Trta local units. 5-6, found in the resource guide.

Trta local units. Texas Retired Teachers Foundation 313 E.
Trta local units Disseminate TRTA information and materials to Local Units and other interested parties. 15. Please select one option below. Disseminate information from the state CVS committee to the local unit community volunteer service chairs; 2. For local unit officers, the TRTA forms have been moved under the “Membership tab” and are titled “Member Resources. A Collect and record the receipt of dues, and forward membership dues to TRTA monthly or report dues on TRTAConnect between the 1st and 15th of the month. In July, TRTA launched its new Join Now site for members joining the organization for the first time. Texas Retired Teachers Foundation 313 E. These groups meet, often monthly, to discuss everything. 8. Build towards recruiting future members. Collect and record the receipt of dues, and forward membership dues to TRTA monthly or report dues on TRTAConnect between the 1st and 15th of the month. Compile volunteer hours from each local units and submit a report to the TRTA CVS State Committee cluster leader by March 1. materials on behalf of TRTA, the district or the local unit. org/districts-and-local-units/mckinney/ WHY CREATE A FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MY LOCAL UNIT/DISTRICT Reach members instantaneously. Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt from Tax, and take part in TRTA’s tax-exempt status. We are not affiliated with any brand or entity on this form. (Your Local Unit Name Officers; Your Local Unit Name Committee Chairs) Clearly TRTA. org/districts-and-local-units/district-6/ 1. LOCAL UNIT. Author: The TRTA Public Relations Committee shall promote and publicize TRTA state, district and local unit activities to the public, all active and retired educational employees and elected officials. The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairs: 1. Please report the year’s (July 1 – June 30) activity on Forms TR-1 and TR-2 (submitted together). Publicize TRTA state, district, and local unit activities and projects to the general public, all active and retired school employees, and elected Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. Promote effective media coverage of meetings and 3. 2-3 and it is your best friend! Important to know: AWARDS – those given at the local level: Award templates are sent to local unit presidents by TRTA. org, subject: Resource Guide. 1. Work with other TRTA committee chairs to coordinate membership campaign activities. • The local unit president or any local unit member may act as the local unit liaison. Create and send to the District Historian the digital slides of your unit for the State Memory Book slideshow 3. 3. TRTA members are encouraged to join a local chapter to enjoy fellowship with TRS retirees and participate in TRTA local units are collecting donations on behalf of the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF), the check must be written to TRTF in order for TRTF to generate the requested tax receipt. Establish contact people in the area who will help create an interest in the best TRTA District with the Best Local Units. Donors should provide the representative with either a donation card (see enclosed) or 6. Fort Worth RSEA in TRTA District 11 is celebrating its 70th Anniversary! They are one of the original 6 local units who formed TRTA in 1953. Legislators and candidates for political office often attend local unit meetings. MEMBER BENEFITS https://trta. Chair the district legislative task force committee composed of the local unit legislative committee chairs or a local unit member from each local unit in the district; and 8. These meetings are [] 5. The TRTA Local Unit Healthy Living Committee Chair: 1. Promote effective media coverage of meetings and Montgomery County Association of Retired School Personnel be used at the local unit levels. Grief and Loss- local pastor/priest/rabbi, TRTA Health Care Committee LOCAL UNIT ANNUAL REPORT FORM How Healthy is Your Local Unit? Submit by FEBRUARY 15 to your District Health Care Committee Chairman Information to be reported for time period January 1 to December 31 Local Unit _____ District ____ Local Unit Health Care Committee Chairman Important Dates to Remember TRTA Membership Year runs July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 • March 1: 100k Dash Local Unit Incentive Begins • March 1: Dues Payments Received Credited to 2019-2020 Membership Year • Early March: State Office Mails Membership Information Packet to Local Unit Presidents and Treasurers for a chance to win one of eight $500 cash prizes. Upon resuming in-person meetings, the TRTA Board of Directors encourages all affiliated Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. More than half of TRTA’s membership belongs to a local unit! The Heart of TRTA: Local Units Local units play a vital role within TRTA. org/districts-and-local-units/highland-lakes/ Local Unit of Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) - District 4 OCTOBER 2019. 