Had full period but pregnant how mumsnet. Last 2 ivf failed but I had my period on day 11.

Had full period but pregnant how mumsnet I don’t think I knew at 4 weeks, but when I did find out I looked back and realised I’d been really tired and felt almost as if I was coming down with something, also I’d been weeping a lot. I also had the same headache/migraine that I always get on the first day of my period. Very heavy periods which resulted in ferritin levels of 2 and needing iron infusions. I can’t work out if you’ve got negative tests or not? If you’ve got a positive and missed a period I’d assume you’re pregnant. Bizarre. The tests work from your ovulation date not your LMP (which is normally 2 weeks earlier). I thought this was my period starting and was baffled it came 2 days earlier as it never has. My first pregnancy I had bleeding at 7 weeks. I’m also worried about the bleeding as this has never ended well for me. Oct cycle was 27 days. My periods are usal quit heavy with some sorry blood clots. My question is, other pregnant woman, is light period cramps normal? Or is this a bad sign? Thank you x Anyone had a negative test on day 17 from eggs being removed /fertilised - ie 12 days after 5 day transfer. Pain to the point to off passing out, diarrhoea, nausea, cramps, anaemia. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant and experience SI joint pain and rib pain. How many cycles have you had off My last “period”was the 5th - 7th august. Then I've had around a 32 day cycle, tracked ovulation and had the heaviest period I've ever had!! I'm not saying everyone should start taking these. When I got pregnant, I was certain of my dates but at the scan the baby measured 5 days bigger than my lmp date. They don't tell you that in the books, do they? They always make the symptoms of pregnancy sound very distinct - but in fact the ones they cite are the ones that kick in at around 8 weeks (like nausea). The packaging on the test said it could detect pregnancy 4 days before AF due. 6 weeks is early for scan and you may not see much. Since done 2 more tests in afternoon urine, 1 very dark positive, today clearly positive but less dark (different brand). Otherwise, I had an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. 2. This has never happened before - up to date on smear 6 months ago - all good. I came off the pill in may and had a period may, June, July and I have PCOS. One of my friends had periods throughout her entire Use our interactive ovulation calculator to work out when you're most fertile and most likely to conceive. Then I started spotting for about 4 days before my period was due. I'm 44 now and the horrible Phase lasted 37-42. Went to class as doctor had told me I wasn't pregnant so thought I better go cause i'm just wishful thinking that I am pregnant. BH don't have to be regular but if you happen to have more than 4 in a single hour then worth getting checked. I have regular cycles which last 4-5 days and always heavy around day 2/3/4. I was expecting my period to progress to full flow as usual but was confused when nothing else came 32+2 and haven't had any increase in discharge! I think the conception boards are full of people symptom spotting and they often seem to think symptoms that don't occur until later in pregnancy happen just after conception - change in Basically we were ttc and we had sex right before ovulation and then I began testing with first response (these are extremely sensitive if your testing before your period is due) and i got a faint line on 7dpo, so a whole week before my period was due, I tested daily and the line got darker for 3 days but then on day 4-5-6 it got a little Wondering if anyone has had this experience with breastfeeding and their periods I am hoping to full pregnant soon and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Ignored this and got clear blue opks caught ovulation and was pregnant that first month. Within two days I had my first period since January which was long if not heavy. Conceived ds1 after first attempt, ds2 did take 2 periods, ds3 was first attempt and fuck knows how ds4 happened. I was frantic each time that I was losing him. But I know every pregnancy is different and I know progesterone can help people who have had early spotting so I’m Yes. Now I don't know if my period is coming or if I'm having a miscarriage as a result of me doing my class. Haven't had a period I had my children while we were renting, and when we had a period of financial difficulty when they were small we were able to claim housing benefit. I have had so many issues with my uterus and am trying to persuade my gynae to allow me to have a hysterectomy. Me and my other half did what you need to do to get pregnant(!) on the last day of my period. My periods took a couple of months to come back and when they started again, have only been around 2 days long. I think your decription doesn't sound overly worrying ATM. A few days after that Yep. Cant remember im 2nd pregnancy but that ended in stillbirth. My friend had heavy implantation bleeding with small clots etc and all was well. At her scan the dates were later than she had thought they should be. Never suffered with spots ever but now my face is a mess. In 2022 I opted for a uterine ablation. I didn't show any pregnancy symptoms till week 23. Was your period totally normal? In flow and (sorry) texture and duration etc? There's also the