Last updated Apr 17, 2024 Hi, I've name changed as I am embarrassed but I could really do with some advice please. I'd been off work for over a month Ill (no idea if COVID or not); barely back to work and lockdown started. I'm in two minds about this. I think we will have around 6 weeks full lockdown and then some loosening to allow a bit more economic activity as will will be over the fiest peak then. I took sertraline for 6 months, it took the edge off but Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. Lockdown has done what it was meant to and stopped hospitals being overwhelmed. Why are we now having this push to have a longer than necessary lockdown meaning a much higher death toll from the fallout rather than covid-19? Yep me too! Ds is 2. I've started seeing someone since and my mum has my son occasionally overnight when I go to see him. I think reality will hit for many when lockdown is eased. Confused about lockdown rules for music lessons where it's not in a class, but 1:1. When I was in primary school in the 1970s/early 80s we used to have a "bomb scare" drill which was exactly the same as a fire drill except we had to go right to the back of the field as far as possible from the building. Many people are suffering because of lockdown consequences. For me, with teenage kids who managed their own workloads, lockdown has been a peaceful time where I could have easily written a LOT every day. Please don't flame me. I could have written this myself. But like everyone else I imagine, I am really missing my parents/sibl My baby is due before this new lockdown will end, I'm 35 weeks and currently in the process of trying to get a planned c section will this affect it?? I've been someone who believes that Scotland has been too slow to get moving again, but even I agree that a local lockdown is sensible. Lots of sighing and passive aggressive remarks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Help to understand tapestry please Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I am in exactly the same position. But with the lockdown and risk of infection we have decided not to take the risk and I phoned them up to tell them that DD will be staying put over the holidays. My LO is 18 months and bloody wonderful but like you lockdown is killing me. Anyway, on Friday, at 8. My daughter’s dance school asked families to continue paying during Lockdown#2 saying it was an admin nightmare otherwise. A few houses in the street have recently gone on for 20-25% more than we paid. I think lockdown might be bringing out the worst in me, and in my relationship. I have never spread Covid to another person. I'm lucky I still work however the time I'm at home I find myself stuck in a continuous cycle of chores and visiting the local park. Similarly the idea that all over 50’s will be asked to stay home and London is going to be put into lockdown. Breastfeeding, cluster feeds, non nursery days, hormones, the lot. I just can’t work out whether it’s more likely than not we’ll end up in another lockdown (and when that might be) There are multiple articles in a My son is a second year university student who had a brilliant first year, achieving firsts in semesters 1 and 2 (he didn't have a 3rd in year 1 so wasn't affected so much in his first year. Which is quite nice, but all the parents / PILs have small guest beds which we have to share with the children who don’t sleep well etc etc, which means it’s not very restful and I never feel very relaxed or refreshed going in to the next Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. It's perfectly normal to find this whole gig a bit boring at times. You're trying to steer the coversation towards lockdown, and you don't even realise you're doing it. Totally unacceptable! You’ll probably get flamed as a child hating monster but a child who screams is awful. I live in England and am due to f DD was supposed to spend the Easter holidays with her grandparents, everyone looking forward to it etc. But with so much pressure on mums already, it’s time we stop guilting those that haven’t. I have decided after lockdown is lifted and life starts getting some more normality that I am going to make an effort to reconnect with old friends and work on having some more of a life that doesn't revolve solely around children . The number of infections have more than doubled in recent days, and according to the travelling tabby website Aberdeen City has the third highest number of daily infections of any local authority in the entire UK. groups. I am not anti lockdown and really want to do anything to stop the pandemic spreading and people dying unnecessarily. Brother popped round other day to drop off something (breaking lockdown rules, brought his son round who can play in the garden!) say for two hours in the. Before lockdown, I went 4 years without self-harming and since I've been furloughed, I've had at least 2 meltdowns involving throwing my head against the wall repeatedly, bruising my head. Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. Lockdown learning Follow topic Start thread. * Honestly I think you have less of a lockdown probably and more of a DH problem. DS is 18. I was still feeling groggy and crap, three children to homeschool (abject Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. It was collective madness and nowhere was more mad than Mumsnet. Lockdown drills are more widespread now for a few reasons- potential terrorist threat (which is as real, possibly more so, in the US as it is here) and there have been a lot of bomb hoaxes in recent years too. Since lockdown we have still met family (in bubbles) and more gently visited farms, parks etc and let her play on swings/slides etc. The have stopped speaking about Granny casually. Yes I know nobody can tell the future. We were in a very privileged position: nice house, no money troubles, no health concerns, and at the time I didn’t This article makes use of discussions on the UK parenting site Mumsnet during the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK between March and May 2020 to investigate the ways I’ve been thinking about the thread yesterday on whether people thought that children were still impacted by lockdown. Watch thread Flip Whatever about breaking the lockdown restrictions once, doing it again and again will put her at risk more and more. straightnines. We want to keep our jobs so we will have to provide the service. Hello @EmmaEmerald It feels like DS2 is finally getting to where he should be. He gave us £20 per week at that point. How terrifying for the children, they are going to want their parents very badly. Just wondering how other young children are getting on. From the POV of my mental, 2020 was the best I've felt in a very long time. My daughter was 4 months old when lockdown started. Cost of Living Politics Mumsnet says analysis of data on the site has revealed the UK could be heading towards a baby boom in the first half of 2021. And after that any covid precautions seemed a bit academic as they were mixing with other kids daily. Do go an see your Optometrist though, contact lenses shouldn't feel uncomfortable, there will be other brand and moditilies you can try if your current ones aren't great. To comment on this thread you need to create a Obviously I don't steer the conversation towards lockdown because I've never actually mentioned or explained lockdown to her before. Boris being hauled over the coals for a work group meeting outside after working together all day is essential to keep up the narrative that COVID was bad and lockdown justified. Show quote history Lockdown learning Follow topic Start thread. we didn't, but I know a family who did - 6 of them ended up with Covid - the grandparents were hospitalised soon after and the grandfather died a few weeks later 😞. We are only now just seeing signs of improvement. He needs to start pulling his weight when he's not working. I spent most of 2019 in a haze of anxiety and depression triggered by my husband's job loss. Many kids faced disruptions in their learning and emotional wellbeing, and I think there needs to be more of an open dialogue about how these challenges can be addressed DC are 8 and 10, they normally have eow half holidays and midweek too after school and their dad has agreed for them to stay with me and he wants Facetime several times a week but says I should let the kids FaceTime from their own iPads, I’ve been getting them to use my phone twice a week so just wondered what everyone else was doing. But I have to return to work and face reality that nothing's changed. I get some children don’t want too but children don’t always know what’s best for them do they. What other option was there? People were allowed to mix on Christmas Day. Whereas the DCs school managed to bring some kids back to school for a few weeks in June and July 2020 at the end of the first lockdown, all through the 2020-21 academic year apart from the second lockdown, etc. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 So can be worse in a way for NHS than having a higher peak and a lockdown to reduce it. I had my DHs family visiting for 3 weeks a couple years ago and their 3 year old screamed bloody murder all day every day. After lockdown it seems to be that people are more selfish and less empathetic than ever before. He made really great revision notes and got all grade 9s last year- hopefully he can help others now. Our school had to enact the lockdown procedure recently when a swarm of bees found its way inside. I'm recovering from a section and can't do the things he wants me to. Lockdown savings & inflation 7 replies chairz · 24/06/2022 09:56 Heard someone on the Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) My DD broke her glasses lots during the last lockdown and we were still able to go in. what sort of things can be done, will climate lockdowns help? Recently, the lockdown lasted over two weeks which I found quite upsetting, my sister having hospice care as she also has cancer so I like to visit every day. If you have medical concerns, please consult a healthcare professional. The email makes a point of this being the first one they've done and explains about it being a full lockdown with no contact for 30 minutes. Boris being hauled over the coals for a work group meeting outside after working together all day is essential to keep up the narrative that COVID was bad and lockdown Lockdown and covid does feel like a long time ago but as a country we are still adjusting to significant changes in our way of life. 30, eats, goes and FaceTimes his girlfriend for hours. 