220, Austin, TX 78701 Accept donations from local unit members or other people in the community. Serve as presenter to train district and local unit counterparts at the TRTA Convention. org/districts-and-local-units/baytown/ TRTA Community Volunteer Service Committee: T E X A S R E T I E D T E A C H R S A S S O Submit by MARCH 1 to State TRTA Community Volunteer Service Committee Representative: TOTAL NUMBER OF LOCAL UNITS PARTICIPATING IN DISTRICT: _____ GRAND TOTAL OF CVS HOURS FOR DISTRICT: _____ List each Local Unit in your District. President’s Line 4 Revitalizing Local Units 6–7 64th TRTA Convention 8 TRTA Member Benefits 10 TEXAS RETIRED TEACHERS FOUNDATION A Chance to Give Cover–3 w THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE TEXAS RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION 2016-18 Board of Directors 4 Changes to TRS–Care 5 6. Title: LocalUnitLogintable 3. Louisa May Alcott gave the invocation and Betsy Ross led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United _____ Local Unit Logins Webpage Admin Gmail Username Password Birthday (Local Charter date) Account created Month Admin Admin Shutterfly Username Password Share Site URL Admin Admin TRTA Connect Username Password Admin Admin Facebook Page Name Admin Admin Admin Zoom Username Password Admin Admin . org/districts-and-local-units/carrolton-farmers/ • The local unit president or any local unit member may act as the local unit liaison. We offer two ways to join! two Districts and two Local Units based on as of March 1 of the current year • One Districts and one Local Unit with the highest percentage of membership gains, and • OneDistricts and Local Units with the highest number of members gained. Publicize TRTA state, district, and local unit activities and projects to the general public, all active and retired school employees, and elected File a copy of this report to your Local Unit President. Promote effective media coverage of meetings and TRTA districts and local units are eligible to file their annual membership activity with the TRTA Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt from Tax, and take part in TRTA’s tax-exempt status. Relate information received from the state and district healthy living chairs to the members; 2. • Keep in contact with the assigned district local unit liaison to ensure local unit is receiving materials from the state. 92 to the local unit chairmen in the district; 2. Perform other assigned duties to fulfill the objectives of TRTA. y. 3 . _____: As first Vice-President you are in charge of getting our Local Units to excel in the area of membership. T E X A S R E T I R E D T E A C H E R S A S S O CI A T I O N • n S e r v i c e & A c t i on O r g a n i z a t i o • F o r A l l P u b l i c S c h o ol & Hi g h e r E d u a t i o n R e t i e e s. TRTA is all about membership and it is crucial that we continue to grow so that we will be successful in our efforts. Gather information of interest to retired school personnel and send it to the local unit chairmen; 3. Serve as presenter of the healthy living training for local unit healthy living committee chairs at the This event is hosted by TRTA District 6, Brazos Co RSE, Polk Co RSP, Walker Co RTA and other participating local units in coordination with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. , Ste. Report member benefits usage and needs to the district member benefits committee; 3. 92 McKinney Area School Retirees Association - a local unit of TRTA. Local units offer opportunities for fellowship and fun, and are a community-driven entry into the world of retirement. Serve as presenter of the healthy living training for local unit healthy living committee chairs at the The TRTA Local Unit Retirement Education Committee Chairs: 1 . Communicate with district membership committee chairs to coordinate TRTA and local unit membership goals. Since the Any retired school personnel or beneficiary who is an annuitant from a teacher retirement system may become a member of TRTA upon payment of dues, either through a Local Unit or directly Steps to follow in helping organize a new local unit are listed below: Determine potential area for new local unit. 14. We hope you’ll enjoy sharing your favorite activities and events with all of us! TOTAL NUMBER OF BOOKS DISTRIBUTED BY LOCAL UNIT Title. The board met on April 19, 2021 and voted unanimously to resume in-person meetings and activities effective July 1. Identify district areas where local units are needed and assist in their development; and 8. District Second VP/Public Relations Chair _____ District _____ Phone _____ Created Date: 12/18/2015 10:05:28 AM TOTAL NUMBER OF BOOKS DISTRIBUTED BY LOCAL UNIT Title. 13. Disseminate information from the state and district community volunteer service committee chairs; 2. Yes No . ” Anonymous Purposes • To lead TRTA members in providing needed services to their communities • To provide opportunities for retired school personnel to continue their involvement in the community • To encourage services of TRTA members on community boards, councils, and other 5. 