possibility of a haematoma but that type of bleeding is often different from period blood. I happened to me twice I've heard of a few people saying they had periods but were also pregnant (one of these resulted in my partner's sister!). Having ttc now for 13 months, obviously have had all possible 'signs' with no bfp. My mom also had a month long period and when she went to the doctor to figure out what was going on, she found out she was pregnant with my sister Because of that (my periods were light anyway) I didnt realise I was pregnant until I was 5months gone, by that time i had been on all the rides at alton towers twice, been going out every weekend drinking and generally doing and eating everything you shouldnt when pregnant. Oh yes ds2 born at 27 weeks and didn't make it. So again this month I stopped my pill sat night and started it again thurs night (4 day break) but I havent had a period? I took all my pills as I should have. Did a digital test which confirmed I am no longer pregnant. Watch thread Flip Watch Save @Mumr19 I had the period style pains a full week before I got a positive, The internet can give you millions of stories of women who had negative tests and full monthly periods until they gave birth. I had one lesson a fortnight where I had to cross the school between periods and I arranged to do this five mins early (it was Year 13) to avoid the crowds. I have not had a period yet, and BFN 2 days ago and a BFN this morning using my first wee. Good luck @Jane4534, I also found it really strange to not speak to anyone! I have access to a private GP through work so I ended up booking an appointment at about 5-6w just to feel like I had "seen someone" and because my (overseas) parents thought I was being too blasé and reckless - although tbh the GP just smiled and said congrats and then the same stuff in With my first I had no periods until he was 6 months then they came back as normal. I’m 8 weeks pregnant today, I would have been due my period today if I wasn’t pregnant. Have you had a period but still been pregnant? I think I got my period I had a very light period when mine was due and had gotten a negative wee test the day before it was due. Thought it would take at least a year to conceive as only 8 periods a year. DS I had implantation bleeding (bright red) and then more bright red blood and cramping at around 7-8 weeks. After no period for another week I did another which was positive and now have a boisterous ten year old. Then when I was on the pill I had maybe 2 periods a year, it completely messed them up. Some women even have full periods the whole pregnancy! But I've had a really weird couple of months period wise. My period was early and short but I had normal bleeding. I came off the mini pill (cerelle) in August 21, around mid august so around 13-15 of august. I tested and it was negative. I had a MMC last October so I analyse every symptom or lack of! Does anyone else have any period pain when they would be due on? Im 9weeks pregnant today and last night started with mild period pain (not pain what hurts) I still have the pain this morning and all my pregnancy symptoms stopped about a week ago but havent come back is it something I should be worried about? I I had a missed miscarraige with my first pregnancy at the end of February and had to have surgery. He had it checked a couple of months after he had it done as his ex wife had a condition where she could get seriously ill if she fell pregnant again. I also had cramps in my stomach which died down in the evening, the spotting also stopped. I had bleeds, in line with a period timeframe, with my eldest - although I never claimed to be having my period. This morning, I have woken up to a heavy bleeding and cramps, which to me feels exactly like a period! I've felt quite period like for a few days. So it's possible, though I'd think very unlikely! I've been to see my GP today and they done another pregnancy test with urine and it's still negative, I have got to go to the CASH clinic for a full screening for STIs and if they all come back negative and still haven't had a period I've got to go back to see GP and do another pregnancy test because it hasn't been 4 weeks since I last had unprotected sex so think they Jones I had an epu internal ultrasound at 5 weeks. I'm okay, ttc atm and had a period but it was 2 days early (strange for me) and I only had a day or so of full bleeding then it's tapered off fairly quickly to a really light flow so wondering if it could Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. @Confused678866 @CycloGoose I'm experiencing the same, got 2 negative pregnancy tests but had all the symptoms of early pregnancy such as nausea, fatigue, heavy boobs, nasal congestion. My periods have been like clockwork right up until now. I'm still too scared to test because my BBT was low last week, I just can't handle another BFN. Any bleeding after a full year of no periods must be urgently investigated. I'd been pregnant all along and despite a bleed that I would never have thought a pregnancy could survive I had not lost my baby. This month though I have managed to go the full 28 days. Then the third month i had a full on period, not as heavy as pre implant but still heavy and really painful. Brownish then going to bright red. It's crap, as progesterone symptoms can vary month to month and make you convinced you're pregnant. I wasnt even late for my period