30 basically in the dark, then eats with us and disappears. Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. I was against lockdowns and masks very early on but complied - I don’t think I’d ever do it again. Thank you all. Hiding under tables, etc, and barricading classroom I have a lovely family, but a big family and every year we seem to spend the days driving around to see people or hosting ourselves. I'm not in a good place, I feel the same about the internet and watching people spew their racist opinions all over the place, family included. No wake or viewings in LD1 allowed with LD2 but with restrictions. Saving you time and money with Mumsnet exclusive deals and discounts. It took ages to get any help at all, and even longer to get the help that might get her out of it. I’m in a flat with a 19 month old and 9 year old so I’m just as anxious as you. Watch thread Flip It is very likely we will go into lockdown. //Www. I didn’t police what anyone else did. But I'm just wondering what the general consensus is/ how likely you think another lockdown is? I'm hoping wors Lockdown learning Follow topic Start thread. Do people really let 9 year old children simply refuse to do something? A bit of maths & English is the minimum a child should be doing. I think the thing I’m struggling with is how to plan to keep them all occupied over a possible winter lockdown, the weather is gorgeous at the minute which has made the whole thing a lot easier. I feel you on this, on the first week of lockdown I received money as usual 30 mins later I got a phone call from him to give half of it back next week I received £20 since then absolutely nothing. And now I know. 30am, we had a knock on our door. DS1 is now an unsociable teenager, he was taught that human contact beyond the home was non-essential, despite rule-bending, but the fact that he was prohibited from going to school for so long, and it was illegal for children of his age to meet and be supervised was not a healthy Actually Boris hasn’t directly talked about closing pubs has he? The media have put that out there. I am angry and scared and I can't see another way out, As seen in the media recently, Europe is experiencing extreme heat, fires ect caused by climate change and global warming. I had a toddler and a newborn when lockdown 1 was announced and found it really intense. To want a lockdown to keep people safe and prevent the NHS being overwhelmed and, still find the actual practicalities of lockdown life really hard and wish for a magic wand to make the pandemic go away Lockdown learning Follow topic Start thread. Not lockdown, but I reread loads of mid 20th century school stories over lockdown, and they forever missing school because of being in quarantine with mumps or measles or whatever. He was writing materials for another study site but was laid off when the lockdown started. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Lockdown fatigue? 6 replies emmathedilemma · 11/05/2020 08:38 I've read a few articles that say this is a DS7 only learnt to read in the first lockdown (up until then he hadn’t moved up a book band since nursery). even going shopping for pleasure which i wasnt a massive fan of before lockdown isnt great - maybe its the mask mandate in scotland that partly puts me off. Read more on Grazia. Not a stressful household he gets lots of playing and attention from us. So, education went to pot. I eat healthily and run a f It was the same during lockdown. Lockdown has been a good excuse really to excuse my 'life' as being normal. I feel so guilty on ds. Natural colour is kind of very dark ash blonde to light brown. Before and after lockdown I have felt/feel isolated and excluded from a lot of social events. It’s so sad, because they had a lovely relationship. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 Just before lockdown he was sick with chickenpox so we were already isolating. Have come on to share this as I'm not sure whether this is just a symptom of lockdown and being stuck in the same house 24/7 (WFH) and not seeing anyone else, or if we have bigger problems. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Year 4 Maths 22 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I didn't waste lockdown, I survived it - just. DH, who is the same age, has learnt the programming required to design objects that can be printed on his newly-acquired 3-d printer - something solid he can bring out of lockdown, and any learning creates new pathways in the brain and hopefully nudges dementia If it was my child, logic would be out of the window and I would want to be there ready to hug them as soon as the lockdown was lifted. Not sure my ex has full blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder but they tick many of the boxes. Is this happening everyw Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. Bagels, beef mince, chicken, and for some reason we also decided to freeze a gigantic goose. I hated the irony of knowing that had I not had children, I would have found lockdown absolutely blissful. DD was only a baby for most of the lockdowns, especially the most strict ones, but even then I have heard nursery staff discussing how her age group are a bit socially underdeveloped from lack of baby/sensory etc. Of course I don't want lockdown back though. We did lockdown procedure at our school this week - it involved the children coming inside quickly quietly and locking the doors. I remember being grateful she was only tiny and didn't understand she was missing out, but obviously now we can see the effects of babies not socialising with others. Teaching at Secondary school the children just seem very young and immature, the year 7 and 8 are very Primary school still whereas they would have normally matured a bit by We've received information from DDs school about lockdown procedures and upcoming practise drills. garden because it was slightly sunny. I think it is important that they children know the drill - and it might be needed if a dog appeared on the school field, or if an emergency services helicopter needed to land etc - not I've noticed a positive effect of lockdown on my DD of the lack of peer pressure and particularly the absence of boys. Watch thread Flip Watch Save I just wanted to highlight a few reasons why a lockdown would be life threatening for some children. Until you can move, with the weather getting better and lockdown restrictions being eased, try to get out more with the children, Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale @Pennypens DS signed on for about 4 months after he finished his A levels it was in lockdown and was awarded £64 per week until he got a job. As someone with long term anxiety, lockdown provided me with the opportunity to avoid all expectation regarding attending social events. Is this acceptable during ‘lockdown’? 180 replies GA2012 · 24/03/2020 14:50 I lost a close family member a little over a month ago. 17 lbs is a LOT to gain in just a couple of months and tbh it makes me think that Lockdown learning Follow topic Start thread. Glad they're feeling better. It's just that people can get on top of each other during lockdown, like families do, as can be seen on MN. 3 weeks in Italy and there is already civil unrest. I have always been on the chubby side but until before lockdo My DS's school had a lockdown when a former pupil phoned in a threat to come and shoot people. Is anyone else struggling? My dad's school has basically sent home the whole curriculum, more work than we can possibly do and we're really strugglin I’ve never worked from home before, so doing so is a huge adjustment, let alone being in lockdown. I am actually a little scared I will go back to that version of me. I feel the lockdown had significant benefits in terms of saving lives and protecting public health, but it also came with considerable drawbacks for children’s education and social development. Lockdown learning is the place to share homeschooling tips & advice during coronavirus (COVID-19) self-isolation. He’s naturally an introvert and used lockdown as an opportunity to never leave the house and this has continued and he is now so isolated and has “aged” way more than the actual years would suggest. The lack of in-person contact is due to her living in an area that was in local lockdown through most of the autumn and is now back in lockdown again. This got me wondering, is this a pressure state school teachers feel too? Certainly at DC’s school no educational provision was given for almost all of lockdown (there were 6 key worker children in the school, out of 420). They have all the measures in place anyway, hardly any customers in at a time, Saving you time and money with Mumsnet exclusive deals and discounts. I’m relatively hopeful we’ll still be able to move during lockdown, but am pretty stressed about the potential impact another lockdown might have on the chain and how much time everything takes. Find regular roundups of the hottest sales straight to your inbox. Seems like you actually need the money to help, even if you didn’t it teaches them that nothing in life is free. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share OYLA magazine? 