16. org/districts-and-local-units/hart/ unit members are people who belong to one of TRTA’s 254 local units, in addition to being a member of the state organization. Publicize TRTA state, district, and local unit activities and projects to the general public, all active and retired school employees, and elected officials . Publicize TRTA state, district, and local unit activities and projects to the general public, all active and retired school employees, and elected LOCAL UNIT SCHOLARSHIP/GRANT REPORTING FORM CORED TRTA 00/ & Highes Texas Retired Teachers Association 313 E. Our mission is to advocate improved benefits for all education retirees and Join MARSE and become actively involved in TRTA via your local TRTA Unit (chapter). Use the TRTA local unit support resource guide that is filled with great ideas, programs and best practices; and 7. Plan and increase special activities such as seminars, fairs, programs and individual contact . Conducted public relations training session at the 2019 TRTA Annual Convention. Option 2 – Diamond Plus through Monthly Payroll Deduction $2. ” One of the best and most rewarding ways to get involved with the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is through our 250-plus local unit chapters. In the Inside Line issued on April 6, TRTA announced its 2019-2020 district and local unit membership awards. Compile TRTA “Health Care Check: How Healthy is Your Local Unit?” report forms from each local unit, tally information and submit the district annual report form to the state healthy living committee representative by due date; 5. Preside at meetings of the local unit; 2. org/districts-and-local-units/birdville/ for our TRTA Convention session in mid- January, before the coronavirus changed all of our plans. Additionally, please include the following: (1) New Member Report Form on which you include current state TRTA members joining the new local unit and new members to TRTA for whom you include one check covering state dues 6. Send information received from the TRTA Informative and Protective Services Committee Chair to the local unit chairs in the district. Submit by The TRTA Local Unit Retirement Education Committee Chairs: 1 . T E X A S R E T I R E D T E A C H E R S A S S O C A T I O N • S e r v i c e & A c t i on O r g a n z a t i o n Local Unit Annual Report Form. ” We’d love to hear your feedback about the new site! Please share your thoughts with TRTA by sending an email to info@trta. This Local Unit Support (LUS) Training Guide is The TRTA Local Unit Community Vol unteer Service Committee Chairs: 1. Identify local community’s need for volunteers and communicate these opportunities t o members; 3. Janis Petronis (District 15) as interim chair of the committee. Title: LocalUnitLogintable The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairmen: 1 . org/districts-and-local-units/jackson-county/ https://trta. The TRTA Local Unit Member Benefits Committee Chair: 1. TRTA Community Volunteer Service Committee. 7. Investigated precaution s in postings on Facebook, websites and TRTA publications. Serve as presenter of the informative and protective services training for local unit informative and protective services committee at the district spring leadership training conference; and 4. Any retired school personnel or beneficiary who is an annuitant from a teacher retirement system may become a member of the Local Unit and TRTA upon payment of dues. • At the start of the year or at convention, complete the Self Check List pp. 10:30 Check-in; 11:00 Business; 11:30 Lunch; 12:10 Program https://trta. Encourage local unit CVS chairs to identify their local community needs and to communicate these needs to their local unit members; 4. 5-6, found in the resource guide. org or sarah@trta. Incentive Program for Local Units • Rewards every Local Unit $10 for each additional member not 4. ). 1650 1 512. org . A slide show about why a member should join a TRTA local unit is in development. trta. The committee shall promote the use of district and local unit webpages, newsletters, and coordinate the Children’s Book Project. Preserve a record of local activities and accomplishments, such as a scrapbook or local photos for the local Facebook page, website, slideshow, or newsletter; 2. Feature a member benefit of the month at local unit meetings; 2. Submit by 1 Community Volunteer Service (CVS) Committee Motto “If it is to be, it is up to me. Email any photos received from the local chairperson by March 1 to the Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. org. Make all local unit legislative committee chairs and district members aware of the TRTA legislative priorities and report legislative updates; 7. The two pages should include a heading or title of the name of the local unit on each page. TRTA Executive Director, Tim Lee, has sent out an e-mail with a video with information to all local unit presidents to be sure to get the local unit TRTA is divided into twenty districts, which serve as conduits of information from the state organization to local chapters. Any written communication from the local or district level is a reflection of TRTA as an entire organization. org/districts-and-local-units/anderson-county-retired-teachers-association/ 6 Serve as presenter of the local unit second vice–president/public relations training at the Spring Leadership Development Conference. 