when I found out, I was just feeling so rubbish I took a pregnancy test to rule it out. I just couldn't believe I wasn't getting my period. The doctor said she thought it was a molar pregnancy, but it took a couple of weeks to confirm it via tests. I didn’t connect those symptoms with pregnancy and had thought my period had started anyway, but turns out that was implantation I guess. (My period is always regular. Now today when I was getting dressed I noticed linea nigra from belly button down to my pubic area, I’ve never had this before (never been pregnant), and I’ve had a constant migraine type headache on the right side of my head, pain behind right eye. However, i am now 4 days late but every pregnancy test is coming back negative. (I never tested this for obvious reasons!) It hasn't affected my fertility at all. I am going to try to take the full year off by saving my keping in touch days to the 13 week unpaid period And using 15 days of holiday that I would have accrued. it's driving me crazy! Has anyone missed a period or thought they were pregnant and their period came weeks later? Stress can make your period late so a bad cold could definitely cause that (I’ve had this happen myself). i took a test and hey presto, it was positive! :) ive still got the period pains and sore nipples- i am 5wks pregnant :) My MIL was a huge surprise to her mother, she didn't find out she was pregnant until six months gone and had her period throughout the whole pregnancy. Before I was on the pill my periods used to be every 28 days apart and they'd last for 5 days, 2 heavy and 3 lighter days. My second period started on day 28 (so 2 days after pausing the Utrogestan). Tried a pregnancy test on the first day of spotting and it was negative. Also, had lots of chats with Year 10 re names! Funnily enough they all suggested their own names. So my last 6 years have been busy - I've had 6 periods in total in 5 years and 10 months. so I assume evap line. It eased up after six months. I say “period” because I had no idea it was coming as I usually get cramps and a headache but this one literally snuck up on me. The Mirenas been even better. I'm 51 and I have just missed 3 periods. This week I It is possible to have a period and still be pregnant, but I would book an appointment at the doctor's ASAP so that they can take blood tests. I went to lessons five mins earlier than I would have done for the same reason. She delivered a healthy son who is now a physician. I remember a girl who was obviously very pregnant, she was complaining to me that her parents thought she was pregnant, I didn't really know what to say . Then it just tapered off and was much shorter than usual. Previous cycles I have convinced myself I was pregnant and so distraught when I wasn't (plus literally everyone around me is either pregnant or just had their baby). Saw gynae who tut tutted and said no trying until we are certain this is clear. Assumed that I yet again wasn’t pregnant and had one too many glasses of wine that evening feeling With all three of my pregnancies I had a period until I was eight months pregnant. Gp has tested urine for infection plus done pregnancy test and both negative. Due on today and no sign of period. I had my period 10th-15th May, came on normal day, normal flow etc. LOTS of big clots (id say 50% heavier than my I dreaded having day one or two at work, thanks full I work four days term-Time only. My period is only 3 days late but if i was pregnant I thought it wo your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Anyone had a proper period (heavier than spotting/implantation bleeding) and then discovered they were pregnant? I was sure I had fallen pregnant as I had a lot of the same symptoms I had when I fell pregnant with DS during the 2WW. Usually 28 days exactly and had baby 3 years ago naturally conceived if that useful information. Following year had a miscarriage and took 16 months to fall pregnant again but that ended in miscarriage as well but then literally one month later I fell pregnant again and had another full term baby. Tested and got a BFP clear blue 2-3 weeks. Now it's just the three weekly period or no period. Brownish stuff, not very much and no bright red blood or cramps. I had a heavy period two weeks ago. Unfortunately I didnt no about mumsnet at that point so didn't realise how many women go through the same thing & my doctor panicked me rather than assuring me. mall my symptoms are the same etc. @margegunderson thank you ️ I wasn’t having caffeine or alcohol while we were trying last month but when I kept getting negatives I was like well at least I can enjoy a drink!. I had a bit of bleeding at 8 weeks and went to the early pregnancy unit at the hospital. Or you maybe had 2 and lost one. But last week I had some blood tinged cm twice over 2 days and have been feeling sick on and off. I’m now 3 days late and still getting mild cramping on and off. I think I waited till CD34 or 36 to do a further test which was positive. Belly is swollen to about what I normally look like 6 months pregnant. I had what I thought was a period bang on schedule, but it was very light and very short. If it's implantation I think you need to wait a few days anyway for the hormones? @Ygritte84 confusing isn’t, your in samish position however your is a lot more days late, I’d recommend test in a day or two the do say sometimes women so later then others!. If I was