5 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, My 3 DC’s haven’t seen my mum since August. Some seem to think they can continue to be furloughed or not send their kids to school, but I imagine support will be removed as a soon as it's perceived as no longer needed. See if there's something to learn over winter - it's a way of bringing something positive out of it. The number of Mumsnet has revealed the most popular products users have been buying in 2020. I am so lonely and upset that my life has been such a waste. I'm definitely envious of those without kids - Lockdown pre-DC would have been bliss - do some work, go out for long runs, watch boxsets! We were hoping to exchange on the new house in mid November and complete before Christmas but god only knows how likely that is now. Any thoughts on this? I’m a teacher and there’s been I have just heard that the city is now on lockdown for at least a week due to selfish people rushing out to the pub. But it’s a 2 minute walk, was in nice weather and the kids were old enough to understand they sit on the very distanced chairs set out and don’t go near grandma. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Really impressed with online parents Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, During the first lockdown I joined a writing course, got amazing feedback, got accepted onto an advanced course - which cost £1,600 so I turned it down - and then did nothing. It's terrifying. Related: Coronavirus forum, discuss everything related to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. How long did it take to receive title deeds/copy of registration after completion in lockdown? 8 replies Theeasypeasywoman · 23/03/2021 08:14 DH discovered a freezer in the garage today. The last lockdown really, really affected my mental health. She's in year 6. OP posts: Lockdown was the best course of action at the time IMO and I have no problem with the decision the govt made. I know how important this is and some are simply no I have a sinking feeling about sending son back to school in September - not because of fears around Coronavirus but because he’s come in so much duri This is light hearted and OK so I know that this is unreasonable and 100% I wouldnt want to go back into lockdown but there is a part of me that misses that initial feeling of feeling safe and cosy at home with my family (not that I dont now), playing games, no school runs, working from home being able to go out for a walk and it was so quiet and peaceful you In light of the report yesterday I wander if people have changed their minds on whether lockdown was a good idea. I get blonde highlights in three different shades every 6 weeks. It was safer to get all of the children to stay in with their doors closed, being quiet and dark, than to have them all shrieking and fleeing the school. Lockdown Dating 6 replies pinkpixie83 · 01/03/2021 10:35 So within the rules I have been dating a lovely guy, social distanced walks etc, we've got to the point we have formed a bubble, as we are both allowed to do. The Christmas 'lockdown' was due to an enormous number of daily cases, hospitalisations and deaths. If you haven’t already found it, google LockdownSceptics for a website which collects many articles disproving need for lockdown and suggesting alternatives. It’s already started to happen. She said her small sibling constantly interrupting her was less annoying than the boys in her class constantly trying to either disrupt her work or asking her how to do their work or just simply trying to aggravate her. If you need help urgently or expert advice, please see our domestic violence webguide and/or relationships webguide. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Also, sadly I think lockdown and social isolation may have "aged" some older people a little or sapped their energy (as it has ours), so they may not feel able to just pick up where they left off, which parents should respect. Disclaimer : I'm not saying lockdown should be lifted because dc are struggling. I remember the threads of utter lunacy on here and the mask hysteria/schools debate. DH was still working normally, including nightshifts and so it was just a lot of me trying to get us all through the next hour without screaming. Hi, Anyone else picked up their piano playing in lockdown? Did my grade eight at 18 or 19 and did take lessons pre kids which I enjoyed. Honestly it couldnt have gone worse. If it was me I would move to my parents for the next lockdown without a second thought if you are going to get the support there you haven't gotten at home for the last 15 months. The first month and a bit of lockdown was awful. However, I look back now and what upsets me is the lost opportunities to connect with people. DD was born just before lockdown so luckily was able to meet grandparents etc. Hello fellow mums! My name is Shianne Hawkins and I am a student at the University of Bristol studying MSc Neuroscience and Education. There will then be another lockdown later in the year. Quote Thanks you both so much for replying :) WaxOnFeckOff we're moving from England and although I'm really excited about the move, with the lockdown it's starting to feel like a really long way away! Mumsnet reveals the 100 products our users bought the most of in 2020, from their favourite lockdown household essentials to luxuries and clothing. Doesn't mean that they resent the whole person all of the time. Hell storm, workload doubled / normal job plus the how do we mitigate the impact of Covid on the supply chain. A doctor responds to HMPV lockdown rumours swirling on social media. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I am getting used to not going to work, obviously not going out and no holidays. Previously he been too tired from school to try any extra reading practice at home without a meltdown and only managed without tears once every month or so. During a year of lockdown restrictions plenty of Brits have been spending online more than How have mums found lockdown? In what way do they think the pandemic has impacted their children’s lives and the local area? What are their hopes and aspirations for the future for According to Mumsnet, 'most families have enjoyed lockdown'. No hiding in cupboards though - that seems extreme. Is there any truth in the rumours of him having an affair and breaking Covid rules The coffin would have been wheeled in not carried, in Lockdown 1 there would have been no more than 12 people allowed to attend the funeral (26 in lockdown 2), no choirs, Lockdown 1 would have meant they had to drive themselves to the funeral, LD2 funeral cars were allowed. This news has been published in several media outlets and being talked about ATM. Please don't be so hard on yourself. I understand were all going through hard times, I've lost my job so have very little income and just about getting by. We lost a number of houses to closed bids but managed to get one which was reasonably priced by offering asking immediately. And, Bananabuddy3, you sound a lovely teacher. The boys were taken to the sports hall and had to leave their mobile phones with teachers. My son has just set up a site to help year 10s keep going with Gcse work from home. I was still working and she was making herself massive bowls of pasta for lunch with god knows how much cheese, and then having dinner and no doubt snacking in between. He is buried about 11 miles away in a quiet little church in the middle Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, The "lovely" neighbour has decided to delight us with the use of an angular chain saw every single day for the entire afternoon between 12pm to around 7 pm. The youngest and most disadvantaged children will suffer for a long time. Has a run about 8. Would this from the government web site apply? "Some youth services may be able to continue, Another reason for such frustration is that whenever there's a thread like this, I'm always expecting someone to come along and say "Look, the lockdown is there to save lives and protect the NHS! It's a lockdown for a reason!" Yes, we already know! We're allowed to care about the situation and also feel frustrated at the same time! I think lots of people are forgetting quite how scary the early days were, overwhelmed hospitals and exhausted (and now a lot burnt out) medical staff We moved in lockdown but had been looking before lockdown. My DD was developing anxiety/depression in the run up to lockdown, but fell off a cliff with her MH last spring. If anyone was going to continuously and proudly show off flouting lockdown, it was always going to be him. Not comfortable seeing him with my son yet overnight. Kids Yes, it's her home too. I'm in Scotland and from tomorrow our lockdown will begin to ease, in a similar way to in England. The false promises - 'irreversible' 'final lockdown until science / the vaccines can save the day' And Scotland are already floating more restrictions, only a few weeks after reopening. I found lockdown to be a good leveller and that people had more time for me when their social lives were more like mine. I have depression and I am on medication. I and the other families did so. I am currently doing my dissertation and am just looking for any mums who are willing to spare 10 minutes (maybe less) to complete a quick survey for me! He is an only child but during lockdown/homeschooling is never left alone, I look after him whilst my DH works and vice versa. We apparently filled it with food in the first lockdown. They coped and the nightingale hospitals were barely needed. IMO while it’s inevitable that there will be more restrictions, and I suspect shielding will be un-paused at some point, I think a lot of this is the media whipping up hysteria. VladimirsPoutine, you are right. Quote React Add post Locally the police on day 1 or 2 of lockdown were really looking in peoples bags as they came out of sainsburys and telling people off for having chocolate. Wish we could have a mumsnet zoom session with plenty of wine . 5yrs, dd is 4 days old. oxvj yhbq ozkz wcdo kztokbp svtp igqgs fthn hsgejaf dspfg