116 likes. Option 2 – Monthly Payroll Deduction $2. We are excited to see that District 4 received 3 out of the 4 TRTA state awards: o Local Unit with the Highest Growth by Number: Cypress-Fairbanks ARE The Local Unit Historian Duties Suggested Activities: 1. Acupuncture/ Chiropractor, Allergies. Encourage local unit retirement education committee chairs to post events on websites; 7. Although TRTA and local units are tax-exempt member 501(c)4 Local Unit President’s alendar is the in the Local Unit President’s Guide is on pp. TRTA invites you to attend a complimentary retirement seminar to learn about the retirement process and how TRTA can help you. https://trta. 2 . 2018-2019 Local Unit Support Committee Annual Report. Submit by FEBRUARY 15 to District Community LOCAL UNIT TREASURER RESOURCE GUIDE 2015-2016 NEW All forms in this guide are available online www. “Thank You from TRTA” cards were developed. 92 Attach a voided check, draft drawn by Texas Retired local units to refrain from public gatherings of any kind for TRTA business through June 30, 2021. Meet with local unit public relations, retirement education, and membership committees to promote 1 Community Volunteer Service (CVS) Committee Motto “If it is to be, it is up to me. org/districts-and-local-units/katy/ https://trta. T E X A S R E T I R E D T E A C H E R S A S S O C A T I O N • S e r v i c e & A c t i on O r g a n z a t i o n • F o r A l l P u b l i c S c h o ol & g h e r E d u a t i o n R e t i e e s. 4,4. 2. Speakers, such as The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairs: 1 . Compile TRTA “Health Care Check: How Healthy is Your Local Unit?” report forms from each local unit, tally information and submit the district annual report form to the state health care committee representative by due date; 5. 2020-2022 Helpful Hints for Local Unit Treasurers 1. org/districts-and-local-units/huajilla-rta/ The TRTA Local Unit Retirement Education Committee Chairs: 1. Be sure to show the name of the local unit EXACTLY as you want it on the Certificate of Affiliation. org/districts-and-local-units/north-san-antonio-rta/ https://trta. 1622 fax 512. ” Anonymous Purposes • To lead TRTA members in providing needed services to their communities • To provide opportunities for retired school personnel to continue their involvement in the community • To encourage services of TRTA members on community boards, councils, and other The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairs: 1 . TRTA local units host meetings all across the state. org/districts-and-local-units/san-antonio-rta/ TRTA districts and local units are eligible to file their annual membership activity with the TRTA . Any person who is interested in education and desires to promote the objectives of TRTA may become an Associate Member of the Local Unit and TRTA upon payment of dues. org/districts-and-local-units/frisco/ https://trta. 5. Plan and increase special activities such as events, fairs, programs and individual contact. You get the Cheerios named “Team Cheerios. 4,5. org/districts-and-local-units/ysleta-retired-school-employees-assocation/ https://trta. Ethel Andrus, the founder of NRTA convention in Dallas in July of 1953, and with her guidance they planned a state organization to be known as the Texas Retired Teachers Association https://trta. The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is moving local unit webpages to the primary TRTA site. Assist local units as requested. Now, they will be located on trta. Option 3 – Diamond Plus through Monthly Bank Draft $2. If your are a TRS retiree - no matter which Texas school district you retired from - if the MARSE unit Local Unit Presidents Are a Major Connection to TRTA’s Success! As the TRTA Local Unit President: 1. MASRA is an affiliate of Texas Retired Teachers Association, the voice for public education retirees. The TRTA membership and fiscal year starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the next year. Provide leadership and promote communications with and between local unit member benefits chairs through local unit visitations and other communication techniques. 1003 The Voice For All Public Education Retirees www. 12th Street, Suite 200 1 Austin, TX 78701-1957 800. Don’t have to be friends with the members. Section 2. 2018-2019. org Community Volunteer Service (CVS) Committee Motto “If it is to be, it is up to me. org/districts-and-local-units/allen-rea/ New Local Unit Webpages Resource Guide 2019-20 Roy Varney, TRTA Multimedia Specialist New Local Unit Websites Resource Guide The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is moving local unit webpages to the primary TRTA site. 5-6, found in the 2020-2022 Helpful Hints for Local Unit Treasurers 1. or contact us at help@trtf. oth TRTA’s and HARTA’s member numbers are ahead of what they were at this time last year, but TRTA is still more than 18,000 members short of the 100,000-member goal. H: District Annual be used at the local unit levels. Encourage local unit chairpersons to contact by email or phone every non-reporting local member before filing District CVS Volunteer Hours report. Serve as the chair of the Finance/Budget Committee File a copy of this report to your Local Unit President. Send CVS opportunities to the local unit CVS chairs; 3. Gather information of local interest to retired school and higher education personnel and notify the members; 3. Serve as the chair of the Finance Committee Hints: Check your bylaws and policies for further info on your charges as Treasurer. Author: Important Dates to Remember TRTA Membership Year runs July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 • March 1: 100k Dash Local Unit Incentive Begins • March 1: Dues Payments Received Credited to 2019-2020 Membership Year • Early March: State Office Mails Membership Information Packet to Local Unit Presidents and Treasurers for a chance to win one of eight $500 cash prizes. 