pregnant I would be about 6 months by now. they couldn’t offer me a scan, I can book a private scan as they are all full. I know that women get pregnant everyday and that it's nothing new but it is the first time for me and i Prior to that we had tried for 3 years for our first. The pill mostly stopped my periods, full pill not mini. She tested a couple of weeks later and got a positive. Assuming this is my period although never had one this light in my life. No bleeding since and had my 12 week scan a few days ago, where all is so far looking good. (She was 5 months gone with dd1, when she found out she was pregnant and had been frantic about all those missed periods!!!!) Also, I'm sure the stress of trying to conceive can play havoc with your cycle. My friend had a negative test. I still have some I wonder what had happened. I had ablation done at least 15 yars ago (it was quite experimental at that time) and did not have a full period ever again, only very light flow for one day per month, so your GP is not correct about the long term efficacy of the procedure. My stomach is still intact, hasn't grown or shrunk and boobs are still full. The really weird bit is as we were so infrequently Dtd (dd1 being a very crap sleeper) that she must have been conceived only 6 days prior to the "period"! My gran had a baby at 47 after having full-on periods for 6 months. It's true that probably most fertilised eggs don't make it to be babies, but the vast majority of those are lost before any pregnancy test in the world could tell you. for context I Since this, I've had 2 periods and had irregular bleeding during both. I had my period on 13th March which las I had my last one exactly 40 years after my very first one; the first one was 2 months before I turned 14 and my last one was 2 months before I turned 54, which is weird because I had never been regular due to hormone imbalance. Every single month of her pregnancy this lady had period-like bleeding. Had one period and miscarried very quickly and had an underlying infection. I was totally in denial I was pregnant with her and didn’t test until at least a week after my missed period but the line was a definite dye stealer. Hi @GusleBusle, I had negative tests and did turn out to be pregnant, eventually!. The end date was 1st October. So you could get pregnant on that. I'm 27 weeks just past, but movements have been much the same the past few weeks. You may also spot a bit around your period time, again totally normal. I had my last period beginning of September. e. It's awful waiting for the scans. Until then, I thought it was the fantasy stuff of Take a Break, and women who claimed it had happened were downright liars. 19th I realised my BBT had been up for 3-4 days since period, felt tired and sore boobs. Also i feel extremely sick and have bad back ache plus have had a very spotty face for 3 weeks and i ve tried everything to get rid of it. I had a molar pregnancy in 2006. Two weeks later I started "feeling pregnant" and sure enough I got a I also swore I was pregnant. Tested because it was shorter and also lots of brown, was absolutely shocked to get a positive test. The 3rd was such a huge shock, we had split up at this point hence sleeping together once in 6 months. My regular periods vary between 21 and 25 day cycles. Like cramps and clots and the usual horrors. 2 days later I have a heavy period with bad cramping for 2 days. I had no symptons so imagine my shock when i discovered how far gone i This probably sounds strange but hear me out! Last month I was convinced I'd BD at the right time! But AF arrived on day 35! It usually lasts 3 days It feels more like the pressure build up you get without the pain (although I've had period pains too). I had a normal period and a late positive pregnancy test on my first pregnancy, it turned out to be ectopic but the gp said it is normal for some people to bleed heavily at implantation and it can happen on and off for weeks. My first pregnancy had really bad AF symptoms and spotting. Hi there. this carried on for 2 days but not constant only sometimes when i went the loo and wiped. Many, The fact I have very infrequent periods makes me think I could now be low on estrogen (whereas before I had frequent, heavy periods, which seemed to indicated I had high estrogen relative to prog) - but then one doc told me my estrogen could still be relatively high and since it wasnt ‘dropping off’ in the normal course of a cycle then that would account for no period. DD was a surprise and this one we got pregnant on first try. First period was about 6 weeks after the coil was removed and had another 24 days later so a short cycle. Normally they start light, get heavy, and lighten up again. Then I got my period, so I didn't take a pregnancy test because I assumed I didn't have to. Me and my partner had unprotected sex every day that month. I was advised by my OB GYN not to though as the uterine lining can sometimes be too thin to sustain a pregnancy until it's had a full cycle to shed and rebuild. Watch thread Flip Watch Save I had a period that was 2 weeks late last month. If you’ve tested negative with CB digital then it’s unlikely you’re pregnant. Second baby I expected the same again, started bleeding heavy about a week after the lochia stopped. Keep pestering - Hi mom's :) just a quick question . The only way you'll get proof that you can accept is if you wait a few months and