476. Promote effective media coverage of meetings and File a copy of this report to your Local Unit President. Communicate with Local Units through District newsletters and visits to Local Units. Local units in TRTA are encouraged to invite education retirees to membership and involve active members in meaningful activities planned by that unit. 92 You must receive a TRS annunity to enroll. TRTA. TRTA reached its highest membership ever in 2019, reaching 98,111 members. File a copy of this report to your Local Unit President. If you are not a member of a local unit, consider joining one! There is a TRTA local unit near you! Visit our website (trta. The TRTA District Membership Committee Chairs: 1. TRTA Public Relations Committee. TRTA Leadership Manual 2020–2021 Style Guide. Promote your organization and gain visibility. org/districts-and-local-units/pasadena/ https://trta. If necessary, combine activities with several local units; 3 . Promote effective media coverage of meetings and Document Purpose: Adopted by the TRTA State Legislative Committee in January 2020 and distribution to TRTA members and local units in preparation for communicating with candidates running for political office during the 2020 election cycle. Provide retirement education information received from TRTA to active school personnel; 2. ACS CAN-American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network- get involved at local level. 92 The regular meeting of the (Name of Local Unit/District) was held on (date), at (time) at the (location), the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. Location First United Methodists Church 1031 TX-456 Loop Jacksonville 75766 https://trta. Doing so requires strong The TRTA Local Unit Support Committee shall work with district presidents and district local unit support liaisons to provide resource materials and assistance to local units in need of Mid-Jefferson County Retired School Personnel is a local unit of the Texas Retired Teachers Association. Contact your District Treasurer to see if https://trta. Submit by https://trta. If a TRTA Certificate of Affiliation Request is received by TRTA between July 1st and December 31st, that year is considered the first membership year. 6 Serve as presenter of the local unit second vice–president/public relations training at the Spring Leadership Development Conference . Attend the TRTA Convention retirement education training session; and . Local Unit Treasurer The Local Unit Treasurer is responsible for monitoring. The TRTA Local Unit First Vice–Presidents shall: 1. Feature a member 4. org/districts-and-local-units/smith-county/ TRTA HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS FROM LOCAL UNITS 2015-2016. org) and hover over the tab TRTA Near You to learn more. Materials from the Local Units: Please submit two pages with pictures of your unit officers and committee chairs. LOCAL UNIT SCHOLARSHIP/GRANT REPORTING FORM CORED TRTA 00/ & Highes Texas Retired Teachers Association 313 E. ” Similarly, the TRTA State Standing Committees are now located under the “About Us. Join Now Site Taking Off. Previously, these pages have been located on localunits. Communicate and follow up regularly and respond to all emails and phone calls from all officers, committee chairs, and members of TRTA to TRTA. Local Unit Annual Report Form. Burleson Area Retired School Employees Association Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. The TRTA Conventions will now be held during the even-numbered years (2020, 2022, 2024, etc. ttend a local TRTA meeting in your area. Serve as trainer of the retirement education activities for local unit retirement education committee chairs at the Spring Leadership Development Conference. Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. You have the following options in o rder to obtain compliance (see https://trta. 4. Complete the TRS form 593 along with the enrollment form. A TRTA local unit in your area may host a candidate at a monthly meeting, which is the perfect time to ask them where they . With 250 units across the state, one is A meeting near you and inviting political candidates to speak at their meetings. ” Anonymous Purposes • To lead TRTA members in providing needed services to their communities • To provide opportunities for retired school personnel to continue their involvement in the community • To encourage services of TRTA members on community boards, councils, and other https://trta. The Fort Worth Retired Teachers Association first met at the original Paschal High School There they met with Dr. In order to promote consistency and minimize controversy, the following guidelines are to be used when preparing printed . org/districts-and-local-units/san-angelo/ https://trta. org/districts-and-local-units/longview-gregg/ https://trta. The TRTA District Informative and Protective Services Committee Chair: 1. Make checks payable to: Please note that local unit dues must be paid separately if using option 2. 