eventually get a positive test or your uterus starts to grow big enough to feel the baby in there. I had to have a second scan to confirm that nothing had been left behind as I had surgical management of miscarriage (nothing had). My partner and I are both One of my friends had periods throughout her entire pregnancy! She was overweight and had an irregular cycle, so she had no clue she was pregnant until she was in labor. My doctor placed me on bed rest around my 5 month. Doing it back to back I'd get a light bleed about every 60-65 days. DD I had bleeding again at about 8 weeks. In October I had a brown period that lasted 3 days max. This time no bleeding so was very excited and hopeful till I tested :(I honestly thought I I have done this before a few times and had a bleed with no issue. I didn't have a single withdrawal bleed and started my first AF on the 25th of September, which lasted a full week, which they also used to last that long before the pill. If it was me, I would just wait and see if my period showed up next month as I've had short and weird periods before. I had 20odd BHs in 1 hour (was already in hosp after having 5 in an hour previous night). I took a clearblue 5 day early test this morning and it still says not pregnant. It was the last time we ever slept together (and hadn't slept together for about 3/4 weeks before this) so was definitely that time that did it. I had them before I knew I was pregnant up until about 7 weeks. Now I am pregnant with my 4 child and there’s no bleeding. I think mine was a complete molar pregnancy i. Both were horrible, as were many of the periods in between as I used to suffer terrible dysmenorrhoea ( painful periods). Full periods as well, not just spotting, with the occasional 3-5 days of very heavy bleeding. They saw a sac but no baby but when I had a repeat at 8 weeks they could see the baby. I'm due in 10 weeks and haven't had a period since June 2009!!! Not real periods, obviously, because I was pregnant, but enough blood to fool me into thinking I wasn’t pregnant (but I’ve always had weird issues, for instance, I’ve had heavy spotting for 5 weeks now that my period came back after the baby). My third period is meant to be now, but it just hasn't started. I had my second jab on the 21st Following with interest My latest period (last weekend) literally lasted 24 hours and by the evening it had stopped. I had explained to the doctor that my last period had come early, was roughly mid march and that was strange. i had period pains and sore nipples for a couple of weeks and swear i was going to come on soon. Feeling pretty rubbish tbh but trying to stay positive and just look ahead and try try again in the next few months x According to ovia i should be on my period today. I also had quite a lot of pregnancy symptoms that as I said, I dismissed thinking it was something else. I have had two sporadic periods so thought I’m not and it might just be the fact my timing is now becoming irregular (I’m 40)? Just got my period again 10 days after my last one finished. My days of full flow were heavy and around 3 days and then abruptly stopped. Has anyone had a full period (like a normal or heavy AF) but still been pregnant? and was it ok? Thanks in advance, I am so worried and confused and any help with be My coworker had what she thought was a period and when she discovered she was pregnant a month later she was really 8 weeks long. Didn't start feeling sick or tired until at least six weeks pg (so when my period was already two weeks late). People say they have periods whilst pregnant and get negative results but tbh people say a lot of things. Didn't actually twig I was pregnant and take a test until a bit after this and was having proper symptoms. I always spot a few days before full flow which I did this month. 5 days before period was due the tests were darker and digital test said 1-2 weeks. If your period doesn’t come in another three or four days then The periods plus negative tests would be conclusive tbh. No pad needed. If you had no particular reason to think you were pregnant and weren't experiencing symptoms, you too might be reassured by the monthly bleeding. No bleeding, no cramps, nothing at all. Was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences they can share at all please? Thanks! I fell pregnant 15 months after my ectopic and had a full term baby. Started spotting sunday and its not really got much heavier. Next "period" due i had light bleeding with mild cramp. I had my period on the 7/2/16 and it's usally about 4 days. These last 2 bleeds I have had no sign of them coming. My friend had periods throughout her pregnancy- she actually didn't know she was pregnant until she gave birth . I had a coil removed last July, then was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in August and started meds for that. i usually spot for 2 - 4 days before then period. It started off light and then went super heavy and lasted for 7 days. When I got pregnant with dd (9), her dad and I had sex the day after I finished my period. I was due on my period 6/3/16. i had very light pink/brown spotting when i wiped thursday. basically the clinic were wary and confused like I am. So i Unfortunately 99% of "early pregnancy" symptoms are actually progesterone symptoms, which rises towards a period anyways. Hello, I'm a long time lurker and I'm really confused! Would appreciate any insights from wise women of mumsnet! I had a positive pregnancy test yesterday, 2-3 weeks according to the clearblue indicator, but had a full blown period 16th to 22nd March. @bubblybrit I really have my fingers crossed, so hard haha really wishing. GP wasn't interested, just said test 2 weeks later and wait for 12 week scan to confirm everything was OK. It is rare, but can happen. My OH was also awkward, MIL didn't get a positive pregnancy test at all and the doctor only believed her at 15 weeks when they palpatated her abdomen and had to admit there was a baby in there TMI so apologies but me and DH went away, had a lot of sex, then I had my period as normal (at least appeared to be). I did have some odd cramps around this time too, but only on the day my period would have been due. Went to GP and also had a negative test. I'd consult a doctor but there So I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and not told my work yet as I've been on a probation period for 6 months. I had/ have normal uneventful periods and I didn't experience this in subsequent pregnancies. He's 2. I had a heavy but shorter period bang on time before testing positive with this pregnancy. I was 10 weeks but baby stopped growing at 7 weeks 💔 Fast forward to May, I had a faint positive test over a week before my period, I don't know why I tested I just had a feeling. I actually took an early response pregnancy test after the weird period and it came out negative (in hindsight it was during the daytime and I had lots of water beforehand so it wasn't EMU). Wishing you a happy pregnancy! :) x The only thing that worked for me was what I read on mumsnet and other forums, With some people the pessaries hold off their period but mine came full force at 14dpo. Long story. I had bloods done on 12th August and it showed I had ovulated. I'm 51, haven't had a period for roughly 16 months (have had around 2 since 2020) Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. I did a HPT and got a negative. I have been coming on a few days before my period is due on it and occasionally just a few days after coming off. i should of had a period in December on the 20th but it never came I’m now 11 days late which has never happened before unless I’ve been pregnant. I started bleeding a little bit on the 6/3 but not heavy at all. I had one 2 days ago and heard the baby's little healthy heartbeat. Took I take it exactly the same time every day. well, I kept having pregnancy symptoms, but at that point, I thought I was crazy since I had thought Hi everyone, I'm looking for some knowledge , pls be kind 💖 I had my first baby a year ago I went on the pill soon after and experienced awful I don’t know the answer to this but I’m experiencing the exact same thing. Today the same. Had a row with DH because was so stressed. Bit scared. And always last 5-7 days and are usually quite heavy with my usual period symptoms. This month signs are feeling sick which gets better throughout day and after eating, ridiculously sore boobs, high BBT, very tired. I'd had 3 sick days in that period, one due to pregnancy sickness (that I couldn't tell them about) and a 4th sick day due to a bad cold during my pregnancy on the 2nd of October, the date after the probation end date! I'm lying next to a 16 month old that was a bit of a surprise like that had a 3 day light period (but not that unusual as I was still breastfeeding dd1) and tested positive a week later. Argh feel so deflated today. I tested positive 3 days late for my period (I didn't test any earlier than this). I had bleeding when I should have had my period and didn’t realize I was pregnant until I was meeee! as i had just come off the pill and my first proper period for 11yrs came 47 days after my pill-induced period i didnt know wen my next one was due. Definitely not pregnant so I am at a loss as to why - no usual build up just came out of nowhere. Really sore boobs and crushing lower abdominal pain which is much worse than I've had before. We thought she had just put a bit of weight on- no bump, nothing. I had a lot of EWCM during my period on the last day or two. I thought I was doing everything right for once . i have a midwife appointment tomorrow to listen to the heartbeat. Sooner or later they'll creep up on you but be glad you're symptoms free for now I’ve been getting cramps since Saturday morning. All tests (about 5 altogether since I thought I might be) have come back negative. I read so many forums where women had spotting. I had symptoms I never had on my period the last 2 weeks and i thought i saw a faint line on the tests i took. I’m on the day my period is due today. Also on the wednesday i had realli bad period cramps whoch i dont get I took a pregnancy test yesday so tuesday 10th aug and was negative Is it normal for your stomach to feel like it’s stretching/period pains/full and heavy like you’ve eaten a massive meal when you’re only around 5 weeks pregnant? The period type pains are concerning me somewhat, they’re mild and not usually in one particular place - more general, but they’re pretty constant. I woke up in morning and was still onay a little bit. I’m peri and haven’t had a period since the start of May, not pregnant according to 3 tests. About 4 days later I had a positive pregnancy test. For this latest pregnancy I did a test on CD28 and it was negative - but I decided to relax as I felt pregnant. Still getting my period! Can't be pregnant! Hi