92 https://trta. Annual Book Report Form. The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairs: 1 . org/districts-and-local-units/castleberry/ Bell County Retired School Employees Association The TRTA Local Unit Public Relations Committee Chairs: 1 . org/districts-and-local-units/cooke-county/ Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. org/districts-and-local-units/mainland-rta/ Amount includes TRTA state and local unit dues. (Your Local Unit Name Officers; Your Local Unit Name Committee Chairs) Clearly TRTA Health Care Committee LOCAL UNIT ANNUAL REPORT FORM How Healthy is Your Local Unit? Submit by FEBRUARY 15 to your District Health Care Committee Chairman Information to be reported for time period January 1 to December 31 Local Unit _____ District ____ Local Unit Health Care Committee Chairman 4. This Local Unit Support (LUS) Training Guide is Local Unit Support Resource Guide • Resources to help with Retaining, Regaining, and Recruiting can be found on p. Provide retirement education information received from TRTA to active school personnel; 2 . org/districts-and-local-units/corpus-christi/ 4. Feature a member File a copy of this report to your Local Unit President. Created Date: 12/18/2015 9:59:29 AM Local Unit President’s Calendar is the in the Local Unit President’s Guide is on pp. Flu shots to TRTA members- local county health agency . Location: Webb Chapel Church of Christ 13425 Webb Chapel Rd, Farmers Branch 75234. Relate information received from TRTA and district member benefits committee to local unit members. 880. The Local Unit Support (LUS) Committee met in September to discuss the upcoming year’s TRTA President Patricia Macias appointed, with TRTA Board of Directors approval, Dr. Serve as presenter of the health care training for local unit health care committee chairmen at the district 6 Serve as presenter of the local unit second vice–president/public relations training at the Spring Leadership Development Conference. Doing so requires strong leadership, planning and communication. Go 4 Life: Choosing healthy restaurant meals. Provide leadership and promote communications with and between local unit member benefits chairmen through local unit visitations and other communication techniques. Communicate and follow up regularly and respond to all emails and phone calls from all The TRTA Children’s Book Project, which began in 1998, has involved TRTA local unit members in giving books to children who might not otherwise have books of their own. Publicize TRTA state, district, and local unit activities and projects to the general public, all active and retired Any retired school personnel or beneficiary who is an annuitant from a teacher retirement system may become a Member of the Local Unit and TRTA upon payment of dues. District Second VP/Public Relations Chair _____ District _____ Phone _____ Created Date: 12/18/2015 10:05:28 AM Local units are the heart of TRTA, and your participation can make all the difference as we prepare for the 85 th Texas Legislative Session. The TRTA Local Unit Member Benefits Committee Chairmen: 1. If necessary, combine activities with several local units; 3. 6 Serve as presenter of the local unit second vice–president/public relations training at the Spring Leadership Development Conference. THROUGH THE LOCAL UNIT TREASURER RESOURCE GUIDE 20152016 20162017 NEW All forms in this guide are available online www. Local units provide members with a front row seat to the action. A local unit may be organized anytime during the year. 12th St. Promote TRTA and its accomplishments in the local community . A check cannot be made payable to the local unit or to TRTA. 6. What can you do to help them reach that goal? Local Unit President Duties The TRTA Local Unit Presidents shall: 1. 92 _____ Local Unit Logins Webpage Admin Gmail Username Password Birthday (Local Charter date) Account created Month Admin Admin Shutterfly Username Password Share Site URL Admin Admin TRTA Connect Username Password Admin Admin Facebook Page Name Admin Admin Admin Zoom Username Password Admin Admin . The LUS Committee hopes all TRTA members stay healthy during this difficult time, and look forward to when we may all get back to building strong, healthy TRTA local units for 2020 Guidelines for Organizing a New Local Unit . Preside at meetings of the local unit in the absence of, or at the request of, the local unit president, and act for the A beautiful slideshow presenting all the local units will be shown at the TRTA Convention House of Delegates, and we want yours to be included. 98,753 Reviews. vpmowf ooh jmink gluewsv gqrmzj pvpgn cfuloz hkrjgew tqql fvnc
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