op, I did in 2nd pregnancy, baby fine. Rising progesterone levels each month cause the womb lining to thicken and the side effect of this is cramps and other monthly symptoms . Hi there, So I've convinced myself I'm pregnant, got majority of the symptoms: extreme exhaustion, tender boobs, smells seem intense, certain foods t Looking for advice please. Am equally curious as to irregularities of periods at this age. First time I finished my period and had spotting (veryC very light pink or light brown when wiping, very light) right up to ovulation week, then nothing for a week to 10 days, then spotting again, then period. They’re not the same as my normal period cramps, they feel a bit different, almost like a stretching/bloating. I did about five pregnancy tests till my 12 weeks scan as I didn't feel pregnant and showed no signs. I had a missed miscarriage last year and my period took about 10 weeks to return - I carried on getting positive tests up until about 9. I always presumed I had peed on the stick wrong somehow to get the negative when I was clearly pregnant just like I thought I was! Started OPK tracking again, DTD at good time around Ovulation, 37 days later I still hadn't had my period (usually 28-31 day cycles) I did a pregnancy test waited 3mins and no line, 6mins it shows a line. has anyone experienced this and how did it go. So far I’ve had a couple of niggles over the past 2 days, usually at night - mild back pain/mild occasional BH (maybe a couple of times a day), and two nights ago I felt a little nauseous as if I was coming onto my period, but then it just went away, and I feel completely fine - full of energy in fact. I am now currently in cycle day 76, 44 days late. I had no morning sickness. I'm usually a 5 dayer with loads of pain. It was very light, started with red blood which darkened like normal but I had zero cramps which is odd for me. Baby always seems to be very active in the morning and last thing at night, and a few periods of activity throughout the day too. I've had really light periods for years, I could probably have worn the same pad for my entire period and it wouldn't be full. After almost 2 years i started getting a bit of spotting. I had period pains, tension, that congested feeling the full gamut. period pains can be worrying, but they can also be inocent. It's true that early pregnancy is very fragile but it's not true that if you test before your period you have a better than half chance of miscarriage. If you get your period at the usual time, it lasts for the usual amount of days, and the amount of I ve been to the gp today as now period very late for me. I had my 20 week scan yesterday and everything is fine despite me drinking wine, taking the pill, eating all the banned foods and God knows what else. A friend of mine with 2 dc had negative pregnancy tests and missed periods in both her pregnancies, so it does happen. there had never been an embryo there. However, my last period I had a strange experience. I should have come on my period Thursday but no show and I’m now 4 days late which has never ever happened in the whole time I’ve been having periods apart from when I was pregnant with DD. Sometimes I get period flu and be in bed all weekend. . I am day 33 (so 7 days after pausing Utrogestan) and all I've had is the tiniest dab of spotting. I have one DD and currently pregnant with no. I will keep my fingers crossed for you but to try and reassure you a little my bleeding at 5 weeks was like a period and my GP said there was a good chance I'd lost the baby. Feel so stupid. So when you’re 4 weeks pregnant you’ve only actually been pregnant for 2 weeks. Oh and they are 35 days apart. Turned out I had MC at 5 weeks . It wasn't as heavy as a regular period, but it came regularly every month. My cycle is 25 days long on average. This month, I've only spotted when wiping. Hcg is 185 and the test was very dark positive. Dr thought it might be retained placenta but nope it turned out to be a period Same thing happened again with my third. I was thinking wow that might be it just like that, however, I woke up this morning with the start of a very painful period. I had a very heavy implantation bleed that last 4 days or so, convinced it was a late period (bright red, clots etc). I still sort of got my periods so I didnt think I could be pregnant but the periods changed for being regular, 8 days long and heavy to either once a blue moon or 3 in a month, only lasting 2 days and really light (not normal for my body). I also know when I'm due on as have symptoms up to a week before. She started having problems with her stomach and bowels and it was only then it was discovered she was pregnant. My breasts are a bit sore and I've been having a few cramps like my period is going to start but it never comes. (they were terrifying - especially as I'd had a miscarriage the year before). This one was heavy the whole way through and lasted a day longer than normal. Took 2 years to conceive our 2nd. We made up and 51 weeks after DS2 was born - DD arrived at full term, very healthy. I just had a " period" it lasted 5 days and came on time , the only difference was I had different cramps then usual( mixed with abit of light period cramps) I'm on cycle day 8 now( 3 days after last period) and I've got saw boobs!!! Rushed to the hospital for a scan and was told I was 16 weeks. It was really light and weird. But if you think you could be pregnant, wait a week and test again. My GP referred me to the early pregnancy unit encase I was having a miscarriage, I had 2 early scans at 5 & 7 weeks. Obviously I tested every day for a few weeks and all was fine at the scan, I'm currently 11 weeks with a pregnancy that started like this. With my first baby scan at 5 weeks 6 days due to huge cyst causing issues and baby had heartbeat and was fine, second pregnancy had bleed and cyst symptoms again, scan at 6 weeks and they said no heartbeat and scared me saying may not be viable pregnancy and So I have had a completely full period but then I had a BFP on the blood test at my clinic. I had 'periods' through the first trimester, but they were significantly different to normal periods - they were much less heavy, and were really just little bleeds that happened to be at the times my period would have been due. 5 weeks after the miscarriage which was very distressing. Had scans, blood tests, all normal. Have 9 mth ds2 fully bf 6-7 feeds in 24hrs been going 11-7 for a while now Had 2 periods at 6 and 7 mths both 28 day cycles bang on. Gynaecologist not too concerned as all hormones normal apart from testosterone which slightly high. Also had similar first pregnancy but another mmc. I did have similar last bfp but sadly mmc's at 14+2. I had the same thing happen 11 months ago, confirmed ovulation before period. I did discuss with my gp who was dubious. I get 12 weeks full pay then 6 weeks half pay then it moves to statutory for 28 weeks then 13 weeks unpaid. Some say it was implantation bleeding, but there was a fair bit of it and it lasted a few days No idea what Hi, my periods are normally like clockwork (also chart them on a phone app). HCG symptoms typically only kick in from 5 weeks + (eg 3 weeks after ovulation or more). One month ago I started taking vitex and dong quai on top of my prenatals. Always on the day or 1 day early or late). I tested negative after being sure I was pregnant again (second pregnancy) but tested negative. I am 51 and have suffered with gynae issues since my periods started at the age of 12. Actually u can have a full blown period when pregnant sometimes it's rare but it can happen my mum had full blown period before she found out she was pregnant 2 week after that period for over a month pregnant so it can happen n some can go while pregnancy not even knowing their pregnant called a (cryptic pregnancy) I was suppose to start my period wednesday 4th aug. That said, there are several situations that can cause period-like bleeding early in pregnancy. I started to believe it was implantation That's definitely positive! If you are only on cd9 then you can't have gotten pregnant that quickly after your period as you probably wouldn't have even ovulated yet - I'd say that wasn't your period at all but implantation bleeding. There was a few occassions where I had an upset tummy and took some loperamide to calm it but no sickness etc. I just felt humiliated by the receptionist. If you're not pregnant you then get your period, if you are then the womb Hi all! I recently had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks with medical management afterwards; this was our first pregnancy. There was only slightest blood and well nothing since then and have been toilet 3 more times so I really do Hmm I’m pretty sure I’ve had a chemical pregnancy :( bled a lot today and had cramps. my last period was 22nd of November and was just normal in flow and how long it lasted and up until November I have always had a period every month since Ive started having periods. 5 now. We are wary and were told it could be a chemical or ectopic. I’ve been having some stomach pains for the the last few hours, similar to what I would have when due on. Yesterday very light pink spotting. Last 2 ivf failed but I had my period on day 11. Got my periods yesterday about 4 weeks after I presumably ovulated and some clots as well. Now we have a mortgage and if it had happened now we would lose the house, we can't lower our hours etc, both have to work full time long hours to afford it, so getting the early years out of the way before I've had ongoing problems with periods for the last five years or so, lasting 60-90 days, 5-14 days off then starting again. This is my fourth pregnancy and it's full of pain almost every day,I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy so I am always worried,now in my 12th week but have pain on lower right abdomen and on my groin, sometimes I fail to walk,back pain and cramps but no bleeding. But it didn't last long. I put a pad on all day and night and nothing else happened, I still had cramps. I'm a bit confused. Had another spot of pinkish blood when I went to the loo this morning. but it was nothing. I'm 18 weeks now and even today I've had the feeling my period is coming, it's bloody weird but I think it's normal too. but I’m a mess. Have had some symptoms of pregnancy but maybe my body playing tricks on me. I had the copper coil inserted around July last year, so obviously a bit nervous about a possible pregnancy and have also heard that having an IUD can cause ectopic pregnancies etc. Earlier on in the pregnancy, I had the implantation bleeding which was just a light coloured spotting on my tissue. We used condoms for the first couple of months, then both had STD tests before having unprotected sex. igjlo nhh twp pfzoxdf seoy nspyqm xzhan lwuk dkd sfqkw